The closer we get to the destination, the more nervous we are.

This is destined to be a sleepy night, because it is very close to the destination to cross the river and enter the peninsula forest.

Along the way, I have been paying attention to the affairs of the shadow Gang, but there is no news or trace along the way.

I wonder if my decision is right this time.

In the evening, I called Han Yanxue and melanin. One couldn't get through and the other turned off. I didn't even have a chance to make a final decision.

In fact, I am very tangled in my heart and can't show it. This feeling is really hard for people at all.

After a day's running, everyone was tired. I waited for them to rest and came to the deck alone.

The sea under the night sky is very quiet, and the sky is very low, as if you can reach it with your hand.

I think of the scenes that happened when I took Ji MuQing to travel last time. Although they were thrilling, they were quiet and beautiful.

We have also stood on the deck under the night sky and looked at the night sky. We have also enjoyed the calm sea. It seems that all this happened yesterday, and it seems that it happened far, far ago.

I took a deep breath, sat down on the floor and poured myself a glass of wine.

"What's the meaning of drinking muggy wine alone?" was a bin's voice.

I subconsciously turned back and saw a bin coming to me from the dim light.

He came to me and sat down cross legged with a bottle of wine and two glasses in his hand.

It seems that a bin guessed that I would be like this. He was ready for it.

A bin poured himself a glass, and then touched me. We didn't talk, but drank the wine in the glass.

After drinking a glass of wine, suddenly, the stomach was hot, as if it had been washed with chili water, and the whole body was comfortable.

"I'm going to reach my destination tomorrow. I don't know how Xiaoqing is now?" at the moment, this is what I want to say in my heart.

A bin put down his glass and stared at the dark night sky. "I know you're worried about them and you don't need me to say anything comforting. Since it's decided, go on resolutely. It's meaningless to think too much."

Ah bin still knows me. Although he doesn't talk much on weekdays, he is the most delicate one. He can see many things that others can't see.

"The appearance of the phantom Gang always makes me feel uneasy. My heart is always terrified these two days, as if something bad is going to happen." ha, I have never told anyone. At the moment, I really want to tell ah bin.

A bin nodded. "The phantom gang was originally just a small Gang, but now it can appear so wantonly. It's really unusual. Zhao Suo, have you ever thought of a possibility that Ji MuQing and others may not be the only ones captured by the phantom Gang?"

I turned to look at a bin and didn't understand what he meant?

A bin stood up and walked to the bow, "I always feel that they seem to have a big plot."


There was a long silence. Ah bin and I didn't speak.

After standing in the bow for a while, we went back to rest. We said it was a rest. In fact, we were lying in bed with our eyes closed, but our brains didn't stop running for a moment.

So I slept for a while. I woke up just before dawn.

I came to the window to check my current trip. I saw fog on the sea. It seems that today is not a good weather.

However, the fog only lasted for a while and then slowly disappeared.

The boatman told us that we would arrive at the island in another hour.

I ate something casually and went outside the cabin to breathe fresh air. At this time, I found a black spot in the distance, moving slowly.

Although the fog dispersed, there was still light fog on the sea. In addition, the distance was too far to see clearly.

I ran back to my room and took out a telescope to observe. This time I saw clearly that the dark shadow was a cruise ship. Not only that, there is a cruise ship behind the black spot, and they are traveling in the same direction as us.

I was acutely aware that something was wrong and went around. This time, I found two more cruise ships. With ours, there were four in total.

It's a coincidence that four cruise ships sail in one direction at the same time. The coincidence is a little strange.

Are those cruise ships from the shadow Gang?

No, if it's a cruise ship of the shadow Gang, you should be vigilant and repel when you see that it's different from your own ship, but those cruise ships didn't respond at all, so I directly ruled out the possibility of the phantom gang.

In order to find out the situation on other cruise ships, I asked the boatman to approach the cruise ship closest to us.

Everyone else came to me after breakfast and asked me what was the matter?

"It's hard to say now. I can't come to a conclusion until I see the situation over there."

Ten minutes later, we docked with the nearest cruise ship.

