"Master Zhao, I didn't expect you to be young, but you have such courage and courage. Your lover makes us open up and see a different woman. You two deserve our admiration."

I can't afford these noble words, but I accept all the praise for Ji MuQing, because she is really very different. She is the greatest luck and pride of Zhao Suo's life.

"Everybody, since everyone's goals are the same now, let's discuss how to break through, when to start and how to do it?"

Excitement is excitement. We should talk about business.

This is like a war between the two armies, which must be planned in advance, because there is a wide gap between the strength of the enemy and ours. It is irresponsible for everyone to act rashly without a comprehensive plan.

"As far as I know, the phantom Gang is now operating around the world. It can be seen that their number is very large, but they have a base in each region. This is what a friend of mine found. There is one of their strongholds in China, that is, blind mountain, which is more than 500 kilometers away from us. Where the base point is, they will take the base point as the center, Spread around to carry out their actions, so we are actually very dangerous. "

"My idea is, let's start from the nearest stronghold and break it one by one. By the way, let's find out where their headquarters is. As the saying goes, catch the thief first and catch the king. They have too many strongholds. If we kill them one by one, it takes too much time and energy. Therefore, our main purpose is actually their nest."

"My two friends are trying their best to track down. We should cooperate with them. I believe it's not difficult as long as we work together to kill them."

At this time, we must say something encouraging. Even if we may face countless failures in the future, we can't say it at this time.

Because once people are distracted, it will be a very troublesome thing.

After what I said, I now need to ask for your opinions, "do you have anything to say? Or, do you want to add?"

"Master Zhao, how can we break through their stronghold?" a tall and thin man asked.

If you want to break through, there are only two ways, either wise or hard attack.

"Now we don't see their stronghold. We don't know how their defense and geographical location are, so I can't give a definite answer now. When we get to the place, we'll observe it first and then make a plan. What do you think?"

Everyone thought what I said was reasonable and nodded in agreement.

"Since everyone has no opinion, let's divide our troops into three ways. Some people prepare the materials, food and water needed on the road, some people prepare some guns, and some people inquire around about the situation of the phantom gang."

I made arrangements for the personnel of the third route. The Xiong family is a leader in the three provinces of Jiangbei. Naturally, they do this kind of guns.

Food and water resources, Kim Dae Jung, Huang Zhui, Zhao Feng and bearded, they will do it. The rest of them try to inquire about the movement of the phantom gang.

We agreed to leave in two days. When everything is ready, we can have a day to rest and adjust.

Once we set out, it will be a aimless rush that can't stop at any time.

"You can't go!" this is my only request for Ji MuQing.

Ji MuQing also asked me, "I can't help but let me go."

I had expected her to say so, and I always remember what she said to me, but this time is different, too dangerous and too long. No one can guarantee that all this can be done in one or two days, or in one or two months.

Besides, she's still pregnant. I'll be distressed if she follows us through bumps and fatigue.

But Ji MuQing also has her reason, "you love me, don't I love you? Do you want me to sit at home and wait for you to come back, and then think nonsense and drive myself crazy, or do you want me to follow you, give you advice and be your huangrong? Don't tell me you choose the former, I told you, I don't like to be an ordinary woman, I want to be huangrong."

"Do you know that when Huang Rong was about to be born, he fought with Guo Jing against the enemy? Every time I saw those bridge sections, I admired Huang Rong and envied her."

I really don't know whether to cry or laugh. "It's all novels. It's deceptive. Some people dare to do that. The child has long disappeared."

"So I didn't want to fight and kill. I can only give you advice. If you refuse this, it's too inhuman." she scolded me.

When talking to her about this matter, I always said that I couldn't help her. In fact, I didn't want to say it, but I didn't want to say it.

Who doesn't want her lover to stay with her forever? I'm really worried about leaving Ji MuQing at home alone.

In fact, no matter what I do, I will worry and worry. I always tell them to be decisive when they should be decisive, but when it comes to myself, in fact, I am the most contradictory and hesitant.

