My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 920: meet

"Then...what about the others?" Qiu Qian asked subconsciously.

"It also depends on the specific situation... But Xiao Qiuqian, if you are willing to come in, I can give you my all, but there are some expenses that really can't be reduced. Whether it is hiring an editor or renting a work place, it will cost you money."

"I understand." Qiu Qian nodded quickly.

"So, your choice..."

Looking at Fan Yinmo's deep-meaning eyes, Qiu Qian's heart beats faster, as if he was back when the two met for the first time.

At this moment, the waiter led two people, stepping on the bamboo bridge, and walking towards the bamboo pavilion.

"Um... Xiao Mo, Teacher Snow and Teacher Shi seem to be here."

"Don't worry about them." Fan Yinmo's eyes still did not move. "Now, in this pavilion, there are only you and me. I am waiting for your answer."

" think it's appropriate, I...just join it." Qiu Qian lowered his head and his face was ruddy.

The corner of Fan Yinmo's mouth was slightly raised, and he inadvertently showed a trace of pride, and then quickly got up and came to the bridge head. Qiu Qian also quickly stood up and stood behind Fan Yinmo.

"Mr. Snow, hello."

When Lu Yingxue was three or four steps away from Fan Yinmo, Fan Yinmo took the lead to say hello.

"You are..." Lu Yingxue was slightly surprised.

"My name is Fan Yinmo, and I also have a pen name in the circle, called ‘masker’. You may not have heard of it." Fan Yinmo chuckled.

Lu Yingxue smiled awkwardly.

He hadn't heard of it.

"Ms. Fan's pen name is not easy to remember, but you should have an impression of his work, "Doomsday Rescue"." Shi Qun reminded.

"Oh...that manga? "Doomsday Rescue" is a big hit, and there are only a few books that can compete with "Doomsday Rescue" in China. I'm sorry." Lu Yingxue folded her hands and expressed apology. , "I didn't expect Teacher Fan to come over, Teacher Shi and Teacher Fan know each other?"

"We are studying in a comics school and we are considered alumni. The assistant who painted "The Devil's Family Education" was also found by Teacher Fan for me." Shi Qun explained.

"It turned out to be like this." Lu Yingxue suddenly realized, "Teacher Fan should have spent a lot of thoughts, right?"

"Fortunately, Teacher Shi and I have a cooperative relationship, regardless of each other." Fan Yinmo smiled.

"Huh?" Lu Yingxue's brows jumped, "Do you two have cooperation?"

"Of course there is."

"Mr. Snow, shall we go in?" Shi Qun reminded.

Only then did the group of four enter the pavilion, and Fan Yinmo also took the opportunity to urge the waiter to quickly serve tea and serve dishes.

After all four of them sat down, Fan Yinmo explained again, “Ms. Shi and I are more of helping each other. We went to school abroad and learned that mutual support is important. Moreover, even though it is the era of the Internet, creators can Relying on the Internet, more readers can see their own works, but there is always a ceiling in the circle of comics. They are the signature comic artists on all major platforms.

"Like Shen Zheng and Ye Hexu in "CF", Wang Yunze and Duan Critic in "CF", and now, Qingyue has also come to a powerful cartoonist named Lu Ning. These people form the ceiling of Huaxia Comics. But there are also some People, relying on their previous achievements, relying on the old and selling the old, creating nutritious works, and trampled on many young cartoonists. The more this kind of time comes, the newcomers want to get ahead, and the more they have to find ways to break through, so, I and Teacher Shi Qun cooperated in order to find a way to enter the front line. Of course, we have a desire to tap new talents with potential."

Lu Yingxue nodded, "So that's it. I thought that the cartoonist who would dig newcomers in the first place would be Teacher Shen and others. I didn't expect that Teacher Fan had already acted."

"They?" Fan Yinmo touched his nose subconsciously, "To be honest, if I were them, I would also choose to be silent. The newcomers below would not be able to get up. I understand their approach."

Having said this, Fan Yinmo glanced at Lu Yingxue again, saw him raising his eyebrows, thoughtfully, and continued: "Moreover, there is Teacher Qiuqian who has the same idea as me."

"Qiu Qian?" Lu Yingxue looked confused, and she was taken aback when Fan Yinmo pointed at the girl next to him.

"Ms. Qiuqian is also a cartoonist. "My Love Story is Different" won the'Silver Brush Award'." Shi Qun said.

"Oh, that's the case." Lu Yingxue clasped her hands again with an apologetic expression, "I thought Teacher Qiuqian belonged to Teacher Fan... I'm really sorry."

Qiuqian's throat tightened. Of course, she was Fan Yinmo's girlfriend, but Fan Yinmo didn't mean to explain at all, so she felt disappointed.

The waiter served refreshments, and Fan Yinmo personally filled Lu Yingxue with a cup of tea.

Lu Yingxue caught a glimpse of Fan Yinmo's fingers in a daze, and she was taken aback for a while, and she sneaked a bit of the cocoon on her hand.

He met Shen Xin. At that time, Shen Xin had a thicker cocoon than him, indicating that Shen Xin's effort in painting surpassed him.

The fact is also true. The two versions of "Basketball Sky" left him nothing to especially the color version, the quality is better than the front page color page.

He came over this time and wanted to discuss with Shi Qun about the coloring page of "The Demon King's Family Education", but from the current point of view, it seems unlikely that this issue will be touched in a short period of time.

Moreover, what makes him wonder is, since Fan Yinmo is the author of "Doomsday Rescue", why is there no cocoon on his hands, or is he a left-handed?

Be sure to find time to observe another one or two.

The problem with the color pages was the focus of his visit, Fan Yinmo didn't mention it, but he still wanted to say it.

"By the way, Teacher Shi, do you think the color pages of "The Devil's Family Education" still need to be processed? I think so. Although I am an illustrator, if I need to be responsible for part of the color pages, I will try my best to complete it. "

"This...I have discussed with Teacher Fan, don't be too impatient. The color pages of "Basketball Sky" are of high quality, but even for Teacher Shen, it is unrealistic to want color pages to appear in large pages in the new work. This requires In time, Mr. Shen is also a human and has limited energy." Shi Qun waved his hand repeatedly, "Mr. Snow, as an illustrator, you should also know that it is unrealistic to serialize color pages of that level, right? "

Lu Yingxue nodded, this is true.

"In fact, even though Mr. Shen used the coloring pages of "Basketball Sky" to attract readers, he is indeed riding a tiger. Everyone is looking forward to his new work. Do you think he paints coloring pages or not?" Fan Yinmo sneered. Tao.

Lu Yingxue took a breath.

Don't talk about Shen Xin, he feels the pressure-he can't do it.

What's more, Mr. Shen Zheng didn't answer for so long, which should also indicate that he had not found a suitable solution to these rumors.

Thinking of this, Lu Yingxue suddenly became a little concerned about Shen Xin's choice.

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