My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 624: Difficulties and costs

"Brother, I'm cooking, why are you talking with Brother Wang and Sister Yan for a while?" Xi Muhan said to Shen Xin who had just come downstairs, wearing an apron and holding a spatula.

"Yeah. You're busy first." Shen Xin replied.

He has already told Wang Wenhong about what he should say, but Wang Wenhong has not resigned yet, so he can't tell it all. Now he can only resign and do a big job.

There are still plenty of opportunities in the Internet age.

"By the way, what are the magazines still busy with now?"

"Still busy for the comic paradise." Yan Fei sighed, "That website is really too arrogant, saying a lot of excessive things..."

"Is it a tweet from Comic Paradise? It should be easy to refute." Shen Xin thought back.

Those four tweets, at first glance, seem reasonable, but in fact, Comic Paradise used the trick of stealing credits.

Whether it is a library or a bookstore, the so-called "free" has restrictions.

First of all, whether it is a bookstore or a library, their "free reading" has a time limit.

It’s okay to spend half an hour or an hour alone in a bookstore and read comics for free. But if he stays in the bookstore 10 hours a day, for several days, the store manager will definitely have an opinion.

Books borrowed from the library have a return date. There is no saying that a book can be borrowed for a lifetime-unless the book is replaced with a borrowing card.

This is a far cry from the free manga touted by Manga Paradise.

Secondly, there are restrictions in other areas. Generally speaking, it is impossible for readers to take books out of the bookstore without buying them. This is a "location restriction". Although there is no restriction on the location of the library, there is a limit to the number of books that each person can borrow. If the number exceeds the limit, there is no way to continue borrowing.

The most critical point is also the most easily overlooked. Whether it is a bookstore or a library, their "free reading" is a "one-to-one" relationship, that is, a book corresponds to a reader. But Manga Paradise is "one-to-many", which allows a manga to be read by countless people at the same time.

The bookstore provides one-to-one reading for promotion and to discover potential customers; the library provides one-on-one reading, which is convenient for citizens to learn knowledge on the one hand, and on the other hand, the library purchases books and pays the publishers for related books. Cost is like buying a book by one person and lending it to a friend. But this is not the case in Comic Paradise. It does not provide corresponding remuneration to publishers or platforms.

What's more, Manga Paradise itself is a version D website and should not be advertised.

It is said that free comics can allow readers to better understand the author and promote the work, but 99% of cartoonists are concerned not to let more people understand their work, but to survive first.

In addition, it is basically impossible to let the platform provide the possibility of reading for free, because of the cost.

Regardless of whether a single-page drawing of 100 yuan or a single-page drawing of 700 to 800 yuan, the magazine must pay the cartoonist, which is a large expense; buying book numbers, printing, shipping, and advertising are also costs; As for editor's salary, other staff's salary, these expenses are also not small.

But Manga Paradise doesn't need to consider these, as long as there are a few ads, in addition to paying for the server, there will be a surplus.

Therefore, the cost is not the same. Of course, Manga Paradise can make free manga, but magazines cannot.

As for some websites that provide free videos, many are losing money unless they are moving.

Shen Xin knows these truths, but some people are easily emotional.

"Are you not going to refute?" Yan Fei asked.

Shen Xin shook his head, "No plan."

"A lot of people are waiting for you?" Yan Fei took a breath, unable to understand Shen Xin's approach.

"To refute this kind of thing, ordinary cartoonists can do it. As long as there is reason and evidence, they can convince the other party. From my point of view, the effect is not good. Moreover, my arm is still hurt?" Shen Xin smiled bitterly.

He was a network author before crossing, and his typing skills were still there, but at that time, he typed with both hands. Now he only uses his right hand, which is unspeakable.

Yan Fei held her forehead with her hand, she took it for granted that she forgot that Shen Xin had a broken arm.

"How many people like a work, so many people hate a work. I just speak casually, and will attract many people who hate "Steel Refining". By then, I can't do it even if I want to get away. You don’t need this kind of heat, so it's better to take advantage of the rest time to conceive the next comic.

Opposing version D is very important, if he needs to speak out, he will do it too. However, to write these rebuttals, to be honest, everyone writes the same.

If there are things that must be done by him, of course he is obliged to do so. This is not the case at present.

Compared with writing counterarguments, his attitude is more important, as long as he is in a proper timetable.

The author's power is actually very limited in cracking down on the D version. What really needs to be relied on is the law and the union of various magazines.

"Does the lower part of the comic have any ideas?" After becoming Shen Xin's editor, Yan Fei naturally cared about his comics.

"It's not sure yet... You said, what do you think of drawing a work that is mainly a cartoonist?" Shen Xin thought for a while and said casually.

His recent experience made him feel a subconsciously thought of "Dream Eater".

"Based on your experience?" Yan Fei was taken aback, then shook her head quickly, "No, it's too cold."

Is "Dream Eater" cold?

Hmm... let's say it's cold, on average, there are one million volumes in a single volume. It's not cold, quality is not directly proportional to sales.

When painting "Dream Eater", Obata Ken and Oba Thrush were already very famous. Even so, it can only keep "Dream Eater" at a good sales volume.

Is the quality of "Dream Eater" good?

Shen Xin can pat his chest and say that it is a rare boutique.

According to his understanding, "Dream Eater" is also a kingly comic. Hard work, friendship, and victory are all essential elements. However, like "Soul of Goss", "Dream Eater" is based on comics, which is still too small. After all, before serializing, some readers were automatically removed.

Therefore, Yan Fei's worries are not without reason.

Shen Xin nodded slightly and temporarily put down "Dream Eater".

"By the way, how is the magazine going to deal with the version D incident? It's been so long, the magazine should be doing something, right?"

Shen Xin once again brought the topic back to the D version.

"How can it be so simple?" Wang Wenhong sighed, "Before, I seemed to have said that the server of Comic Paradise is overseas, and it is difficult for magazines to have a good solution."

"Then what to do?" Shen Xin asked back.

"Preparing to unite with the'Caricature Artists Association' to fund the various platforms. Please the'Caricature Artists Association' to deal with it. At the same time, the major platforms and the relevant state agencies will block the app of the comics forum and block its news on the search engine."

"It should be resolved soon, right?"

"How can it be so fast?" Wang Wenhong shook his head, "There are a lot of troubles, and it will take a week or two at the earliest." 8) For more exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy.

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