I closed my eyes and felt the subtle breath with all my attention.

My soul seems to be separated from my body and wandering in this great space.

For example, I am in a vast ocean, looking for a very small fish.

It will hide, hide and avoid me. The only way I can find its trace is to listen to the subtle sound that ordinary people can't hear when it swims.

Moreover, the sound is across the vast sea. It is not easy to capture it accurately.

I'm swimming slowly, looking while swimming.

Not here, not here, not here

I almost felt this place once, but I never found the existence of the goal.

Damn it, what's wrong?

Is the target not at all?

No, it's right here because I can feel it. But why can't I see it? Yes, because it can be invisible.

In other words, I swam around in the sea alone. I couldn't see it. I could only judge it by hearing.

Just now, I was too anxious. My mind disturbed my hearing. It may be right next to me, but I missed it.

Now, I have to feel it again.

At the same time, I felt the danger hovering around me.

The target should be near me. Maybe he's provoking me?

Yes, this is a feeling of provocation. The first time I looked for him, he might be afraid of me, but when I didn't find him, his self-confidence slowly covered up his fear.

He began to show disdain for me, began to ridicule me, did not pay attention to me, and even wanted to brush a sense of superiority on me.

That's good, really good.

It may be hard to find in the vast sea, but since it has come to me, I can't let it go anyway.

He must be showing off to me. He can't help it, as long as I can.

I smiled and said disdainfully, "what are you proud of? A clown who can only hide himself doesn't dare to show people his true face. What are you proud of?"

I deliberately stimulated him.

"Thumping" is the sound of rapid heartbeat, but it's too fast for me to capture the specific location.

"Do you think I'll be fooled if you say that"? You underestimate me. You want to play cat and mouse with me. I'll accompany you to the end. Look at us. Who can laugh last. "

The source of the sound is very unstable. It rushes down from all directions and cannot be captured.

It seems that we still have to rely on the characteristics of breath, heartbeat and respiration.

I want to keep talking to him, constantly stimulate him and make his heart beat faster.

He can hide his voice and his position, but he can't hide his heartbeat and the breathing sound that becomes heavy because of his heartbeat.

"It's just a game you think. I don't think it's a game. If it's really a game, it's also my own game. I'm hunting you, and you, just the prey in the game, can't be regarded as a role at all." I deliberately use the way of belittling his identity to reduce his sense of existence and dignity.

"Hahaha... Do you think you can force me to show up with a smart mouth? Tut tut Tut, it's still too tender."

"Why don't you dare to show your true face? Is it because you are too ugly? Or do you have no face to show what you have done?"

"Your invisibility is very powerful, and your ability to hide your voice is also very powerful, but no matter how powerful you are, you can't hide your heartbeat."

"Don't panic, I didn't find your position. If I found it, you can't have a chance to hide it."

"It seems that you are not convinced of me because I am better than you. It seems that you yourself admit that I am better than you."

"I found that you have low self-esteem and no self-confidence. Are you really ugly? Because you are ugly, you have no confidence in yourself?"

"Shut up!" he roared. Without the sound from all directions, I quickly captured his position. Unfortunately, before I could make a move, the position I judged had no breath of him. It seemed that he had changed at that moment.



"Hehe, you are really cunning. You want to use this move to force me to lose my mind and expose my position. Unfortunately, your speed is never as fast as me." his tone was complacent.

I was not discouraged, but was not affected at all. I still looked confident, "fast, do you think fast is the foundation of martial arts?"

"Of course, the faster, the better. The faster, the harder it will be for others to capture your position. The faster, the harder it will be for others to guess what's going to happen next and the greater the chance of winning." he was very firm.

I said, "what about Tai Chi? Tai Chi should be the slowest martial arts, but you have to admit that it's powerful!"

"Bullshit Tai Chi," he yelled, "I don't think Tai Chi is very powerful. It's just that some people boast about it. I think that fast is the root of everything. Do you know why it's difficult for you to capture my voice? Because fast, because I keep moving myself until you can't see me at all, so you feel that my voice seems to come from all directions Party's, "

He was so proud that he forgot his form.

An arrogant and complacent person is often not a good thing.

Before, I always wondered how his stealth and earth hiding skills were done, but now, I seem to understand.

There is no hiding skill at all, and there is no earth hiding skill at all. Everything is because his speed is too fast.

He can constantly move himself in less than a second. It is impossible for the naked eye to capture such a fast speed, so we can't see him and subconsciously feel that he seems very powerful.

In addition, others have instilled in us the concept that he will be invisible and recluse, and our brain subconsciously thinks that he will.

I directly exposed his secret.

"You're talking nonsense. I just can hide and hide." he was anxious. He had lost his mind, and his heartbeat was particularly obvious.

I didn't show it, but continued to deal with him.

"If what I said is not true, why are you so excited? A person will subconsciously refute, reject and resist only when he is pierced by others."


I have judged his position.

Sorry, you can take a break.

I shot quickly and grabbed him before he could react from the shock.

It's a little different from what I thought. This man is black and thin. He's all skin and bones, just like the reincarnation of a hungry ghost.

A black robe, said the face was as pale as a vampire's face, but the eyes were black, unnatural and lifeless.

I stared at him and he stared at me.

It's just that I'm relaxed. He's nervous and unbelievable.

"How did you find me?" he looked at me with incredible eyes. Those dark eyes became more and more rich, like a bottomless abyss.

However, there was a trace of panic and uneasiness in the rich.

I smiled, "because you are too arrogant, but you don't have arrogant capital. I let you expose yourself in a few words. Although your speed is very fast, you can't hide your heartbeat. It tells me your position."

"No, it's impossible. I'm so fast that you can't catch me." he still couldn't believe it.

"That only means I'm faster than you."

"It's impossible. I'm the fastest in the world. No one can be faster than me."

The man is not only arrogant, but also has no foresight.

I was too lazy to talk nonsense with him and asked directly, "where did you take my wife and daughter? Say!"

The man was still immersed in the great blow, looked in a trance, and didn't seem to hear my question.

I was so angry that I threw him directly to the ground, "don't pretend to be a fool for me. I'll ask you again where my wife and daughter have been taken. I want to see them now."

I hit him on the ground next to his head and made a big hole in the ground.

The guy's eyes stared at me. They were almost burst.

It seems that he is also a guy afraid of death. That's good.

People only become timid when they are afraid of something.

I pulled up his collar. "I'll ask again where they are, or your head will be the same as the ground."

"I said, I said." the guy looked at me in panic. "They, they were invited to be guests by the guild leader."

"Nonsense, I'm asking where the specific location is?"

"I... I can take you, but I have another request..."

"You're not qualified to negotiate terms with me." at this time, he asked me specially.

The guy was yelled by me, and his soul was almost gone. "OK, OK, I won't mention the terms. I'll take you."


"Zhao Suo..."

"We'll go with you." ah bin and Lu Xiaofeng also came down.

After Wang Jian and their family members took other people's families out, a bin and his family learned that I was still down there, so they ran down to check. They just ran into this scene.

I looked behind them. Those families who had no strength to bind chickens were weak one by one, and some needed help to move around.

Wang Jian, after all, they have limited manpower and can't take care of everyone.

So I said to a bin, "you stay and take care of these people. I'll go alone."

"How dangerous it is!" Xiong Xiaoyun was the first to disagree. "You have to face it, but the leader of the phantom Gang, you have to break into the dragon's pool and tiger's den. You let us stay and go alone. What do you think we are, people who are greedy for life and afraid of death?"

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