I squatted in front of the little pineapple and felt deeply remorse and guilt. I grabbed her little hands and obviously felt the strength of those little hands. It's a stubborn power, a power that makes me feel incredible.

It is this power that makes me stronger. I'm wrong.

"Little pineapple, daddy apologized to you. Daddy shouldn't be angry with you, but daddy did it to protect you. Can you understand daddy's heart?" I looked into little pineapple's eyes and hoped she could understand me.

The little pineapple looked at me with big watery eyes and a small pout, "but I don't want to be separated from my father and sister Xiaoqing."

This tender voice, however, burst out unprecedented energy, just like a small pipe gushing out surging magma. It is such a simple sentence that let me know what children desire most in their hearts, and let me feel the little pineapple's care for us and a home.

It seems that something is creeping slowly in my heart, touching the softest place in my heart.

I really want to put aside everything and stay at home and live in the small world of the three of us. But I know that I have a great responsibility on my shoulders, far more than those in front of me. I have more important things to do.

The ancients often said that loyalty and filial piety cannot be completed. They had no concept of this before. Now they understand it. It's really true.

I grabbed little pineapple's little hand and said to her very seriously, "Little pineapple, daddy wants to be with you. Daddy knows that you want daddy and sister Xiaoqing to stay, but daddy and sister Xiaoqing have important things to do, which is related to the happiness and happiness of many people. If daddy and sister Xiaoqing don't go, many children like you will lose happiness and happiness, little pineapple , daddy knows you are a good child. Do you want other children to lose happiness and happiness? "

"But when they are happy, I am not happy." she looked at me tearfully, her dark eyes full of stubbornness.

My nose was sore, and the rhythm of dangerous tears was about to fall.

I firmly grasped the hand of little pineapple, "little pineapple will be happy. Little pineapple is different from ordinary children. One day you will understand what Dad means."

The little pineapple held my hand, "I don't want other children to be happy, but I have nothing, I just don't want it. I don't want to be sensible and don't know so much. I just want daddy and mommy to accompany me, and the three of us are happy..."

The sudden reaction of little pineapple caught me by surprise. Now she is more like a child of this age.

They can be willful, they can fool around, they can stick to what they think in their hearts, and no one can blame them, just because they are children, this reason is enough.

However, such things can't appear on the little pineapple, because she is my daughter of Zhao Qingxuan. She is different from ordinary children and can't be the same as them.

I feel guilty, but I also have my insistence. The things that have not been easy to soften are as hard as reinforced concrete in an instant. "This matter has no discussion. Whether you agree or not, I have decided so. I'll send you to my grandparents tomorrow. It's best not to make trouble."

"I won't listen, I won't go..." little pineapple covered his ears with both hands, ran to his room, and slammed the door shut.

My stubborn temper also came. I really wanted to beat her up and was stopped by Ji MuQing. "When can you change your temper? She's still a child. Can she listen to you when you tell her the big truth?"

I was also very angry. "You see, I said good and bad things, but she just didn't listen. What do you want me to do?"

"You... Go and have a rest. Leave it to me. Don't interfere." Ji MuQing ordered.

I sighed. It seems that I really shouldn't intervene in this matter. With my temper and shortness of breath, I might beat her.

I said, "well, go and persuade. Anyway, we have only one day left. If you still disagree, I'll just carry her tomorrow."

My attitude is also very firm.

Ji MuQing rolled her eyes at me angrily, and then went to find a little pineapple.

I lay in bed alone and thought about it.

I'm not upset about the little pineapple, but wondering whether our action will succeed and what are the chances of success?

I inquired about the geographical location of that area and found that their base area was in a mountain, and there were many base areas in the mountain area, which were sparsely populated, which was very consistent with their phantom Gang's style of acting like a phantom.

What is the purpose of these people's wide-ranging network?

If you win over all the people you can win over and get rid of those you can't win over, how can you feel that they seem to be eliminating dissidents.

Do they want to do an unspeakable thing or do they want to command all the practitioners on the earth?

