My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 49 - Episode 49 - The Emergency Assembly 1 'Least To Critical Patients'

Episode 49 - The Emergency Assembly 1 'Least to Critical Patients'

A quarter-hour after rescuing the children.

All was hectic at the Imperial emergency ward that was set up at the last moment for the injured children, and at the Imperial Audience hall, as an emergency assembly was urgently required.

National security and the well being of the children brought in fear and unease upon the Royal family and the Great Nobles families. The Emperor had instructed all personnel to keep this matter in secrecy as they investigate the full extent of the problematic incident.

The people who knew of this incident were the Great Noble and their children who were involved, the Imperial physicians, the Royal family, and the Royal attendants. All other Royal personnel was moved to another part of the palace, hidden away from this matter. The criminals were transported to the Imperial prison, well known for its torturous methods to get truths and facts out of criminals.

Although it has been less than an hour since discovering the incident, they had a rough idea that the Princess from the Southern continent was a part of this incident. If the investigation found this 'Princess' guilty of an attempted assassination/kidnapping of the Royal Crown Prince of Xenperia and inflicting bodily harm on the Xenperia's noble children, this may lead to not just the immediate execution of the person but a world dispute between the United West Liasel and the Southern continent.

Leaving how 3 criminals managed to plot such an incident at the holiest place in Xenperia, the current biggest issue at hand was the critically injured patients, Ron Graeme, Aernest Veria, and Aeselak.

From his heart, the Emperor apologized,

"My deepest apologies, my dear friends, if we had been more careful, this would not have happened. Although this is not much, we promise to make sure everyone leaves the Imperial Palace in perfect health. And we promise to bring honor to every one of the people involved who protected the son of Xenperia."

Although the one thing Emperor Zen most wanted to do was kneel down and ask for forgiveness, his 2 attendants were present, and therefore could only awkwardly apologize. The Empress was also currently present and had deep regrets towards this situation as well. The un-kept desperation in everyone's eyes, out in a public display.

"Thanking your Majesty for your kindness"

All the Great Dukes and Duchess bowed towards the King, thanking him for his support in healing the children. It wasn't as if they blamed or was bitter towards the Royal family for what happened today; all they wanted was for their children and some who regarded the children as nieces and nephews to come out safely without any future health disabilities.

The 2 attendants of the Emperor who was incredibly strict in virtue and harsh in proper etiquette surrounding the Royal family watched the play between the Emperor and the Great Nobles closely. They really wanted to object to the Emperor apologizing and wasting their Imperial personnel on people who were not Royals. It was an obvious thing for the noble children to protect the Crown Prince, therefore there was no need for 'heaven' to level themselves with 'man'.

Especially the 2 commoner girls! What on earth was the Emperor thinking, letting unqualified commoners get care from the Imperial physicians? When the 2 attendants voiced their opinions on matters regarding Aedelak and Aeselak being sent to the capital hospital instead, they were quickly and heavily scolded by the Emperor.

'Those heartless fools! Those 2 had worse injuries than the other children, contributing more to protecting the children, yet how dare they even question their origins at this moment?!'

The Emperor can't help but sneer at the 2 attendants inside his heart. The 2 were incredibly old, having served the previous Emperor. Not only was Zen incredibly not fond of the old generation mindset, but they were also the 2 who opposed him marrying his Empress and taking her as his only wife! Literally Fools!

"Reporting in."

The head of the Imperial Physicians, came in to report the conditions of the children, as well as the treatment they would get.

"Go ahead"

Empress Lilithesia answered on behalf of Emperor Zen, being worried to death.

Everyone in the hall immediately stopped their wandering minds from thinking of the worst-case scenario and looked towards the Head Imperial Physician. Anxiously listening and waiting for his report, as the physician mentioned his order of going from the least critical patient to the more critical patient, in which the Emperor and Empress agreed.

"His royal highness, Crown Prince Ren"

The Imperial physician started, not directly looking at the Emperor and the Empress as it would be considered rude, instead of looking at the 2 attendants.

Continuing his report, he slowly said,

"Has … a 2 cm scratch on his left leg, other than the light scratch, his body and health is in perfect condition…"

In other words, nothing happened to the Crown Prince and there was no need to treat him. He did not require a healing balm as the scratch was so insignificant, it would disappear in a day like the wind.


Although the Emperor and Empress knew that there was nothing wrong with their Crown Prince, hearing this directly from the mouth of the Imperial Physician was still pretty… awkward. More-so than awkward, guilty towards their little nephews and the 2 girls for protecting their son so well.

When the attendants heard that the Crown Prince was barely harmed, they were beyond gleeful! Now, accepting that the noble children deserve the utmost care in the Imperial ward, as they fulfilled their duties really well!

Portraying their happiness so publicly, made the ever-so-quiet Earnest Marleigh, sneer at them.. Thinking of the two as shameful beings, he can't help but click his tongue, disgusted by their behaviors.

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