"Xiaofeng, you are luckier than those people." I pointed to the people who come and go in the street. They are ordinary people, doing ordinary and ordinary things, but very happy.

If someone bullies them, what will they resist?

They have no ability to resist. They can only accept their fate.

They didn't provoke anyone, but that doesn't mean the bad guys won't look at them.

What did they do wrong? Why bear the consequences that shouldn't belong to them?

The word bullying will never disappear, because there are always some people who are evil and some people who are good.

If you don't have the best way to contain evil, you can only make the whole people stronger, and you can only make yourself no longer cowardly and no longer be slaughtered, "that's the purpose of establishing a martial arts school as a teacher."

Lu Xiaofeng looked at me blankly. She didn't speak for a long time. She seemed to chew my words and taste the meaning.

I stretched out my hand and patted him on the shoulder twice, indicating that he slowly realized that some things that others can only say are others' experiences and feelings, which are never my own. Only what I deeply understand belongs to me.

There is nothing to gain today. I encourage you to continue tomorrow. If you can't do it tomorrow, continue the day after tomorrow until we can succeed.

I don't believe it. As long as I have a perseverance, nothing can't be done.

"Master." Lu Xiaofeng came to me. It seems that he figured it out and understood what I said, "I have a better way."

The boy has a flexible mind and many clever ideas. I believe he really came up with a way.


Lu Xiaofeng said, "It's hard for people to accept and recognize us, but if we can produce a certain effect like stars, people will start to imitate. When imitation becomes a trend, it will become popular, just like square dance. You see, nine out of ten of the great masters and aunts in China can dance square dance now. Why , because they are popular. "

I felt suddenly enlightened and had to admit that Lu Xiaofeng's move was indeed a good way.

Let martial arts training become a trend, a fashion, and a necessary product of life loved by the whole people.

There is no need for us to waste time and energy here. As long as we produce a certain popularity and popularity, people will naturally learn voluntarily.

Yes, yes, that's a good idea.

I excitedly grabbed Lu Xiaofeng's shoulder, "good job!"

Then I called Zhao Xiaoru and asked her to meet.

"What's the matter? Call me out in such a hurry. I still have a lot of things to do. I'm very busy. If you have anything to say, hurry up." Zhao Xiaoru is filming, which comes out with a costume.

Thank you. I appreciate it.

Time is tight, so I'll make a long story short, "help me talk to your director and say I want to make a short film with him."

"What short film?" Zhao Xiaoru looked at me curiously.

I spoke out the idea excitedly.

Zhao Xiaoru blinked at me. "Don't you have a fever? Popularize martial arts and let everyone learn it? Don't you think the world is not chaotic enough? No, I can't help you. I have to go."

I pulled her. "You have to help me with this. Do you remember you cheated Ji MuQing for five million to take her to the fashion show? You promised me to return the five million to us at that time. I still have a recording."

"You are a threat." Zhao Xiaoru stared at me, and her gums were almost broken.

I "Hei hei" smiled, "it's not a threat, it's a kind reminder. Beauty Zhao, it's not difficult for you to do this. Just let you tell your director. You don't have to take care of the rest. You just let me meet your director."

Zhao Xiaoru groaned angrily and put her hands around her chest. "I don't understand. You say you're restless every day, guarding your wife and children, and doing these messy things. What do you want?"

I don't want to do this. I also want to keep my wife and children warm on the Kang, but the phantom Gang won't let those pests.

What can I do, I am also very helpless, I am also very desperate.

"Beauty Zhao, you see, we've known each other for so long. I'm not bad for you. I'll help you connect with ah bin and create opportunities for you. Now I'll ask you for such a small favor. You don't want to do it. It's not interesting enough." I began to play emotion cards.

Zhao Xiaoru skimmed her mouth. "OK, OK, your mouth is powerful, but I can't tell you. I helped you, but we agreed. I promised to repay your money and write it off. You quickly delete the recording for me."

In fact, there is no recording. Zhao Suo is not that kind of mean person.

When Zhao Xiaoru followed us through mountains and rivers for the first time regardless of danger, I thought this girl was good. I couldn't fool other girls, so I deleted the recording at that time.

But now I can't tell her the truth. According to the girl's nature, she has to compete with me.

