"I've forgiven you for what happened before. Don't take it too seriously. You still don't have to go with me this time." I firmly know the danger of this action. I know it's very dangerous. I'll only be more sorry if Xiong Xiaoyun follows me.

"You don't have to say anything. Go back." I waved her out.

Xiong Xiaoyun opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something. He probably saw that my attitude was very firm and didn't say anything in the end.

I was the only one left in the room. I came to the window and looked at the busy city. My heart was unspeakably heavy.

Watching, the pedestrians, cars and roads in front of us began to shrink slowly and become only as big as a small point. These small points are like the twinkling stars in the night sky.

At the same time, the appearance of the area outside the circle, which I had not seen before, now seems to be vaguely visible. It's just that I can't see clearly and it's hard to catch.

I try to see, try to let my vision jump over the edge of the circle and reach the area beyond the edge.

Like, it's a black river. No, it's like a ribbon, it's not. It's like the sea

I still can't see what it is, but I can hear the sound of water splashing and see every drop of water converging into a surging river.

They have been flowing in a certain direction, and I seem to have become one of these water droplets, flowing forward with them. I can see the desperate appearance of the water droplets beside me, and I can also feel the bumpy feeling when I flow.

From the beginning of the panic, slowly, adapted, I actually like this feeling.

I like the feeling of traveling. I don't have to think about anything and think about anything. I just need to move forward recklessly.

I also like this feeling of unimpeded travel. Although there are bumps, they can't stop us.

It's wonderful. It's like a beast running wildly on the grassland. It's like cattle will be happy to see the grassland in front. It's like children are happiest when they play in the playground.

It will calm my heart and empty my mind.

I can't see my face now, but I can feel that there must be a smile on my face.

I stood in front of the window for a long time, until a harsh car whistle woke me up.

In fact, the car whistle has always existed, but during my meditation, I automatically shielded all external interference, so I couldn't hear anything. In this way, I can devote myself to meditation.

Just now, my mind was separated from meditation, and my shielded ears were opened, so everything outside could be heard again.

I took a long breath and breathed a long breath. The gas was shining like a star.

This can't help but surprise me. Perhaps, some meditation just now has loosened the bottleneck period that I can't break through for a long time?

I didn't expect that the bottleneck period, which had spent so much thought before and couldn't be loosened, would loosen at this time, but I'm not happy at all.

If I seize the time to practice the star formula at this time, it will certainly be of great help to the breakthrough, but now I have no leisure and elegance to practice. I just want to find Ji MuQing as soon as possible and bring them back safely as soon as possible.

Outside the room were the voices of people talking. It was bustling. After I stayed here for so long, they waited outside for so long. They are my friends and are willing to go through fire and water for me. I can't shut out their worries and concerns because of my own affairs.

I opened the door and came out and saw everyone sitting in the living room.

They stood up when they saw me coming out.

Xiong Xiaoyun and Zhao Xiaoru were there. My eyes bypassed them directly and said to the others, "let's go back and clean up. Let's gather at me early tomorrow morning and start."

"OK." the voice was loud.

The crowd dispersed one after another, but Xiong Xiaoyun and Zhao Xiaoru stood and looked at me.

I ignored them and turned to go. At this time, Zhao Xiaoru ran in front of me and blocked my way with open arms, "we're going too."

"You can't go." I don't want to explain too much. I've said everything I should say.

Zhao Xiaoru snorted, "if you don't ask us to go, we won't go. I tell you, I'm going. If you don't ask us to go, we'll follow secretly. Sister Xiao Yun, let's go home and pack up."

Xiong Xiaoyun didn't speak, so he just followed Zhao Xiaoru away.

I didn't speak, because at this time, it's useless to say anything.

The next morning, we gathered at the agreed place, a bin, Lu Xiaofeng, Pei Xiaofei and he Xiaodong, a total of four people.

I opened the trunk of the car, and then an extended car came up and stopped in front of us.

