“Meow!” The pole was furious.

Dare to bully my brother!

My brother only me and the master can bully, is it your turn to bully?

Look I don’t beat you out of!

The pole rushed towards the blue skin.


There is nothing good nonsense about the pole, and sabotage is used as soon as it comes up.

Powerful destructive energy, quickly condensed on the cat’s claws of the pole.

The blue skin was slightly stunned, and a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes.

What is this?


The blue skin raised his hand and abruptly caught the cat’s claw swung by the pole.

The powerful impact made the blue-skinned arm tremble slightly.

The pole was also stunned.

This goods hit me with a move to destroy, actually okay?

Blue Skin was a little surprised, and raised his hand to look at the palm that was hit by the pole.

In the palm of his hand, a red dot the size of a sesame seed has emerged.

But the red dot soon disappeared.

“A cat actually has such a powerful destructive ability, how did you do it?” The blue skin looked at the pole with interest.

“Meow!” The pole shouted at the top of his voice, unable to hold back his teeth.

That couldn’t be clearer.

Let go of my brother.

“You see, you are brothers.” Blue Skin smiled slightly, “However, this is not my initiative, it was your brother who attacked me first, and he seems to have taken me as prey.” ”

After speaking, Blue Skin let go of his hand.


The pier landed steadily and quickly rushed to the side of the pole.

“Are you all right?” The pole asked with concern.

“Ok… Why is this guy so powerful? “What to do?” None of your sabotage seems to have hurt him. ”

“It may be the enemy, and he must not be allowed to know the location of the master.” The pole said in a deep voice.

“Let’s get out of here first and observe him secretly.” Dunzi nodded in agreement.

“Good.” The pole answered.

“Hey, you two little guys, do you want to follow me back to the God Realm?” The blue skin smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I have no malice, I know that you are also very spiritual.” ”

“Phew! Shout! ”

The two kittens turned into two flames of light at that time, disappeared into the depths of the jungle in an instant, and disappeared without a trace.

Blue skin: “…”

They actually treated me like an evil person….

Bring such a spiritual little guy home, daughters and sons should like it.


A scepter suddenly appeared in Blueskin’s hand.

At the top of the scepter is a black crystal ball.

The blue skin looks into the crystal ball.

Through this crystal ball, the blue skin can easily find the whereabouts of the pier and pole.


The blue-skinned figure moved, and the body disappeared in place.

In just an instant, blue skin appeared directly in front of the pier and pole.

The pier and the pole are discussing in cat language, what are they going to do next?

Then, the two cats saw the blue skin that appeared in front of them.

The pier was terrified at that time.

The pole is slightly calmer, but his face has changed again and again, and the cat’s face has become even more gloomy.

How did he appear?

Who the hell is this guy?

Is it really the enemy of the master?

“Meow!” The rod fangs, the hand destroys the energy condensation.

“Wait a minute, I really have no malice, little one don’t engage in this kind of thing anymore.” Blueskin smiled.

And after saying this, the blue-skinned big hand waved gently.

A scene that shocked the pole happened.

I saw that the destructive energy that I had finally condensed was actually gone all of a sudden.

It’s extinguished!

“Meow meow?” The pole was stunned.

What is this situation?

What is the origin of this person?

“Now you know that no matter how hard you try, you can’t be my opponent, right?” A blue-skinned smile emerged, “You are all spiritual little animals, I still say that, follow me back to the god world, I will let my children take good care of you, maybe one day you can become a real god.” ”

The two cats looked confused.

What does it mean?

What god realm?

Could it be that this man is God?

“Okay, first introduce yourself, I’m the Great Priest.” Blue Skin smiled and said, “I am the great steward of all the gods in this universe, and you can meet me, which can be regarded as related to me.” ”

The pole was confused again.

Dunzi was equally surprised.

The Great Butler of all the gods in this universe?

The identity of this product is really powerful.

Is it really God?

Poles and piers don’t believe much.

However, the ability of this product is too strong.

We’re no match for him at all.

How is this good?

“I ask you again, do you want to return to the God Realm with me?” There is a certain possibility that you will become the true gods of this universe. The Grand Priest smiled and said, “I won’t force you, give you 5 minutes to think about it yourself.” ”

After speaking, the figure of the great priest shook and disappeared in place.

The two cats of the pier and the pole looked at each other.

“Dunzi, are you going?” The pole asked.

“If we go… What about the owner? Dunzi asked.

“So, don’t go.” The pole nodded.

“He’s not going to eat us, is he?” Dunzi was a little worried.

“The destruction that the master taught me is several levels in total, and after this year, I have now stepped from the beginner to the beginner level, only a line away from the intermediate level, as long as I master the intermediate level of destruction, I think I should be able to beat him to a serious injury.” The pole muttered.

“How long do you have before you can be promoted to intermediate destruction?” Dunzi asked with some expectation.

“I feel like I have to practice for at least one day.” The pole replied.

“But he only gave us five minutes.” Mound shook his head.

“So go with him first, and after I comprehend the intermediate destruction, I will defeat him, and we will come back.” Pole proposed.

“That’s a good idea.” Mound nodded.

“You also have to grasp the destruction as soon as possible, it’s been a year, why don’t you pay attention at all?” The pole glared.

“Hehe…” Dunzi smiled sheepishly.

“The master has said, don’t expect me for everything, you are my brother, always let your brother protect it?” The pole said angrily.

“I’ll come on!” Dunzi nodded solemnly and asked, “What will the master do on the day we leave with him?” ”

“I covered my master’s body with branches and leaves, and now I can only pray that he will not be found.” Pole Road.

“Then let’s pray together now.” Mound nodded, two cat paws on his chest.

Pole: “…”

The 5 minutes passed quickly.

The Great Priest’s figure shook and appeared in front of the pole and pier again.

“How’s you thinking about it?” The Great Priest smiled.

The pier and the pole nodded together.

“By the way, do we still have friends and relatives on this planet? Do you want to bring it back to the God Realm together? The Grand Priest asked.

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