Speaking of it, I'm surprised that the phantom Gang still has life.

I remember the massacre. None of them survived.

"In fact, the real boss behind the massacre was a foreign mercenary regiment, but I was ordered by my superiors to sneak into the phantom gang at a fixed time and get an important thing. At that time, the mercenaries rushed in. In order to get something, I delayed for a few minutes and watched all the members of the phantom Gang be slaughtered. One of them Child, I still remember that he extended his hand to me for help, and the helicopter sent from above happened to come at that time. If I didn't leave, I would miss the opportunity. I didn't save the child, and I still remember the angry eyes of the child. "

"In other words, you had nothing to do with the massacre, but those people mistook you for harming them?" Xiong Xiaoyun took a breath, "Shifu, you said they hadn't appeared for so many years. Why did they suddenly appear? And you also said that the phantom Gang is a group of people who live in the dark. They don't move on weekdays, but this time, they brazenly robbed Shiniang. Is there any other conspiracy behind this?"

Xiong Xiaoyun's analysis is exactly what I'm worried about.

It is not difficult to see from the video that the number of the phantom Gang is not small. According to their vigorous and resolute style of action, if you want to avenge me, you can directly come to me. They will not use Ji MuQing to threaten me. In other words, they will abduct Ji MuQing. It is likely that they can not only avenge me, but also have other purposes.

Will this purpose threaten Ji MuQing's safety and involve them?

"Xiao Yun, send more people to see if they can find their trace in the monitoring. I must see them as soon as possible now." I am very worried.

Not long after talking to Xiong Xiaoyun, Han Yanxue called, "brother, my people found that the people of the phantom Gang have been haunting frequently recently. When you and the phantom Gang made a tie, they kidnapped their siblings. Would they come for you?"

The news of Han Yanxue confirmed my guess. Before, it was only inferred from the video that those people might be the people of the phantom gang. Now, it is basically certain that the people of the phantom gang are behind the ghost.

I asked anxiously, "did you find Xiaoqing's whereabouts?"

"This hasn't been found yet. Those who found the trace of the phantom Gang came from several different regions. I'm afraid it will take some time to find their whereabouts."

How many areas?

As far as I know, the phantom gang has been active in the south before. Because the climate in the south is humid and there are many jungles, the phantom Gang's guild was set up in the depths of a very secret jungle. The reason why they are called the phantom Gang is that their style of behavior and personnel are like the phantom, which is difficult to figure out. Ancient reasons Hence the name.

Now, as soon as they appear in the paste, they are distributed in different regions, which is really unreasonable.

My sigh was heard by Han Yanxue. She scolded me, "Zhao Qingxuan I know doesn't like to sigh like this. You'd better cheer up. My siblings are still waiting for you to save."

I sigh because I feel so incompetent that I can't even protect my wife and children. I don't deserve to be a man.

I sighed, and because of my self righteousness, I thought it would be all right to leave Ji MuQing alone at home, but I didn't expect that I had only been out for a few days, and they had such a thing.

I sighed, but also because I had a loss in my heart. I agreed to protect her all my life and give her all my love, but I couldn't do it all the time.

People who have never experienced this feeling can't understand it.

"Let me know as soon as you have news."

I don't want to sit at home waiting for news. I always have to do something for Ji MuQing.

The people I called to inquire about Ji MuQing seemed to notice that something was wrong this time and called me one after another.

A bin temporarily stopped the martial arts school and came to me with Lu Xiaofeng.

"Well, haven't people found it yet?" ah bin never said much, but his concern came from his heart, I can feel it.

I shook my head. "I only found that this matter may have something to do with the phantom gang. As for others, there is no progress yet?"

"The phantom Gang, what is it?" Lu Xiaofeng jumped up. "Master, we'll kill them with you and find out the Shiniang together."

A bin reached out and interrupted Lu Xiaofeng. "The phantom Gang is not so easy to deal with. The existence of this gang is different from other gangs. They have always lived in the dark and are not controlled by anyone. They are like poisonous snakes in the jungle. If they see their prey, they will bite and don't let go." said a bin, turning to look at me, "You've changed your name and lived a hidden life. It's reasonable that they won't stare at you. There's something strange about this."