Our approach naturally attracted each other's attention, and the passengers on the cruise ship appeared outside the cabin one after another.

I was surprised to see the old man standing in the middle of the cabin.

Long Aotian!

This is a famous generation of masters in China. When he was young, he was powerful and famous. It is said that he later retired to the mountains and forests and lived an ordinary life.

I thought I admired him very much. I secretly ran out to see a challenge match between him and others. I was very impressed.

At that age, a person could put down another challenger without relying on his hands and feet. This shock went straight to the heart.

It's really incredible that a powerful man who has been anonymous for decades suddenly appears here.

In any case, long Aotian is always my predecessor. There should be some etiquette.

"Master long, long time no see!" I said hello.

Long Aotian's eyes slowly moved to me. It was difficult to see what emotion in his deep eyes, "are you?"

"I'm a nobody. It's not worth mentioning. I was lucky to have seen a challenge arena you played, and I was deeply impressed by you." I closed my body and continued, "master long, you have retired from the mountains and forests. How did you come here?"

"My wife and children have been captured by those bastards. I'll find them."

My body can't help shaking and my heart is full of feelings.

Long Aotian's wife and children were also taken away. Is this a coincidence? It's a coincidence. It's a little too incredible.

At this time, another person came out of the cabin. She was a woman, wearing a mink coat and looked very elegant.

The woman came to long Aotian and asked faintly, "how far is it?"

Although this woman looks no different from ordinary people, her temperament is very unusual. It can be seen from the steps a woman takes that her ability should not be underestimated.

Two masters appeared on a ship, which made me a little confused.

Later, I learned from their conversation that the woman's husband and children were also captured by the phantom gang. The woman and long Aotian reached an agreement to look for relatives together.

"Coincidentally, you two, my wife and children were also captured by them." this is a good time to win over the relationship, and I can't miss it.

Both of them looked up at me. Long Aotian didn't respond. On the contrary, the woman smiled disdainfully at me, "you are a suckling yellow haired boy. What does the phantom ask you to do?"

Can I come, please? This word is too inaccurate. It obviously forced me to come.

Wait, this woman seems to have something to say.

"Lady, do you know the purpose of the phantom to help capture our relatives?" I asked hurriedly.

The woman wrapped her mink coat, but she ignored me.

It's like putting an ant in my heart. It's itchy but won't let me scratch it.

"Master long, can you tell me?" I turned my hope to long Aotian.

However, the wind was too strong. Long Aotian didn't seem to hear it, or maybe he heard it. He just didn't want to answer my question.

If I don't know these, it's just that I already know now, but don't let me know all I want to know. It's really annoying.

The distance between the two cruise ships was not very far, and an idea suddenly popped up in my mind.

I stepped back a few steps, suddenly ran, stepped on the fence of the deck and jumped down.

"Ah -" I was so sudden that many people around me screamed.

I swam in the sea for a while, reached the other party's boat, and then climbed up the escalator.

I went straight to the deck and came to long Aotian and the woman.

"If you know anything, please let me know. I'm really worried about the safety of my wife and children."

Women were surprised when they first looked at me. Slowly, eating shock turned into an accident, "I underestimated you. My brother has extraordinary strength. Well, I'll tell you. The phantom Gang captured our relatives to force us all to come here. As far as I know, all the experts can't escape their calculations this time. Look over there, those cruise ships must be people with the same purpose as us."

"What's the purpose of the phantom Gang gathering so many experts?" I asked again.

A cold light burst out of the woman's eyes, "I don't want to know. I'm here to pick up my husband and children. If they dare to stop me, I'll kill them all."

Women and long Aotian have similar feelings. Their purpose is to take their wives and children home. As for other things, they don't seem to be interested.

This cruise ship is very luxurious. Both of you must be rich and powerful. Since you are here to seek revenge, you must have everything ready.

However, I'm not very interested in these. I just want to know what drugs are sold in the gourd of the phantom Gang?

Seeing that they no longer paid attention to me, I knew it was meaningless to ask again, so I took leave of them and prepared to leave.

"Little brother." the woman suddenly stopped me.

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