Even without looking, I know that the people on the bus must be Xiong Xiaoyun and Zhao Xiaoru.

This scene can't help but remind me of the scene when I went to see Mr. Wei. A lot of past events floated to my mind, but there was a different feeling.

Xiong Xiaoyun and Zhao Xiaoru are all dressed up in mountaineering clothes, but this still can't hide their valiant and valiant.

"I can take more than a dozen people in this car, especially when climbing. The car is equipped with enough food and water. Are you sure you don't want this car?"

Zhao Xiaoru also echoed, "there are many unexpected surprises. Oh, someone, you'd better think clearly before you speak."

Someone in her mouth naturally refers to me.

I had expected that they would not give up. I also thought that Xiong Xiaoyun would do so, which echoed her style of doing things.

I smiled, didn't speak, and closed the trunk of my car. In this way, everyone understood what I meant.

We got on Xiong Xiaoyun's car. The car is really spacious, with good vision and sufficient strength. The materials in the trunk are full. I looked at it roughly. Food and water account for a part, and some are outdoor supplies, such as tents, insect repellent, etc.

Xiong Xiaoyun has the experience of survival in the wild. She thinks about what to prepare and what not to prepare. The presence of such a person in the team can really save a lot of worry.

Zhao Xiaoru is the living treasure in the team. The atmosphere along the way depends on her being active.

The car drove slowly on the wide road, slowly out of Chengdu, out of the place where I had been for three years. Looking at the scenery along the way, I felt as if I were a drop of water in the sea. However, it was only a flash of thought, which was very short.

I don't talk much, because my mind is a little confused. I think of this and that.

Maybe my silence made everyone mistakenly think I was very worried. Lu Xiaofeng sat next to me, "master, Shiniang, auspicious people have their own heaven. Don't worry."

Looking at other people, they all looked worried. Looking at me, I knew how worried their silence had brought to everyone.

I straightened my body, threw those messy ideas out of my mind and squeezed out a smile to show that I was strong and not as fragile as everyone seemed.

"Don't worry about me. I don't speak because I'm thinking about other things. Come on, you all sit here and I'll tell you about the phantom gang."

Xiong Xiaoyun was driving, and others gathered around.

I will briefly introduce the phantom gang. More importantly, we must have a comprehensive plan for this action.

So far, there is still no new progress in hanyanxue, and there is no news in melanin, which has caused great variables to our plan.

First, the specific location of Ji MuQing cannot be determined now; Second, it is unknown whether we have been targeted for such a wide range of activities of the phantom gang; Third, how to accurately find Ji MuQing's location is particularly important.

My current plan is to go to the base of the phantom Gang first. If there are new situations on the cold smoke and snow side and melanin side along the way, I'm making specific plans.

There are eight of us now. We can be divided into groups.

If there is no news about cold smoke, snow and melanin before we arrive at the destination, we will all go to the base of the phantom gang. If they have other news, we can divide us into several groups and act separately.

"My current plan is like this. What do you think? Is there anything else to add?" I finished and asked your opinions.

They have no problem. Everything follows my arrangement.

We hurried all night and arrived at xiahai that night.

I contacted Miao Zheng in advance and asked him to arrange a ship for me.

From the ferry to the sea, it can shorten a lot of distance and save a lot of time. Now every minute and every second is so urgent. I must seize the time.

After meeting with Miao Zheng, he kept chasing me and asked, "what's the matter? Is something wrong with Xiaoqing? You're talking."

I grabbed Miao Zheng's arm. "Xiaoqing may have been caught by the people of the phantom gang. Now I'm going to look for them in their base area."

"I'll go with you." I expected that Miao Zheng would follow as long as I told the truth.

I stopped him, "I know I can't stop you, but I want to remind you that I'm not sure whether Xiaoqing is on the base area. If his door is not there, I won't even have a chance to fight back. Therefore, you must stay."

Miao Zhengding looked at me. After a long time, he finally nodded, "go."

Without rest, we got on the ship and hurried all night.

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