"Click." the doorkeeper suddenly turned, and then there was a knock at the door, "sister Zhao Suo Mei, open the door and I'll get something."

It's Ji MuQing's voice.

I quickly restrained my sadness, and the black rose went to open the door.

"What are you doing? You locked the door from inside." Ji MuQing came in and looked at the room.

In order not to make her suspicious, I deliberately lay on my back in bed and put on a lazy look, "you have to ask black rose, come in and lock the door. It's like there's something between us. Xiaoqing, I swear to you, I don't have any crooked thoughts."

So I kicked the ball at black rose. Originally, black rose meant something to me. It's easy to convince Ji MuQing. And I also believe that black rose has the ability to resolve misunderstandings.

Sure enough, black rose said sarcastically, "yes, it's all my fault. I wanted to beat you up and get angry, but before I started, Xiao Qing came in. It's your life. I can warn you. Be nice to Xiao Qing, otherwise I'll make you go."

I smiled and didn't speak. I tilted my head and looked at Ji MuQing walking around in front of me.

Before leaving, Ji MuQing said to black rose, "sister Mei, you should teach him a lesson. You'd better beat him. He can't get out of bed and walk, so that he doesn't want to run around again."

Although he said so, what he couldn't hide was full of heartache.

Ji MuQing said it deliberately because she was afraid that I would be tired again.

As soon as she left, I couldn't laugh anymore, as if my muscles were frozen in my face.

The black rose shook her head and sighed, leaving a sentence, "think again." then she left.

My mind is still in a mess, like a few bees, "buzzing".

I thought of a man, Cao AMI.

When Cao AMI learned that there was a way to cure his disease, he agreed without hesitation. Moreover, in the case of such extreme weakness, he still resolutely insisted on the treatment.

There is no doubt about her love for Kangcheng, but she is also self righteous.

My current situation is also self righteous. I thought I was doing this to Ji MuQing, but I didn't consider whether it was what Ji MuQing wanted.

I sent a text message to Cao AMI and asked her: when you were treated, did you ever think about telling Kangcheng the truth and asking him to bear it with you?

Cao AMI didn't ask me why I asked her such a question at this time. Maybe she guessed something, but she didn't think it was necessary to ask, or maybe she knew she shouldn't ask.

She replied to me: I thought about it, but if I told him, he wouldn't promise me to do that.

I am still ignorant and have no attention in my heart.

After a while, Cao AMI sent me another text message. She asked me: is there any problem?

Indeed, this is a difficult problem. My friends can help me find the king of medicine, but they can't tell me how to choose on this issue?

After thinking about it, I don't even have a person to talk to, and the only person who can listen to my heart, except Cao AMI, I can't seem to find a suitable person anymore.

Because we used to be so similar and so close, I believe her opinions must be based on her own foundation.

I told her the story briefly. Of course, I didn't mention some details.

I just hope she can give a constructive opinion.

Cao AMI didn't rush to give me the answer, but asked me: do you want to tell or don't you want to tell?

I hesitated. Before I chatted with black rose, I firmly believed that I didn't tell Ji MuQing, but now I wake up. Even if I didn't tell Ji MuQing, I would bring her other pain.

I replied: I don't know.

Cao AMI replied to me: whether you say it or not, you can't change the fact that you want to bring Miss Ji pain. But if you think about it, if you tell her that her pain is only temporary, she will try to make herself strong and try to accompany you through the difficulties. But if you don't tell her, the pain you bring to her may be eternal, because she will be suspicious, can't understand, and even hate. There will be many factors that you can't imagine.

I have to say that Cao Ami's words awakened the dreamer.

Yes, her analysis is very reasonable, but I can't figure it out.

As the saying goes, onlookers see clearly, sure enough.

I suddenly felt that my heart suddenly opened up. It seemed that the problems that bothered me before were not problems.

No matter what happens in the future, the most important thing is to solve the immediate problems first.

Then the next question is, what method should I use to tell Ji MuQing to accept this fact without being too frightened.

Before I think of a gentle way, I still don't want to tell her about it. After all, it's not a good thing and it's hard for ordinary people to accept.

