Originally planned to tell her the truth. Now that Ji MuQing is pregnant, I dare not tell her the truth. If it stimulates her, it will be bad.

The appearance of this child makes me more contradictory and makes me have a strong desire to live.

It seems that the appearance of this child makes me feel more confident, not pressure, but motivation.

In the past, I went into a misunderstanding. I always felt that my departure would bring Ji MuQing pressure, but I never thought that no matter how difficult it was, I had to overcome it. Since I know Ji MuQing can't live without me, I can't let her down.

In particular, now we have children. Once I leave, what will she and the children do?

I have never felt so eager to live. This is a call from the bottom of my heart and a desire for survival from the bottom of my heart.

It was night. After Ji MuQing fell asleep, I came to the window and stared at the glittering street. After many days of restlessness, I was miraculously quiet.

Our room is next to Black Rose's room, and both rooms have balconies. Unexpectedly, black rose didn't sleep at this time.

She put on a shawl and looked at the night like me, with a slight sigh from her nose.

"Congratulations." her tone was not happy at all.

This sentence naturally said that Ji MuQing was pregnant. I looked back at her, smiled and said, "thank you."

The black rose turned her body directly to my direction and frowned, "what are you going to do now?"

I took a deep breath and smiled from my heart, "I really hesitated and tangled before. I don't know what to do, but now I don't hesitate. Because my wife and my children can't live without me, so I must live."

Black rose looked at me for a long time and didn't speak. Maybe she was shocked by my words.

I know why she hasn't gone to bed so late. I also thank her for her concern for me, but I still want to remind her, "go back to bed early. Little pineapple needs your care."

Black Rose said nothing more, said good night to me, and turned away.

I stood alone in the dark for a long time. My eyes gradually moved from the horizon to the dark night sky. I haven't seen the stars like this for a long time. I found that there are many stars tonight and they are also very bright. It's rare to have such a starry night in late autumn.

In my mind, the grammar and application of "star formula" are constantly rolling, like a surging river, sometimes choppy and sometimes billowing. This feeling is particularly strong, as if there is a flood in my mind, which seems to come out of my mind.

When I subconsciously close my eyes, that feeling will gradually disappear. When I open my eyes again and look at the stars in the sky, that feeling will appear again.

I vaguely understood that the original feeling was related to the stars in the sky.

I couldn't break through the star formula before, so I gave up my understanding with the universe. Now, this feeling appears again. Is it the bottleneck that has been bothering me all the time? Do I have to go through it?

I can't help but feel happy. If I can really break through the bottleneck of the star formula, wouldn't it be easy to treat my headache?

Thinking of this, the joy in my heart is more intense. I stare at the night sky without blinking. Sure enough, the feeling of choppy waves appeared again, and with the passage of time, it seemed that a small sea had become a vast sea, and even land and mountains had become a sea.

Every drop of water in the sea is as dazzling as a twinkling star. I can clearly see the light of every drop of water, whether it is rolling or flowing calmly.

This feeling is very wonderful and magical. It's like being in a magical world. It's so unreal. However, the feeling he brings you is so strong and wonderful.

And the stars in the sky are constantly changing in front of me. Sometimes they gather together, sometimes they float away, sometimes they meet a river, sometimes they link together, as if they were going to cover the night sky.

This station passed one night unconsciously. When I opened my eyes, I saw the light of dawn pouring into my eyes from the outside.

The perception and change of this night made me obviously feel that there was a qualitative change. My mind was like a blocked pipe, which dredged a lot.

Moreover, even after standing all night, I didn't feel tired at all. Instead, I was refreshed and had a clear mind.

I took a deep breath. When I spit it out again, I just feel that even my breath seems to have become countless small stars, glittering with dazzling light.

I quickly informed Mr. Wei of the good news and asked him if the star formula could cure my headache?

