The poles and piers stood on end in shock.

The body of this big peng is extremely large, and the nails of its claws are comparable to the size of the body of a pole.

Dapeng’s sharp claws came straight to Yuandong, wanting to take Yuandong away.

The pole gritted his teeth and bravely rose into the sky.


A cat’s paw slapped on Dapeng’s paw.



Suddenly, after the paws of the greenhouse were slapped by the pole, it shattered like soap bubbles.

Dapeng screamed in pain, and his body immediately lost his balance.

After seeing this scene, Dunzi no longer had the slightest hesitation.


The pier also soared into the sky, and a cat’s claw slapped on Dapeng’s body.


With a muffled sound, Dapeng cut an arc in the air and fell to the ground, kicking up a large cloud of dust.

Dapeng couldn’t stop struggling on the ground, obviously this fall was not light.


The pole fell from the sky, and the cat’s claw was aimed at Dapeng’s head.


In the blink of an eye, Dapeng’s head turned into slag and shattered like soap bubbles.

The pier was speeding up, for fear that Dapeng would not die thoroughly enough, and hit it with a set of cat punches.

Dapeng has long been dead and can’t die anymore.

The two kittens breathed a slight sigh of relief.

After a short break.

The pier and pole looked at Dapeng’s body silently and licked his lips.

This thing seems to be delicious.

The pole hurriedly pulled off Dapeng’s wings, tore off a piece of meat, and ate a bite.


The rod hurriedly spat out the meat.

“Meow!” Pole Road.

“Meow? Meow meow? “Mound thoughtfully.

The two cats quickly communicated in cat language.

(The following dialogue between the pier and the pole is cat language).

“Stupid! The hosts are all roasted by fire! If you are used to eating cooked meat, it will not taste good if you eat raw meat. Dunzi said.

“Really? I’ll just say what are the shortcomings…” the pole nodded.

“Go find the fire.” Dunzi proposed.

“Where to find fire?” The pole asked rhetorically.

Mound scratched his head.

Yes, we will not release the flame like the master.

“No, wait until the master wakes up before eating, anyway, if you don’t eat for a day or two, you won’t die of hunger.” The pole thought for a moment and replied.

Dunzi nodded thoughtfully.

The two cats climbed the tree again and guarded Yuandong’s side.

A day passed.

Two days passed.

Seeing that Dapeng’s body was about to change its taste.

It’s just, why isn’t the owner awake yet?

“How long does the master have to sleep?” Dunzi asked.

The pole shook his head.

Who knows?

“No, leave some for the master, let’s eat the rest.” Pole proposed.

Dunzi did not object.

Only, what if there is no fire?

“By the way, the energy that the master taught us about cultivation… Can it turn into flames? “Mound had a whim.

“You can try.” The pole tries to condense the energy into the paw.

The pier also did so immediately.

In order to be able to eat the roasted Dapeng, the two cats also accelerated the speed of cultivation.

After 109 attempts.


Finally, around the sixth day, the pole successfully condensed the flames.

Then, with tears in their eyes, the two cats roasted the shed that had become a little flavorful.

Fortunately, after the barbecue of the flame, the taste is finally a little passable.

I just always feel like something is missing.

Compared with the barbecue made by the owner, it is not a little worse.

The two cats kindly left a piece of roasted Dapeng meat for Yuan Dong and buried it in the ground.

The two cats now only hope that the owner can wake up as soon as possible.

The next period of time.

The two cats took turns guarding Yuandong’s side.

The other one goes out hunting.

I have to say that after learning a little bit of “Extreme Skill”, the two cats are simply comfortable in hunting.

Especially the pole, the comprehension of extremely easy work is more thorough, and it is stronger than the pier in terms of overall strength.

But Rao is so, even if it is a dunzi, it can already walk sideways on this planet.

Such a large peng bird was killed by the two cat paws of the pole and the pier, similar to dinosaurs or something, and it was not their opponent.

Time passed day by day.

The piers and poles were also completely speechless.

Why is the owner still not awake?

How long are you going to sleep?

If the two cats hadn’t found out that Yuan Dong still had a heartbeat, they would even have thought that he was dead.


Time ticks and goes.

One day.

Two days.

One month.


One year.

The two cats have always been inseparable from Yuandong.

Always one is on duty by Yuandong’s side, and the other goes out to hunt, and the division of labor is also clear.

Although after that, there were almost no birds and beasts to harass Yuandong.

But the two cats, afraid of what happened, remained by his side.

As if, this towering tree was already their home.

In addition, the two cats’ cultivation of Extreme Intention Gong has also improved a little.

On this day, as usual.

The pier went out to hunt, and the pole was left to guard Yuandong.

Not long after, the pole suddenly heard a cat barking in the forest not far away.

Very miserable scream.

This is the cry of the mound!

The pole’s eyes widened at that time, revealing a look of disbelief.

Didn’t the master say?

As long as we master the Extreme Skill, can we walk sideways on this ball?

Why is the pier still called so tragically?

It seems to be in danger.


The pole immediately covered Yuandong’s body with a layer of leaves, for fear that he would be exposed to the sight of the birds.

Immediately afterwards, the pole turned into a stream of light and sped towards the direction where the pier was.

Soon, the pole found that there was one more person in the middle of the jungle.

This person has light blue skin, is dressed in blue-green clothes, has silver-white hair combed back, purple pupils and lips.

In addition, there is a light blue halo hanging from the back of the person’s head, and a large red belt on the waist and the color of the clothes are particularly incongruous.

Red with green, dogs are greasy.

The cat also has a little spicy eyes when it looks at it.

In the center of this belt is inlaid with a “big” character.

Anyway, the pole does not understand what this word means.

But the pole knows at a glance that this person and the owner are not a breed.

The owner’s skin is yellow!

The pole thinks with a cat’s paw, feels….

This product must be a villain.

Maybe it’s still the owner’s enemy!

What made the pole a little embarrassed and angry was that I saw this person grabbing the neck of the pier like this and lifting the pier up.

“Meow meow!”

The pier let out a scream.

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