My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 623: Step Out and Privilege

It would be very difficult for Shen Xin to jump out of the existing contract of "ComicFuture". The other party will not let him break the rules at will.

But it is obvious that Shen Xin is not just trying to jump out of the contract, or that the rules he wants to jump out of are not just the exclusive agreement in the contract, he wants more.

When Wang Wenhong heard Shen Xin's thoughts, his face was happy, but then he calmed down: "ComicFuture will not agree. If such a start is opened, other cartoonists will follow suit."

"I don't agree, I can't help them... now is the era of the big Internet." Shen Xin nodded and did not deny Wang Wenhong's words, "Although "ComicFuture" is powerful, in the area of ​​web comics, they are not as good as the Internet."

"That's it..." Wang Wenhong rubbed his chin, thinking, "But even in the era of the Internet, they will not agree to let you jump out of the contract and give up the copyright of the comics. You still think they are too simple. "

"I won the previous bet with Bao Jiyi." Shen Xin reminded.

"That's not okay, Bao Dong dare not let go." Wang Wenhong shook his head.

Shen Xin raised his head, "So, give up?"

"Not at all." Wang Wenhong shook his finger, "You now have a good card in your hand."


"Yes." Wang Wenhong nodded, "Not only is "Steel Refining" well-known in China, but also abroad. Do you know how much volume 18 of "Steel Refining" is currently sold?"

Shen Xin shook his head.

Affected by the D version, the sales of "Steel Refining" will also drop, there is no doubt about this.

"I can't tell you directly, but the sales are very optimistic. Of course, considering the D version, it is certainly not as popular as expected, but it should also satisfy the management." Wang Wenhong said.

"what is your opinion?"

"Efforts to lift "Steel Refining", increase its popularity, and at the same time increase your value. When you are sure that it can change a magazine, put forward conditions. In this way, the probability of success is the highest." Wang Wenhong said.

Shen Xin rubbed his chin, reflected on the pros and cons, and shook his head again.

"What you said makes sense, but I think it's better to have a showdown now."

"Why?" Wang Wenhong wondered.

"These factors you mentioned are indeed the safest way, but now is the best time, no matter from which aspect, it is the same."

The emergence of the D version has caused a heavy blow to the traditional magazine industry. As a giant of traditional comic magazines, "ComicFuture" has also felt great pressure, and its own app is not very good, and its revenue and market share are far less than This is a result of this. When the D version appears, the sales of "ComicFuture" will definitely decline. If there is no masterpiece like "Steel Refining", "ComicFuture" will basically lose its current status.

The most coincidental thing is that "The Hunting Abyss" is also coming to an end.

The current situation is not the same as when Wang Yunze left ComicFuture.

At that time, "ComicFuture" was not threatened by the D version, and at the same time, "Steel Refining" and "Hunting Abyss" were carried, so even if there was turbulence, "ComicFuture" could barely maintain the situation.

"ComicFuture" can refrigerate "Legend of the Dragon King", not for the promotion of "Legend of the Dragon King", but now, they have no power to refrigerate "Steel Refining"-the No. 1 magazine in China, it can't even have a top kingly comic .

There may be many uncertainties in choosing this showdown, but the timing is also very important. If "ComicFuture" is allowed to slow down, Shen Xin's situation will not be much better than it is now.

"So, your injury is not necessarily a bad thing." Wang Wenhong suddenly realized.

The two-month rest period gave Shen Xin more time to observe the situation.

"Don't you lose your horse?" Shen Xin smiled.

"Then you let me come to..."

The focus has returned to the previous question again.

"The operation of copyright. Including the cooperation and development of copyrights such as animation, games, and films." Shen Xin explained.

"I don't quite understand these." Wang Wenhong was a little worried.

"You can learn if you don't understand, and you have a lot of ideas, and it's not easy for others to lie to you." Shen Xin did not shy away. "To be honest, I care more about the quality of the work, whether it is an animation or a game. It's all true. If there are magazines in the middle, they may think more about their own interests. Therefore, it is also a way of thinking to leave the copyright to someone who understands comics. At least, the other party will not be shoddy."

Wang Wenhong nodded, saying that can be explained.

He can understand Shen Xin's thoughts.

Even if it is frank with the magazine and the magazine makes a concession decision, Shen Xin's preferred platform may still be "ComicFuture".

What he wants is not better treatment, but freedom. He can not be bound by a contract and be able to jump out of the privilege of formulating rules on major platforms.

If it was normal, it would be too difficult to achieve this idea. However, the emergence of the Internet era and the D version gave Shen Xin a chance to try.

However, this will also bring a problem, the operation of copyright.

"What should I say, I have said, how about it, are you interested?" Shen Xin smiled.

"Then I need to ask? Such an interesting thing, of course I have to participate!" Wang Wenhong's mouth turned slightly, without thinking, "You don't think about starting a company? Many things will be more convenient. Even some copyrights can be developed by yourself."

"Don't think about it." Shen Xin shook his head, "I am a cartoonist, and I make a living from cartoons. For cartoonists, the most suitable group is not a big company but a studio. The chief creator, assistant, There is another person who contacts with external companies and no longer thinks about unnecessary things, and has only one purpose, which is to make a'product'. Therefore, you'd better be mentally prepared, we may not do too much.

"But we can make good works." Wang Wenhong touched his nose, and he was full of enthusiasm.

"That's it." Shen Xin gave a thumbs up.

"Although dealing with other people can be a headache, it would be a good thing to let Teacher Shen's cartoons be known to more people." Wang Wenhong rubbed his hands, which is more interesting than being a responsible editor. More sense of accomplishment.

"By the way, in case of serialization on both platforms at the same time, please act as an editor at that time." Shen Xin stood up, and he was relieved.

"Dual-platform serialization? You shouldn't be too tired, right?" Wang Wenhong felt worried when he remembered that Shen Xin still had some inflammation in his stomach.

"A weekly magazine, plus a monthly magazine, the problem shouldn't be big. Besides, I just said casually, maybe I don't have so much time. But to increase the number of assistants, now there are only three people, which is too difficult."

"After I leave my job, I will help you see my assistant." Wang Wenhong nodded.

"There is still a house." Shen Xin reminded.


"This place is a bit small, I want to change to a bigger place." Shen Xin looked around.

"No matter how big it is, there will only be a villa." Wang Wenhong said.

"Then change the villa." Shen Xin thought for a while. After drawing such a long cartoon, he should be able to buy a villa in the suburbs, right?

"I haven't resigned, you have already arranged a job." Wang Wenhong smiled bitterly.

"It's not that you won't be paid." Shen Xin rolled his eyes and walked downstairs.


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