My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 408: V God of Forum

As the Spring Festival is approaching, "ComicFuture" also has a 10-day holiday.

After Wang Wenhong returned to his hometown, he received a text message from Yan Fei.

There are four forums in total.

If it hadn't been sent by Yan Fei, he really didn't know that there would be so many forums related to comics.

According to the text message, Wang Wenhong quickly found one of the forums.

The section of "Original Comics" is lit by the webmaster and is easy to find.

Wang Wenhong subconsciously clicked on the section, pulled it to the bottom, and found a total of more than fifty pages.

"so much?"

According to 20 posts per page, there are more than 1,000 posts in this section.

Soon, he discovered that many of these, most of the posts are related, that is to say, the long comics are a single post.

Therefore, it seems that there are more than a thousand posts in total, but the number of comics is not too exaggerated.

Wang Wenhong scratched his head, when do you want to see this?

Most of these comic authors are amateur comic artists and do not have a stable income. They only rely on rewards to earn some cash or forum coins, and forum coins can be exchanged for cash.

Some posts require forum currency to read, and some posts put out more than 20 pages of a sentence.

Therefore, whether the post is free depends on the author's wishes.

For comics with more than 50 words, the moderator will make a summary and stick it to the top. Popular comics will also have a popularity mark. If they are particularly good, they will add "fine".

These contents are no different from ordinary forums.

Wang Wenhong also knows that there are too many comics, so he specifically reads those posts that are "fine" or that are popular.

Forum coins can be obtained by doing tasks, but Wang Wenhong didn't have so much time and charged 50 yuan.

Some of these long comics are four-frame comics-after all, the composition is simple and easier to draw-each story is a short paragraph, which looks relaxed and freehand, and makes people smile, but-

"ComicFuture" doesn't need such comics.

In addition, there are some girly comics.

In this part of the manga, the character’s eyes are drawn big, the eyelashes are long, the limbs are long, and even the neck is very thin.

Leaving aside the content of the story, Wang Wenhong put a big cross on the painting skills alone.

A handful of juvenile comics, the drawing skills are passable, but the plot is very procrastinated.

In addition to reading these cartoons, Wang Wenhong also read the following comments.

Most of these comments are written by fans, so the content reads with an inexplicable feeling.

For example, "XX is great and will always support you", "XX is great, your paintings are so beautiful, and you will be rewarded 100.".

There are also readers' comments under several young comics, which made Wang Wenhong dumbfounded. For example, "XX is big, compared with "Gang Lian", this cartoon is not bad at all, and the plot arrangement is more reasonable than "Gang Lian"", the author Also below this message, I expressed my appreciation for the readers' gaze.

What's not bad?

The comics that were killed by myself are better than this comic, and are they still worthy of comparison with "Steel Refining"?

If he was a few years younger, Wang Wenhong would definitely have to argue with the other party, but now reading this content is like watching a joke.

After reading the post with "fine", he found that Qian hadn't finished drawing, so he read some hot posts, but he didn't find any comics he liked.

Wang Wenhong was quite discouraged by only watching one forum a day.

After taking a shower, he went to the computer again and opened another forum.

This time, he learned well, not from the "original comics", but to read the "comic comment area" first.

Since it is a comic comment area, it must be a discussion of comics.

Needless to say, the comics of "ComicFuture" are destined to be discussed. In addition, the original comics in the forum will also be involved.

First look at the comments made by netizens on these comics, and then read the comics with a definite target.

With this idea in mind, Wang Wenhong opened the "Comic Comment Area" section.

As he guessed, the discussion on comics related to "ComicFuture" was very intense, such as the guess of the ending of "The Legend of the Dragon King", the summary of the setting of "Steel Refining", the plot analysis of "" and so on.

In addition to these topics that have been prepared in mind, there is also a hot post that attracted his attention.

"Ms. V's cartoons are really good-looking, no less than those famous cartoonists in "ComicFuture"!"

Teacher V...who is it?

Wang Wenhong opened the post suspiciously.

"Although there is only one word, from my professional point of view, V God's first words have basically no shortcomings."

Professional vision? What do you mean? Is he an editor?

Confused, Wang Wenhong glanced at the ID of the host, called "Spring Rain is Like a Dream".

Then I looked down and it was as Wang Wenhong guessed that this netizen named "Spring Rain is Like a Dream" is really an editor.

"Since the **** Rumeng said so, it must be okay. After all, the **** Rumeng is an editor like a fake."

"Great God, do you think this comic can be serialized in a magazine?"

"More than that. If the quality of this comic is consistent with the first one, it can become CF's signature comic."

CF is obviously the abbreviation of "ComicFuture".

So strong?

Wang Wenhong maintained a wait-and-see attitude toward this person's evaluation.

The signature comic of "ComicFuture"? How can it be so easy?

But the other party is the editor in charge, and the angle should be more Wenhong suddenly became interested in the so-called V God and his works.

"I guess so. V God’s painting skills are very high, "CF" is also good at Shen Zheng’s painting skills, and everyone else is pretty average. It’s a pity that V God’s comics are only, if it is the original manuscript, it is estimated "Can be slapped." A netizen replied.

Upon seeing this, Wang Wenhong suddenly wanted to scold the netizen.

"Ha ha……"

After Chun Yu dreamed of typing these two words, he didn't speak again, and he didn't know if he agreed with the netizen's words or expressed mockery at the netizen's words.

Below the post is the battle between Shen Zheng's book friends and V God book friends.

Only uploaded...Also, V God's painting skills are also good?

This makes people curious about this comic.

Before closing the post, he did not forget to glance at the comic book title-"Shengwu Academy".

It looks like a fighting+campus comic, I don’t know what it will look like.

Opening the original comics area, Wang Wenhong found "Shengwu Academy" for the first time. Although there was only one story, there were already more than 60 pages of replies below.

Wang Wenhong was curious about what "V God" had painted.

With doubts, he opened the top-rated post and was immediately attracted by this post.

It is indeed a sketch, and it is not difficult to see that it is a sketch drawn in pencil.

In many divisions, the author did not even draw the five senses of the character, but the divisions and shots have excellent continuity.

In a word, even if you don't see the dialogue, you can understand about 30-40% of the content by just looking at the sub-camera.

This sub-camera is not bad.

Wang Wenhong thought silently in his heart.


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