I stopped and turned to look at the woman. The woman's eyes looked a little strange, "what's your name, please?"

"Zhao Qingxuan." I reported my name.

The woman looked at me up and down. Her eyes were still strange, but she didn't say anything.

I always feel that a woman seems to know something, but since she refuses to say, I won't ask. Maybe I'm just distracted.

I returned to our cruise ship according to the method just now. Ah bin and they gathered around one after another. It doesn't matter if they care about me. I simply repeated what I had just said. Staring at the island getting closer and closer to us, I couldn't help taking a breath. "The sky is going to change."

The roaring sound of the cruise ship was particularly harsh on the quiet sea. Everyone seemed to have agreed in advance and began to remain silent.

The closer you get to your destination, the more nervous the atmosphere in the air becomes.

Our ships and long Aotian's ships arrived one after another, and everyone landed one after another.

Long Aotian and the woman brought more than ten bodyguards. Everyone was wearing heavy weapons. The scene was very popular.

Probably because I said hello to them when I was on the boat, long Aotian was polite to me, nodded as a greeting, and then walked towards the depths of the island.

Lu Xiaofeng muttered discontentedly, "what drag? It's money. Cut."

I stretched out my hand to interrupt Lu Xiaofeng's words, "if they can so ignore this island and others, it must not be as simple as money. You see, the equipment on their bodyguards can dump us for ten blocks."

Abin said, "they are all prepared, only us. It seems that we are not prepared for anything. Zhao Suo, I think we should hurry up. With them in front, we can get some light."

I looked at a bin and smiled at each other. I think the same as a bin.

If you don't have a guy, find a big umbrella.

"Let's go," I said to everyone.

We didn't deliberately catch up, but we stepped faster. They had more people and walked slowly. We had fewer people and walked fast. It was inevitable that we would catch up. When we see their figure, we don't have to deliberately speed up our pace, just follow them from a distance.

They have been on their way and don't even rest, but everyone seems to feel a little tired.

There are two girls in our team. They can't compare with the enchanting woman in terms of physical fitness and foot distance. After a long journey, Zhao Xiaoru can't support it first.

"No, I really can't walk. Let's sit down and have a rest." Zhao Xiaoru held a big tree, panting and sweating on her face.

Lu Xiaofeng stood on the stone and looked ahead. She couldn't help worrying and said, "master, they're almost invisible. If we rest again, we'll be farther and farther away from them."

We all know what Lu Xiaofeng means. Originally, in this journey, our speed can't keep up with them, and they threw us away for a long distance. If you rest in place, you won't catch up.

But we can't ignore the lives of Zhao Xiaoru and Xiong Xiaoyun just to get on the road.

I put down my backpack and said to the others, "take a rest."

Lu Xiaofeng frowned, "master..."

I reached out to him to stop.

A bin suggested, "otherwise, I'll carry Xiaoru on my back and let's go forward. This journey is covered with jungle. Once they lose their trace, I'm afraid it's difficult to find them again. Compared with other teams, we are too weak and unfavorable to everyone."

A bin's analysis is very reasonable, which naturally occurred to me.

Zhao Xiaoru bit her teeth and stood up. "I had a rest just now. Now I'm much better. Let's continue on our way."

These words came out of Zhao Xiaoru's mouth, which always made me feel that I should take a new look at this woman. In the past, I always thought she was a star and would be more delicate. Last time I looked for Mr. Wei, she also clamored to go with us. As a result, she gave up on the way because she couldn't stand the harsh and difficult conditions. This time she wanted to follow. I opposed it from my heart. If it weren't for ah Bin's face, I said nothing would let her follow.

But along the way, she didn't complain and didn't drag our legs. I really admire her.

A spoiled woman can make such a big change. You can't help but look at her with new eyes.

"Come on, let me carry you." a bin squatted down in front of Zhao Xiaoru.

Zhao Xiaoru blushed. Two slender white arms rested on a bin's shoulder. A bin grabbed her legs and straightened up effortlessly.

"Let's go."