Mr. Wei said, "The star formula is a profound cultivation secret. It is said that people who understand the star formula can live as long as the sky. What's more, they may become the master of the universe. But no one can practice this skill from my master's hand. Therefore, I can't guarantee whether he can cure your headache. However, it's not difficult to verify it. Wait for you Break the bottleneck period and enter the next stage. If you don't have the symptoms of headache, or the symptoms of headache are prolonged, it proves that the star formula can solve your problem. "

This is a hope. I can't give up. At least, it gives me more motivation.

After feeling and understanding last night, I seem to have found some feelings. I want to hurry up this time.

Mr. Wei seemed to want to say something. He hesitated for a while, but he didn't say it.

I know Mr. Wei is not a person who can hide his mind, so I let him say what he has and don't have to hide it.

Mr. Wei said another suspicion in his heart, "in fact, it's nothing. I just want to tell you that everything can't be too urgent, otherwise it will only backfire."

Mr. Wei's reminder is not unreasonable. Many people fail not because they are stupid or not smart enough, but because they are obsessed with something.

Mr. Wei is afraid that I, like those people, am too attached to this matter to lose myself.

I said, "don't worry, Mr. Wei. I know what I'm doing and what I should do. If I can't control myself one day, I'll let black rose help me."

Mr. Wei nodded, "that's good. Call me whenever you have anything."

After talking to Mr. Wei on the phone, I feel much at ease. Since this is a touch of hope, I have no reason to give up.

It's almost a week since the medicine king. There's still no news. I don't have any hope here at all.

Every night, after Ji MuQing falls asleep, I will practice the star formula, hoping to break through this bottleneck this morning.

A few nights ago, every night there was a feeling that the sea in my mind was about to gush out, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't break through. Always so little, always feel lack of something.

On the fourth night, I changed my method and no longer limited my eyes to the night sky.

Although the star formula is to take the universe as the foundation and understand the mysteries, what is the universe? What is it made of? What is the mystery of the universe? Who can give a correct answer?

No, I realized it for a few days and still couldn't get the answer.

Therefore, I no longer understand the universe, but look at it from a tiny, even a small dust.

This night, I seem to have made new progress. I seem to see anything smiling in front of me.

A bug, a dust, a dust

They are magnified before my eyes like living life.

Then, they slowly shrink and float in the air. The air is absorbed by people, animals and plants. Human beings move in the world, the world moves in the earth, the earth moves in the universe, and there are countless stars in the universe

The things that have bothered me for many days seem to be suddenly enlightened in an instant.

That kind of surging feeling has disappeared. What we have now is an unprecedented peace and tranquility.

I broke through the bottleneck.

That's it. Breakthrough.

It feels incredible.

It turns out that the mystery of the star formula does not lie entirely in the universe.

I took a long sigh of relief and looked at the slowly falling dust and dust in front of me, which turned into something like a star and glittered with silver white light.

Looking around, the eyes are full of shining "stars". This feeling is particularly shocking.

The breakthrough in this layer allows me to see many small things that others can't see with the naked eye. This is a change of eyes.

As the saying goes, the eye is the window of the soul. Unexpectedly, the first change of the star formula is the change of the eyes.

The Xingchen formula is really different from the general heart formula. The first change of other methods is the body, which is similar to raft hair washing marrow, reborn people and strengthened the system first.

Such a change is a qualitative change, but not a combination of quality and quantity. The star formula first changes the eyes, which frees the cultivator from a broader world from his vision and state of mind.

I can't help but sigh that the star formula is really powerful.

I told Mr. Wei the good news. Up to now, I remember Mr. Wei's first reaction after hearing my words was such exaggeration and surprise, "OK, great, this is really great!"

Even across the phone, I can feel the excitement of Mr. Wei at the other end of the phone. He knocked down many treasures and didn't hurt at all.

"Qing Xuan, I can't imagine that you broke through the bottleneck in only a few days. Genius, you are really a genius!" more than ten minutes later, Mr. Wei still couldn't recover from his excitement.

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