I smiled and made a "Shh" gesture to Wang Jianbi.

Wang Jian looked confused, but he wisely chose not to ask and continued to act with me.

My speculation is not wrong. I let them look for it on the wall. I just want those people to see and hear it and make them panic.

When they panic, they will show their feet. This time is our chance.

I have no better way to find Ji MuQing as soon as possible. This is the only way.

While pretending to look for it, I paid attention to the movements around and in the wall. It can be said that I was listening carefully to all the movements here.

They may have guessed my intention and may be very cautious. Therefore, I must be a hundred percent vigilant.

This is an invisible war. They are trying to cover up and I am trying to search for the target.

Just like the mouse in the hole and the cat outside the hole, as long as you are a little careless, one side will fail.

And now I'm the cat that catches mice.

Wait, there's something moving. It sounds subtle.

I pressed my ears against the wall and listened carefully. What's the strange sound?

Seeing that I looked abnormal, a bin wanted to come over and was stopped by me.

I made a sign to tell him to keep looking and leave me alone.

A bin understood and nodded. In order to prevent others from finding something unusual on my side, a bin deliberately covered me with his body.

I can't think of anything now. I must concentrate and put all my attention and mind here.

Because the sound is too subtle, as if it came from under the ground


By the way, why didn't I think of it? The wall is hollow, and people don't hide in the wall. Maybe it's because there's a secret road leading to the ground behind it?

"A bin." I shouted. A bin quickly ran over, and others came around when they heard the news.

Everyone didn't bring anything. If they wanted to open the wall, they had to look for other things.

"Go and find some stones."

After that, a bin led Lu Xiaofeng. They had gone to find the stone.

Wang Jian still doesn't understand what medicine I sell in the gourd. "Brother Zhao, what did you find?"

"I suspect our relatives are in the basement behind the wall. Now, we're going to break down the wall."

"But you didn't say..." Wang Jian suddenly realized, "ah, I see. You just said that on purpose and deliberately let those people hear. They will be afraid, move the crowd and make a noise. You rely on your voice to find their position?"

Wang Jian guessed right.

There's nothing to be proud of. Now I only care about how to break the broken wall.

"Feng Yuan, Hong Ping, go and find the stone."

With hope, we also have a run, full of energy.

In a few moments, almost everyone came back with a sharp stone.

I asked them to put the stone two or three meters away from the wall. I will use my internal force to hit the stone to the wall. The sharp stone is as powerful as a bullet under the action of internal force.

When a few stones went down, a big hole was hit in the wall, enough for one person to go in.

"Go!" we all can't wait to come to the cave.

I arranged, "a bin, you and Xiaofeng, Xiaodong and Xiaoyun Xiaoru are outside."

Lu Xiaofeng didn't like it. "Master, why don't you let us follow in?"

A bin explained, "if this is a trap and we all go in, who will save us. The people who stay outside have the same heavy responsibility and must not be taken lightly. Zhao Suo, go in quickly and you don't have to worry outside."

I nodded and got in first.

Sure enough, there is a long staircase leading to the bottom. The wall is illuminated by a luminous plant.

Wang Jian led Feng Yuan and Hong Ping to follow. I couldn't wait to find Ji MuQing. I walked quickly and threw Wang Jian away from them for a long distance.

"Brother Zhao, slow down," Wang Jian reminded me.

I really can't slow down. "Brother Wang, take your time. I'll go ahead and explore the way first."

The staircase is very long, about more than 20 meters. According to this angle, the distance from the ground to the basement is at least more than 10 meters.

It's really a good choice to hide people here. If I hadn't had extraordinary hearing, I wouldn't have found the secret.

I trotted all the way to the bottom and carefully hid myself in the corner.

Sure enough, there are many people from the phantom Gang here.

I have roughly observed the terrain here. At the end of the corridor is a free zone. There is a door at the end of the free zone. At the moment, the door is closed and I can't know the situation inside. It seems that we must sneak in or break in to know what's going on inside.

I waited for Wang Jian. After they had a round with me, I briefly told Wang Jian about the situation here, "brother Wang, our people are likely to be closed behind that door. I counted. There are eight people from the phantom Gang here. There are four of us, one and two. No problem?"