I want to persuade Ji MuQing and myself.

But in the end, I was convinced by Ji MuQing.

If Ji MuQing wants to go with me, he must arrange the little pineapple first.

Black rose has no news until now, and I don't know what's going on over there. The little pineapple can only be taken care of by her father-in-law and mother-in-law for the time being.

"No, I just don't go, don't go, don't go..." little pineapple heard that we were going to send her to Ji's father and mother. She was very emotional and refused to go. She shut herself in the room. I knocked on the door for a long time. She always said a word and didn't go.

"Can you open the door first?" I knocked again for more than ten minutes. I was almost impatient.

With a bang, I don't know what hit the door panel.

I couldn't help it at once. I wanted to kick the door and was stopped by Ji MuQing. "You said you can be polite to others. Why can't you be more patient with your children."

"Look at her. It's obviously unreasonable. How can I be polite to her?"

"All right, all right, you go aside and let me come." Ji MuQing pushed me back to my room and didn't let me get involved again.

I really can't help it. In terms of psychological warfare, Ji MuQing is better than me. Even those old people can handle it. It's not a matter of minutes to deal with small pineapples.

So I said, "I'll leave it to you."

Ji MuQing nodded and motioned me to leave.

Although I went back to my room, I couldn't feel at ease and lay in bed. I just heard Ji MuQing knock on the door a few times, "little pineapple, your father is gone. Can you open the door for sister Xiaoqing? Look, sister Xiaoqing has a little brother in her stomach. It's not sister Xiaoqing who wants to go in, but the little brother who wants to go in. He misses you."

"You're lying!" little pineapple refused to open the door.

Ji MuQing was patient and continued, "I didn't lie to you. My little brother blames me for not taking him to see you. He's in a mood. He'll keep taking my stomach for me. Ouch, I kicked it again. I don't believe you can touch it."

"Creak -" the door actually opened.

I smiled and had to admire Ji MuQing for being really powerful.

After the little pineapple came out, Ji MuQing didn't worry about telling her to send her away, but let her touch her stomach, "look, does my little brother miss you very much?"

"Yes, he has been moving." little pineapple is very depressed. "Sister Xiaoqing, don't send me away. I don't want to be separated from you."

"I don't want to send you away, but Dad and I have something to do. We can't take you with us. Let you go to Grandpa's and grandma's house for a while." I looked out from the crack of the door and saw Ji MuQing stroking the head of little pineapple, very gentle and patient.

Little pineapple held her neck and cried, "but I'll miss you when you go. I can't sleep at night. I'll miss my brother. I can't talk to my brother anymore."

"Silly girl, we will come back again. Little pineapple, sister Xiaoqing is also very reluctant to give up you. She is reluctant to separate from you and leave you alone. However, your Barbie needs someone to take care of. Think about it, you still have grandparents. If I don't go, there will be no one in your Barbie. Can you bear to watch him eat well and sleep well outside?"

Little pineapple bowed his head and didn't speak.

Ji MuQing helped her wipe away the tears on her face and continued, "I know that little pineapple loves Barbie very much. How can he be willing to suffer? So little pineapple will bear it for the sake of daddy and for our future, okay?"

The words made my nose ache.

I always think little pineapple is more mature and sensible than ordinary children. She should be sensible, but I ignore that she is only a four-year-old child.

Where do other people's children think so much at this age? They just have to eat, drink and have fun. However, little pineapple has to bear the responsibility and pressure that others will admit many years later.

In this regard, she is poor, because she does not have the happiness that other children should have. She thinks too much and bears too much. There are too many pressures and burdens on her thin shoulders.

Ji MuQing is right. I have more patience with others than little pineapple.

I'm not a qualified father. What did I give her besides her life?

No, nothing.

Material conditions, black rose can also meet her, so what she wants is never material satisfaction, but psychological satisfaction.

But I seem to have made a mistake.

I am very ashamed, also very guilty, also very remorse.

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