My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 50 - Episode 50 - The Emergency Assembly 2 'Least To Critical Patients 2'

Episode 50 - The Emergency Assembly 2 'Least to Critical Patients 2'

Continuing on with his report and diagnosis from the least to critical patients,

"Lord Ramon has scrapes on his knees and forehead which will heal within a week. Lady Eugeneia and Lady Euria, due to being choked, have bruisings on their necks. There are no visible signs of their internal organs having damage from momentarily not getting oxygen, however, it is advised that they stay in the Imperial Ward for a few more days. With some sleep, and applying bruising balms daily, Lord Ramon, Lady Eugeneia, and Lady Euria will be fine without any scarring."


Relieved, Levis released his tight grip on the shoulders of his wife. Also releasing the breath that he has been holding since the doctor reported his diagnosis.

The Imperial physician continued on with his report,


Momentarily startled from being interrupted by a loud cough, he looked towards where the sound came from. Noticing the cough came from below the Emperor throne; the 2 attendants.

Understanding why her daughter's diagnosis was suddenly 'interrupted', Head Maid Sara stilled. Accepting the fact that their status simply wasn't noble enough for her daughter to receive help from the Imperial physicians. Although she felt terrible and apologetic towards her children, rules were rules. She was grateful nevertheless for the kindness and hospitality the Imperial Royalties showed her and her daughters, but that too, was already more than enough.

Obviously, Sara's thoughts weren't at all supported by the Royal family and the Great Nobles; the audience room turned ice-cold, from everyone turning towards the 2 attendants and glaring at the 2.

It was the Empress who curtly object to the attendant's interference, and asked the physical to continue on,

"Go on."

Glancing at the 2 attendants who both looked as if their feet got cold, the physician lightly coughed to bring his full attention to the report, and continued,

"Miss Aedelak was stabbed through her left hand and into her collarbone area, close to her neck. Her left hand is in critical condition, while her upper body area is for now presumed to be light; her left hand blocked 90% of the collarbone stab." Deeply inhaling, before continuing,

"We can not determine whether her left hand will function as-per-normal and have to wait for surgery to check if her nerves remain intact or undamaged. As for her scarring, her left-hand cut is deep, and together with the surgery, her scar will be permanent. Miss Aedelak's upper body will not leave a scar if she applies the scarring balm daily after the wound closes. Rest is advised for a month, and Miss Aedelak will be able to go on about her life."

Understanding how the head maid of the Veria family was feeling, he added the last part about her being able to live her life well in the future. Although it was a pity her left hand will leave a scar; as it might affect her future when it is time for her to choose her spouse.

Relief for Aedelak, head maid Sara released her tightly clenched fist. Although it was too bad about the scar, as long as her daughter was safe and sound, it is good enough for Sara. Now… it was only Young master Louis and Aeselak left...

Turning around and gently tapping the hands of someone who has been with her through thick and thin, Moniqua was also incredibly relieved. Aedelak and Aeselak after all grew up in the house of Veria and were considered a part of the Veria family.

"Lord Louis has a fracture on his right shoulder and bruising on his chest. Although not considered critical, Lord Louis is also in need of surgery to fix his right shoulder and must not move his body for 2 weeks. After the 2 week restriction, he can then make light movements, and after a month of resting, he is allowed to resume his activities."


Moniqua deeply exhaled, leaning towards Levis for support. It was a big relief that no nerves were damaged and only a month's rest is good enough for Louis to go back to his full health.

Grabbing, Levis' hands, she listened to the Imperial physician continue his report,

"Lord Aernest … case is not clear. But from what Duke Veria told us, Lord Aernest was born sensitive to noises and sounds. All his open face points; ears, nose, eyes, and mouth concludes that an internal rupture occurred. Which was possibly caused by… the multiple... gunshots."

He paused, not wanting to offend the Emperor who released the signal for the gunshots.

"Go on" (Emperor)

"His internal organs might be affected if his facial points are affected. Immediate surgery is needed, and he must be isolated from loud noises for 6 months after surgery. Due to the nature of the surgery, his sensitivity to sounds might heighten, but if lord Aernest adjusts well, there will be no disabilities. The 6 months period must be carefully executed out to ensure he successfully heals."

He carefully read the medical chart of Aernest, while feeling like it was a pity for a child not even 1-year-old, to go through that much torment.

"He... He will be alright right?"

Moniqua hesitated, scared for Aernest. The sight of a cheerful Aernest bleeding all over was not something she ever wants to go through again.

"Yes, Lord Aernest will be alright. He will not lose his hearing. His hearings will remain the same or his hearings will increase. But that also means, he will be more sensitive than other people and must lead a careful life.

"Alright. You have my thanks doctor"

Levis slightly bowed his head to show his appreciation. There is still time to find a good solution for Aernest, and he will prevent such things from ever happening to Aernest and any of his children ever again.

"No need for thanks, no need for thanks! I am a doctor."

The Imperial Physician raised up his hands to deny the bow. It is his duty and his honor to work as a doctor.

"Currently the most critical patients are Lord Ron Graeme and Miss Aeselak."

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