So I pretended to find a recording and deleted it directly.

"Wait, let me listen to this recording first."

How dare you let her listen? It's over to let her hear.

I quickly deleted the recording first, and then handed her my mobile phone, "deleted. Look at the rest. There is absolutely no part of you."

Zhao Xiaoru looked at me suspiciously and directly threw the mobile phone to me. "How do I feel that I was fooled by you? I don't listen. There must be no part in this."

"Let's make a deal about it. You promised to help me. You can't go back on it." I installed my mobile phone.

"Wait for my call. Our director is very busy now. It's estimated that he doesn't have time." Zhao Xiaoru got up to go.

I asked, "how long will it take? If not, I can wait here."

Zhao Xiaoru looked at me angrily. "I'm not sure. You don't want to wait here for me to answer you? Brother, I can't promise to answer you when. If you want to wait, just wait. I'll go first."

Then he ran away.

In fact, I also know it's not so fast. I just want to put some pressure on Zhao Xiaoru to let her know that if I don't do it as soon as possible, I'll pester her in the future.

This move is still very effective. In the afternoon, I received a call from Zhao Xiaoru, "our director has some time now. Come quickly."

"I'm in the old cafe. You can see me as soon as you enter the door." I sat here all the time.

A few minutes later, Zhao Xiaoru came in with a middle-aged man and a young brother.

After everyone took their seats, Zhao Xiaoru introduced each other, even if they knew each other.

I don't want to be wordy and go straight to the subject, "director Wang, I'd like to invite you to make a short film and the publicity of this short film. Xiaoru has already told you, so I won't explain in this regard. In terms of expenses, what you say is what you say, and I won't bargain with you."

The director looked at me with strange eyes. "Xiaoru said you wanted to make a Kung Fu promotional film. It's hard to publicize such films. As for the effect of publicity, I can't promise you."

"I know this. You don't have to worry about the later aspects. You just need to help us fear good films and help us find a channel for publicity."

It's estimated that this is the first time for a talkative customer like me, so the negotiation went smoothly.

Director Wang asked me to pay 8 million for shooting and later publicity at one time. This figure really surprised me.

I didn't expect that the cost of publicity would be so high. I thought tens of thousands of yuan would be enough.

I scratched my head in embarrassment, secretly aimed at Zhao Xiaoru and asked for help with my eyes.

I pretended to go to the bathroom. In fact, I was waiting for Zhao Xiaoru at the door of the bathroom.

Without much Kung Fu, Zhao Xiaoru appeared.

"Shit, your director's heart is too dark, eight million. Why doesn't he rob it?" I complained.

Zhao Xiaoru looked at me with a smile. "Eight million is not high at all. Do you know how much we pay for a play? It's hundreds of thousands. The publicity expenses of TV, advertising and so on are very high. Eight million is just a conservative price. If you want more advertising and more channels, you don't have enough 100 million."

a hundred million.

I robbed the bank.

Besides, I'm doing good for the people. Why can't I get a discount? I have to pay out of my own pocket.

Even if I pay out of my own pocket, I don't have eight million even if I sell me.

I hurriedly grabbed my hair. "It's too expensive. It's too expensive. No, I don't have so much money. I'm not a nouveau riche."

Zhao Xiaoru sighed, "when you told me just now, I was surprised that you were so great and heroic. Now I finally know that you thought it was too simple. Do you want to continue now? If not, I'll tell the director now that they are very busy."

Spend $8 million to publicize and contribute to the people. How can you listen and feel like something that can only be done by a brain cripple.

The most important thing is, I don't have money. Do you want me to be a wronghead?

However, this is a faster and more convenient method. If you give up, you will give up my persistence and previous efforts.

Zhao Xiaoru advised me, "are you still hesitant? Do you really want to pay $8 million? Hehe, I'll ask you, do you have $8 million? If you really want to do so, sister Xiaoqing will support you, but you take his money to be a hero, which..."

Although she didn't say what she said later, the meaning was obvious. It just meant that I took Ji MuQing's money to do good deeds and earned face and honor. What can Ji MuQing get?

Most people understand this, but I never worry that Ji MuQing will think more, nor that she will think that I love fame more than she does. But

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