My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 407: Wang Wenhong's thoughts

"It's easy to say, but what about the specific measures?" Hook asked.

There are only two ways to solve the current dilemma, either internally or finding suitable candidates from outside.

The key is how to do it.

"Outside... is actually very simple. We look for suitable cartoonists from magazines other than ComicFuture."

Digging people, any major magazine has done it.

"However, cartoonists with this kind of strength are basically the banners of major magazines and cannot be dug up." Jian Xiaomei reminded.

"I know. Mr. Shang just asked about the method, but didn't ask how to solve it," Wang Wenhong said.

The editors present here looked at Wang Wenhong angrily, but what he said was also true. The editor-in-chief did not ask about the implementation steps.

Shang Haozhi touched his beard and was silent.

Time seemed to stagnate, and every editor looked at Wang Wenhong and waited for him to speak.

After about half a minute, Shang Haozhi asked Wang Wenhong, "How to dig people from the magazine."

"It is to select one person from the existing authors as the key person to be cultivated by the magazine." Wang Wenhong said earnestly.

"Who to choose?" Shang Haozhi asked rhetorically.

Wang Wenhong spread his hands out, "Who I support, it goes without saying that everyone should have their own candidates."

Shang Haozhi took off his glasses and rubbed his temples.

There is no doubt that Wang Wenhong will support Shen Xin.

But what about the others?

Yan Fei supports Yu Chuanyao, Jian Xiaomei supports Ye Hexu, and Hook supports Shi Yan?

Isn't this messy?

"What else can I do?" Shang Haozhi continued to ask.

Wang Wenhong rubbed his chin, he didn't have time to think about it.

"Also, you can bring the backbone authors of Yishu Culture to ComicFuture."

"Xiao Wang, what we need most urgently is how to fill the vacancies left by Teacher Wang after leaving, not to find a group of core authors."

This is what Shang Haozhi cares most about.

Wang Wenhong shook his head. He is not a god, how could he think of a solution so quickly?

"I oppose this kind of proposal."

When everyone fell silent, Yan Fei spoke.

"The reason--" Shang Haozhi asked.

"Unfair to other authors."

As soon as Yan Fei's voice fell, other editors nodded.

Although their authors are not as good as Shen Xin, they are also precious to them.

"What do you mean?"

"Rather than a banner author, it is better to have a work that can carry "ComicFuture". This work may even surpass the status of "The Legend of the Dragon King" in "ComicFuture"."

Flag works?

Shang Haozhi's eyes lit up. Before he had time to think about how to implement this plan, Wang Wenhong whispered "I know".

"What do you know?" Shang Haozhi asked puzzledly.

"Award can be set-we can bypass the comic festival and directly set up a grand prize to award the work we think is the best. Um... based on the ranking of the small book or the total number of votes in a year. As long as the bonus is large enough, definitely It can inspire authors to draw fine cartoons. We can even contact mainstream media and ask them to promote this work."

Shang Haozhi frowned, immediately picked up the pen, and recorded Yan Fei and Wang Wenhong's words.

"But there is one more question. Our magazine has monthly magazines...what about monthly magazines?" Jia Hui asked.

"4000 reader questionnaires per issue?" Jian Xiaomei suspiciously asked.

"No, if there are five weeks in a month, wouldn't that monthly magazine suffer?" Xu Jie questioned.

"Yes, then..."

"Consistent with the weekly, if there are five magazines in one month, 5,000 copies will be drawn." Shang Haozhi clinched, "this one will be included in the discussion in advance. If you have any better methods in the future, you can also propose and discuss it together. Next, there is one more important thing. Teacher Shen, Teacher Ye, Teacher Yuchuan, Teacher Shi...The editors of these four cartoonists must follow your authors and never let them be poached. "ComicFuture" Never lose a teacher anymore."

"Please," Shang Haozhi said solemnly.

Without any hesitation, Wang Wenhong, Yan Fei, Jian Xiaomei and Hook nodded immediately.

"ComicFuture" is in a bad situation, but not worse.

Because it is bad, there is no lower limit.

After coming out of the conference room, Wang Wenhong sat in front of the computer, lost in thought.

"What's the matter?" Yan Fei was puzzled when she saw the silent Wang Wenhong while pouring tea.

"I'm thinking about one thing."

"What's the matter? Grand prize?"

"Hey, that's a problem for the senior management." Wang Wenhong waved his hand, but his eyes fell on the new editor.

"Xiao Ming, is the fan-author you mentioned is called'Spiral'?"

Zhou Xiaoming raised his head, "Yes. What's wrong?"

"No. I'm thinking, if the fan artist's painting skills are very similar to Teacher Shen, he shouldn't be unknown."

Zhou Xiaoming's face immediately flushed, "Brother Wang, I don't have to lie to you, that painter's painting skills are really good."

"You misunderstood me... I mean, if he doesn't draw fan manga, he should also be in a manga-related profession." Wang Wenhong explained.

"A fan author... don't need to care so much, right?"

"Don't forget Teacher Shen is also from a fan writer."

"Ms. Shen draws personal histories." Yan Fei corrected.

Wang Wenhong rubbed his forehead. Of course he knew that Shen Xin was drawing a personal history, otherwise he would not throw away the comic.

Oops, I think of bad memories again.

"Rather than paying attention to fan authors, you might as well pay attention to those cartoonists who are serialized on the Internet. Some of their comics are quite good, and they are all original, which can better judge the strength of the author. Maybe it is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. ?"

"That's right." Wang Wenhong nodded, "By the way, have you found any particularly powerful authors on the Internet?"

"No, it's been a long time since I went to those forums." Yan Fei's face was full of helplessness. "Translate two comics, discuss works with Haruka Tamagawa, and write recommendations for comics that require electronic versions-fundamentally. No time to visit the forum anymore."

"Yes. By the way, what forums do you go to? I will check it out during the Chinese New Year." Wang Wenhong asked.

"Let's text you back, right?"


Wang Wenhong doesn't have much contact with web cartoonists, and he doesn't know their level, let alone why they choose to serialize cartoons on the Internet.

But one thing is that because these cartoonists do not have editorial guidance, there must be certain defects in their works, such as bad rhythm, clichés at the beginning, and plot routines, so they are not favored by editors.

Or, it may be impossible to paint.

If you can find a good cartoonist on the Internet, and then pair it with a cartoonist with good drawing skills, you may not be able to win a big hit.

This is not only of great benefit to the magazine, but also a certain bonus to his future development.


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