When the team set off again, my eyes couldn't help falling on Xiong Xiaoyun in front. At a glance, she and Zhao Xiaoru were both managed by Jiao Sheng. There must be many uncomfortable places, but she didn't like to say anything like Zhao Xiaoru.

If she didn't say, it didn't mean I couldn't see. I quickly chased up, "what about you? Can you do it?"

Xiong Xiaoyun looked back at me and outlined a smile. "Master, you despise me too much. You're not going to embarrass me."

I nodded and said to her, "say it when you can't hold on. Don't hold on alone."

Xiong Xiaoyun was very happy and nodded.

Although we tried our best to catch up, the journey was a little slower. We didn't find long Aotian's figure all the way.

It is not easy to find traces in such places. In terms of footprints, the ground is full of dead leaves. It is difficult to find footprints. In other aspects, it is even more difficult.

At this time, everyone who has been running for a long time is also tired and their physical fitness has reached the limit.

I think there's no way. It's impossible for everyone to overdraft. Just look for a team that can't find a trace.

"Let's take a rest," I said.

Everyone was lying, sitting and leaning. Only abin and I were still busy.

To survive in the jungle, you must not be careless. Maybe looking at the ordinary calm dead leaves, it is possible to drill out a poisonous snake. For everyone's safety, I took out the insect repellent fuel, set up a fire among the people and put the fuel in it.

If the smell wafts out, there will be no snakes, insects, rats and ants around us.

A bin is helping me.

After setting up the fire, I will take out the drinking water. Although the amount of water is sufficient, in order to keep us from being trapped by water shortage in the future, I suggest that you two drink one bottle to save.

Then, I distributed some compressed biscuits and beef to everyone so that everyone could eat some to supplement their body energy. I don't want to rest. For the team who knows the situation, it may be a game of saving people, but for us, it's more like an adventure game.

We don't even know where the entrance of the game is. It is likely that there are many dangers and difficulties on the way to the entrance. We must be careful at all times.

"The phantom gang are a group of psychopaths. Since they want to lead us, just leave clues. Let's find them ourselves. I really don't understand what medicine they sell in their gourd?" Lu Xiaofeng couldn't help complaining.

In fact, I have been thinking about Lu Xiaofeng's question.

But the existing clues are too few. It's hard to guess. I don't want to.

I remind you, "take a break and let's go on."

It's the best choice to hurry at this time while it's not dark. Once we can't find our destination at night, we'll spend the night in the jungle.

In the team, I was the only one who came here. According to the memory of that year, the base of the phantom gang was in the southeast, and I should arrive after passing a swamp. Therefore, I have been leading you to the southeast. I hope you don't make mistakes.

After everyone had enough to eat and drink, I put out the fire, took my backpack and prepared to leave. At this time, a "rustling" voice suddenly sounded not far away.


When everyone saw that I looked alert, they also woke up.

The rustling sound sounded like the footsteps of some human or animal, and the sound was always approaching in our direction.

In other words, there may be other teams or wild animals around us.

Either way, it's bad for us.

I did a squat movement to signal everyone to squat down, which can reduce the chance of accidental injury. I gently took off my backpack because it was too inconvenient to carry it.

I try not to make a sound and quietly approach the direction of the sound source.

Push the grass aside a little. I observe in the dark. Is it a man or a beast that makes a rustling sound?

Others were carefully distributed on both sides, and some even took out defensive things such as daggers.

The sound of "rustle" is getting closer and closer. "It's the sound of human footsteps. 6-8 people have stable breathing and heartbeat."

I can hear these judgments in the footsteps.

If people from other teams find our trace, they will at least be nervous. Therefore, I see that the possibility of other teams is ruled out, so there is only one possibility. The person coming is the phantom gang.

Footsteps stopped ten meters away from us, and then a hoarse voice came, "gentlemen, we're here to pick you up."

This sounds like a ghost. I'm afraid no one can do it except the phantom gang.

Also, I saw from the gap in the grass that it was really a group of guys dressed in black clothes and black hats who wrapped themselves tightly with only two eyes.

It's the phantom gang. Yes, they actually found here to pick us up. Does that mean that other teams are the same as us?

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