My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 921: pressure

"Even if we don't consider Mr. Shen's new work, our task is actually not easy." Lu Yingxue shook her head, "The Gate of Destiny Stone is next to us. Although it is a black and white comic, it really attracts a part of black and white. Comic readers... Mr. Lu Ning’s strength has been verified in "Ding Shi", and now he is serializing a signature-level comic on the Internet. It is definitely not a tight intention to draw "The Gate of Destiny". Thinking deeper, she might want to hit the first place."

"I don't think so..." Fan Yinmo waved his hand. ""The Devil's Family Education" has been recognized by readers in District 11. You and Teacher Shi Qun can be considered a strong team, and it is impossible to be better than Teacher Lu Ning. What's more, from now on From a point of view, the score of "Stone of Destiny" ranks second, but there is still a big gap with the data of "Devil Family Education"."

Lu Yingxue stared at Fan Yinmo and chuckled.

"What's wrong?" Fan Yinmo asked puzzledly.

"Nothing. Teacher Fan never takes it lightly?" Lu Yingxue asked.

"what's happenin?"

"If you have followed the "Gate of Destiny Stone", you should not have raised this question. The booklet has been released. If you haven't read it, I suggest you and Teacher Shi take a look." Lu Yingxue took a deep breath. The look was solemn.

"Is it... necessary?" Qiu Qian had read "The Gate of Destiny Stone", but it seemed dull—she didn't understand this light a bit, but she couldn't admit it.

"It is necessary. This light later stage is much more exciting than the early stage. The score of "Devil Family Education" is twice as high as the current one in order to have a chance to win "The Gate of Destiny". At the beginning, I also communicated with another teacher I hoped to be able to draw a cartoon for this one, but at that time, Teacher Another had entrusted it to Teacher Lu Ning and had to give up.” Lu Yingxue explained.

"This movie is so powerful?" Fan Yinmo rubbed his chin, a little surprised.

"Anyway, I just came to try the water, plus the length of "Devil Family Education" is not bad, so I signed a contract with Qingyue. Essentially, I am still an illustrator. I have already negotiated with Qingyue on this point. , The performance of "Devil Family Education" has nothing to do with me. It is Mr. Shi, if the cost is not increased, "Devil Family Education" should be surpassed. It should be a certainty. Your income will also be affected?"

Shi Qun nodded slightly, but thought in his heart, Fan Yinmo had given me the money for "The Devil's Family Education" a long time ago, and its quality has nothing to do with me.

Fan Yinmo's face was rather ugly.

What he signed with Qingyue is similar to a buyout contract, but if the results are excellent, the manuscript fee will be added. Moreover, the results of "Devil Family Education" will also increase the reputation of the studio and facilitate subsequent operations.

Fan Yinmo took advantage of the time when the waiter served the meal and searched the reader's evaluation of "Stone of Destiny" with his mobile phone.

It's normal for a work to be liked and hated by some.

For example, some people use "water injection" and "plain" to label "Stones of Destiny".

"This way, it can be sold for 100? Are you crazy about money?"

"If it weren't for Xueda's drawing illustrations, I wouldn't buy them?"

"It's basically the same as the online version, and the magazine is too lazy, and at most it just corrects typos."

Turning to these comments, Fan Yinmo's mouth turned slightly, and his mood was slightly lowered: "The readers' evaluation of "Stone of Destiny" is average, saying that it fills water and makes money... Mr. Snow, I didn't expect you to paint a color page for it yourself."

In the end, Fan Yinmo's smile gradually stiffened.

"Alright? Didn’t you say it? I originally wanted to draw a cartoon for "The Gate of Destiny", but Teacher Another authorized the "Gate of Destiny" to Teacher Lu Ning in advance, but I had the opportunity to be the "Gate of Destiny". "I am also very satisfied with the painting." Lu Yingxue said truthfully, "As for the reason...I gave this film a "sacred work". In my opinion, "The Gate of Destiny Stone" is better than "Devil Family Education". Okay, so I just want to say that the biggest advantage of "Devil Family Education" is the color page."

Fan Yinmo's expression slowed down a bit. After all, there was still a chance, so he quickly clicked on

The readers of this website are the most professional. In a sense, the above evaluations and the ratings on the comics are relatively objective.

Shi Qun bulged his cheeks without saying a word for a long time.

The collaborator said that his work is not as good as the other one in person, and it is really difficult to accept.

Fan Yinmo originally wanted to find the evaluation score of "The Gate of Destiny", but the top news caught his eye.

After reading the whole news, Fan Yinmo scratched his head, and after a long silence, he said: "Teacher Snow...if we cooperate fully, how likely is it that you will win "The Gate of Destiny"?"

"Half and half, right?" Lu Yingxue was also not sure.

"Teacher Fan, why did you suddenly change your mind?" Shi Qun almost thought that he had heard it wrong, and Fan Yinmo was willing to pay for it.

""DN", do you know?" Fan Yinmo asked the three of you.

"I know, it's amazing." Qiu Qian nodded.

"This one can be regarded as the ceiling of evil manga, and its popularity in District 11 is also good." Shi Qun drank a cup of tea, "I haven't seen a better evil manga, no matter the quality of the comic~www.readwn .com~ is still the sales volume of comics."

"I think Mr. Shen's drawing skills have reached the pinnacle in this step of the comics." Lu Yingxue also said her own thoughts.

"Is it "DN" that prompted you to make this decision?" Qiu Qian asked in surprise.

Fan Yinmo nodded, ""DN" will be produced in full color and serialized on Light Reading."

Shi Qun and Lu Yingxue looked at each other with surprise.

"DN" undertook "Steel Refining" at the time, but its attention and popularity were not suppressed by "Steel Refining" at all. Instead, it carried "ComicFuture". At the same time, the average volume sales of its single-volume book completely beat the same period. Other comics also surpassed "Steel Refining".

If such a comic is released in full-color version, other comics will be under great pressure.

"If the opponent is "DN", what is the probability that we can win?" Fan Yinmo asked again.

"I don't know..." Lu Yingxue shook his head, "Our only chance of winning is that "DN" has already been released, and not many readers have pressed Bao to watch it a second time."

Fan Yinmo tweeted without making a sound. After reading the news, he grinned and shook his head, "ComicFuture also posted a Weibo, and Mr. Shen's new work will be serialized in both "ComicFuture" and "Young Leap", and , Whether there is a color version of the manga is determined by the score of "DN"... That is to say, the color pages of Mr. Shen’s new work will not be serialized, but there may be color pages."

Unknowingly, Fan Yinmo squeezed the phone tightly, his mood a bit bad.

In the past, I made public opinion on the Internet based on advancing, but now I am causing trouble for myself.


First set a small goal, such as 1 second remember: Shukeju

Please remember the domain name of this book's first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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