"Creak." the door opened and Ji MuQing came back. As she walked in, she said, "little pineapple is so naughty. You see, it has wet my clothes. If we have a child like her in the future, it will really bother us."

She went to the wardrobe and changed into a clean dress.

Then, I poured a cup of hot water and brought it to me. I was about to speak. Suddenly, I wanted to look very uncomfortable. I covered my mouth and ran to the bathroom.

I looked at Ji MuQing's leaving direction foolishly. For a moment, my heart was full of five flavors.

Although I have never had a child, I also know what a woman looks like when she is pregnant and has a child.

A bad feeling rose in my heart. Should Ji MuQing be

I nervously came to the bathroom. Ji MuQing just came out of it. She smiled and touched her stomach with one hand.

When most women have a pregnancy reaction in the early stage of pregnancy, they will subconsciously touch their stomach, which is a woman's natural maternal nature.

This move makes it even more difficult for me to sleep and eat.

I followed Ji MuQing to the head of the bed and asked carefully, "did you have a bad stomach?"

I hope my guess is right.

Ji MuQing smiled at me, "No."

I asked, "did you catch a cold?"

Ji MuQing stretched out her hand and poked a finger on my brain. "Thanks to you, you will see a doctor for others. Can't you see what's wrong with me?"

Then he handed me his hand and motioned me to take her pulse.

The bad feeling in my heart became stronger and stronger, and my hands began to tremble.

Put your hand gently on Ji MuQing's wrist and feel the pulse. It's obvious that Ji MuQing is pregnant with my child.

It was a happy thing, but I couldn't be happy.

It's really not the right time for this child to appear.

What if I really have something wrong and leave Ji MuQing and the child alone?

Ji MuQing nestled her head in my arms with sweetness in her voice, "Zhao Suo, I'm pregnant. Hehe, I didn't expect to be pregnant with our child so soon. What's more, I'm going to be a mother so soon. It's amazing. There's a little life in my stomach. It's incredible. Look at you, are you silly? Hee hee, when I first learned about it, I had the same expression as you. I can't believe it."

"Do you think it's better for us to have a boy or a girl? In fact, both boys and girls are our children, and I like them. But little pineapple says she wants to have a brother. She's really different from ordinary children. Other girls want to have a sister, but she wants to have a brother. What do you think we should name the child? It seems a little early now, isn't it It's better to think about it earlier. Save it. You'll be anxious at that time. Just take one. "

"Crooked, I'm talking to you. Do you respond well? I'm not surprised and happy. I can't say a word."

After being pushed by Ji MuQing, I recovered from my confusion.

Now I didn't pay attention again. I had decided to tell Ji MuQing the truth. As a result, Ji MuQing was pregnant. What if I can't accept some stimulation and other accidents happen?

I really have a headache.

"Zhao Suo, how do I feel you are unhappy? You don't want this child?" Ji MuQing looked at me and asked.

Ji MuQing's words woke me up. Without this child, Ji MuQing would be OK in the future

I just thought so in my heart and didn't dare to say it. Ji MuQing was unhappy when he saw my hesitation. "Do you really have this idea? Zhao Suo, I tell you, you don't own this child. You have no right to decide his life and death."

Seeing that Ji MuQing was really angry, I quickly admitted my mistake and apologized, "there's nothing. Where do you think of? You're pregnant. It's too late for me to be happy. Why don't you want our children."

I hugged Ji MuQing from behind. "I'm happy. I'm really happy. I've always dreamed of the picture of us getting married and having children. I didn't expect it to come true so soon. You're going to be a mother and I'm going to be a father. It's amazing to think about it."

Ji MuQing took my hand and put it on her stomach, "This is like what a father should say. From now on, you should communicate more with our baby. As I said in my book, when the baby is in the abdomen, communicate more with his parents. When he is born in the future, he will be very close to his parents. If you don't communicate more with him, he will only recognize his mother and not his father."

I was amused by her words, and I don't know which mindless expert wrote these crooked theories.

If you don't recognize your father, can you recognize others as your father?

However, I didn't say these words. Now I just want to hold Ji MuQing quietly and enjoy such a time for a while.

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