A bin, they don't know what happened between me and the phantom gang. I simply said the whole story again, and I just felt more and more heavy in my heart.

After listening, a bin didn't seem to be very moved. Instead, he calmly analyzed, "if it's just for revenge, you don't have to catch president Ji. It's like a poisonous snake. If you want to bite back at the prey, it will cling to the prey and don't let go. Zhao Suo, you can't be anxious about this matter. You have to analyze it calmly."

"Master a bin, is the phantom Gang so terrible?" Pei Xiaofei asked anxiously.

In fact, I've seen the most terrible things in the world. I won't pay attention to a small phantom gang. What really scares me is the safety of Ji MuQing, her father-in-law, mother-in-law and little pineapple.

If I were alone, it would be easy to say. I could be fearless, but now when it comes to my relatives, I have to worry about them.

I couldn't hear a word of what they were talking about, and my head was in a mess.

"Well, don't argue. What's the truth? It's useless for us to guess here. Let's see if Xiong Xiaoyun and Han Yanxue can bring good news."

I interrupted Lu Xiaofeng and Pei Xiaofei.

In the afternoon, melanin even sent me an email asking me if I need help?

Melanin has been active internationally in recent years and its reputation can not be underestimated. Moreover, their sect occupies a high position in the Jianghu. It would be good if she could help.

But I was curious, "how did you know about it?"

"The people of tianyinmen are looking for the whereabouts of the phantom Gang everywhere. It's hard for me to know if I don't know." melanin smiled.

i see!

Since melanin can be detected, the phantom Gang must also be aware. So far, they still have no action against me. What do they want to do?

Waiting to die is not the way. No matter how the phantom Gang develops, I decided to go to their gang in person.

A bin and Lu Xiaofeng both want to go with me. I told them not to mess around with me. The martial arts school is finally on the right track. It's time to run well.

A bin said, "do you think I want to make money when I take care of the martial arts school for you? Money is OK for me. The existence of the martial arts school only gives me something to realize the value of life, but not all. The martial arts school was built by you. If you are not here, where did you come from?"

Lu Xiaofeng then said, "master, let's go with you. You said that the phantom Gang is very difficult to deal with. You have to save the Shiniang and deal with them. You can't cope alone. We'll go. At least we can help you."

Pei Xiaofei and he Xiaodong are on the same front as Lu Xiaofeng.

They are all good intentions. I can't find a reason to refuse, "OK, let's go together."

"How can this kind of thing be less than the eldest martial sister?" with the voice of speaking, Xiong Xiaoyun slowly came in, followed by Zhao Xiaoru.

Both of them were dressed in casual clothes and carrying backpacks. It seems that they were prepared in advance.

As soon as Zhao Xiaoru came in, her eyes fell on a bin and lost her bag. "Some people are really too much. They don't say a word when they leave. They also say that they should keep their promises. I think it's almost like breaking their promises."

A bin's face changed slightly. I also heard that the relationship between a bin and Zhao Xiaoru has made rapid progress during this period. It's not easy for a bin to get Zhao Xiaoru's favor.

You can't destroy their feelings just because of me.

I got up and left wisely. When others saw me go, they all followed me, leaving space for both of them.

Xiong Xiaoyun followed me to the bedroom. "Master, all the people I can send have been sent out. I've handed over all the other things to Xiong Kun, and he will arrange everything. Your trip is far away, and there must be a woman to take care of you..."

No matter how much she said, she was looking for a reason for herself to follow me.

I feel her kindness, but it's very dangerous. I can't let so many people take risks with me.

"No, we'll take care of ourselves." I refused directly.

Xiong Xiaoyun hurriedly came to me. "Master, you should know me. It's hard for others to change my mind about what I decide. Even if you don't let me go with you, I will act alone. Master, I know what happened before is my fault. I just want to do something to make up for my mistakes before. Please give me this opportunity."

She's right. Even if I don't let her go, she'll follow.

Before, I had to break off the apprenticeship relationship with her because of things in the business field. I didn't expect to have such a great impact on her. I really felt guilty in my heart.

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