The three nodded, "no problem."

I nodded, "well, I'll count one, two, three. Let's rush out together. It's best to put down eight people at the first time."

"One, two, three!"

"Hua Hua!"

The four of us rushed out together.

One by one, I took two people's arms, threw them away, and then hit them together. The two people suddenly fainted.

Look at the others. Wang Jian has finished it.

Hong Ping went down and fainted two.

Where's Feng Yuan

Shit, why did he faint himself?

I flew over and kicked the last one of the phantom gang out.

Hong Ping pulled Feng Yuan up. "Hey, can you do it? The chain will fall off at the critical moment."

"Stop talking nonsense and pinch others quickly."

Hong Ping's strength can crush Feng Yuan's head with one finger.

Feng Yuan covered his nose and shouted, "what are you doing? You almost strangled me."

"Who made you dizzy? I'm to blame."

"Well, we should go in." I told them to stop arguing.

I don't know if there will be any danger behind the door. We are very careful.

The door is not very strong. It's all wood. You can kick it open with one foot.

I was ready for any danger. The big deal was to fight, so I kicked the door open rudely.

With a bang, the wooden door fell down.

Sure enough, all the people here are our relatives.

I searched for the past one by one, and finally found my father-in-law and mother-in-law in the last room. However, there are no Ji MuQing and little pineapple here.

I asked anxiously, "Mom and Dad, where's Xiaoqing and little pineapple?"

"Zhao Suo? It's really you. That's great. That's great. I knew you would come to save us." my mother-in-law cried excitedly.

My father-in-law can calm down, "Zhao Suo, after we were caught, Xiaoqing and xiaopineapple disappeared. I... we are also worried about them. Leave us alone and go to find them, go..."

disappear without a trace?

All the people are detained here. Why don't Xiaoqing and xiaopineapple? Why?

"Dad, tell me about the situation at that time. In the shortest tone, come on!"

"The next day, the day after we were caught, two people in black suddenly came in and asked Xiaoqing if she knew a man named Zhao Qingxuan? Xiaoqing said she knew him, so they took Xiaoqing away. The little pineapple adhered to Xiaoqing, so they took the little pineapple away."

Zhao Qingxuan was my original name. My father-in-law and mother-in-law didn't know it was me.

In other words, Xiaoqing was taken away because of me.

"Mom and Dad, you come out first. Xiaoqing, I will find it. You promise me to take care of your safety." I took my father-in-law and mother-in-law out and handed them to Wang Jian for help. "Brother Wang, my wife and children are not here. I have to continue to look for them. This is my father-in-law and mother-in-law. They will trouble you to take care of them."

"Don't worry, I will take good care of them, but where should you look? This place is so big." Wang Jian asked with worry.

I always think this place is not so big. There must be other secret ways.

I went outside, woke up one of the phantom gang and threatened, "say, do you have any other secret ways here?"

The man looked at me in a daze, "don't... don't kill me... I'll tell you what you want to ask. Secret way... Yes, there are several."

"There is a woman and a child in solitary confinement. Where are they?"

"They were invited to be guests by our guild leader."

Guild leader? Would you like to be a guest?

"Where is it?"

"I don't know. I'm not qualified to know where the guild leader is." the man was trembling.

I don't give up, "who knows?"

"Our boss must know that the mysterious man, the mysterious man talking to you, is a popular man around our guild leader. He took the woman and child away at the beginning. He must know."

"Where is he now?"

"Our boss always haunts. It's hard for us to find their whereabouts. He can hide and hide. I really don't know where he is?"

I know everything I should know. I knocked this guy unconscious.

It seems that if you want to find Ji MuQing, you must find the mysterious man first.

It's not easy for a guy who is good at invisibility and earth hiding to find his whereabouts.

However, everything in the world has two sides. If there is a good side, there is a bad side.

Tu Dun and stealth sound very powerful and popular, but it doesn't mean that it is invincible in the world.

A person can hide himself, but he can't hide his heartbeat, breath and breath.

When he spoke to us in the hall, I remembered his breath. It was a very unique and subtle breath. I had to concentrate on it.

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