When the idea came out of my mind, I sat up from bed.

Yes, why didn't I expect that their so many purposes are likely to be to lead the practitioners on the earth?

According to the current form, this kind of speculation is very likely.

But what is their purpose?

Against other practitioners?

There are countless planets in the vast universe. Maybe there are practitioners elsewhere.

Do they really want to gather all the practitioners on the earth and fight against the practitioners in other places?

However, if so, it seems that there are many places that do not make sense.

The thought just figured out seems to be blocked again.

I lay down again and continued to think about the strangeness of the matter.

I don't seem to understand again.

However, this matter is a bit complicated so far. If you want to know their specific purpose, you should learn it from them.

As I was thinking, I vaguely heard a burst of crying. It was the voice of a little pineapple, "no, no, no, no..."

Then there was Ji MuQing's voice, "little pineapple, listen to sister Xiaoqing first. Will you sit down?"

"I don't sit, I just don't sit..."

Then there was a banging sound.

As soon as I heard it, I was in a hurry. If the girl accidentally pushed Ji MuQing or tripped, how could she get it?

I hurried to their side and saw that the little pineapple was littering, including plush toys, pillows and even her favorite robot.

Ji MuQing stood not far in front of her. It would be great if she accidentally smashed it.

Seeing this scene, I was very angry because I didn't expect little pineapple to be so ignorant.

I protected Ji MuQing in front of him and grabbed something thrown by the little pineapple. I stared at the little pineapple with red eyes, "what do you want to do?"

Ji MuQing quickly stopped me. "We agreed. You leave this matter to me, so don't worry about it."

Then he pushed me out.

At this time, I'm angry. I don't want to go out.

I pointed to the nose of the little pineapple and yelled, "apologize, apologize immediately, do you hear me?"

"If I don't apologize, I just don't apologize." xiaonizi's voice is louder than me.

I suddenly got angry and raised my hand to fight. Ji MuQing was afraid that I would really fight, so she quickly hugged me, "Zhao Suo, if you do this again, I'll be really angry."

Hearing that Ji MuQing wanted to be angry, I restrained my anger.

Ji MuQing quickly pushed me out, "OK, OK, go out and let the little pineapple calm down first."

Looking at xiaonizi's current situation, I can't listen to anything. Ji MuQing doesn't say anything anymore. Let's come out together.

I was full of fire. Ji MuQing gave me a bad look, "look at you. It's agreed. Let me take care of this. How can you intervene again?"

"Look at her, she's going to turn the world upside down. What if I don't care? What if she hurts you?" I'm also very angry, and I can't vent my anger.

"Well, well, it didn't hurt me either." Ji MuQing sat down on the sofa, but she sighed. "It seems that the little pineapple really doesn't want us. Zhao Suo, otherwise, let's take her with us."

"No," I refused.

Anyway, little pineapple is a child. How dangerous it is to take her.

I'm her father. I'm responsible for her safety.

"Whether she wants it or not, I'll send her to my parents tomorrow." I'm very firm. Since she doesn't eat soft or hard, I'll do it hard, and I won't discuss it with her.

Ji MuQing also had some helplessness. "Don't worry first. I'll talk to her later. She will understand that little pineapple is so sensible."

I reached out to interrupt her. I don't want to tangle with this problem anymore.

The final result is that Ji MuQing still failed to convince the little pineapple, so I still have to force the little pineapple to my father-in-law and mother-in-law.

My only worry now is that my father-in-law and mother-in-law may not be able to see her.

But now, I'm not in the mood to think about that.

Big guys are still waiting for me. I don't have time to hesitate or tangle with others.

"Go," I ordered little pineapple.

Little pineapple sat on the bed, turned his head to one side, but refused to move.

I went straight over and picked her up. "I've told you all the good words. If you don't obey, don't blame me. Xiaoqing, take her things and go."

"If you don't go, I won't go..." little pineapple struggled desperately and shouted. She begged, "Dad is more wrong than me. I'm really wrong. I shouldn't have thrown things to sister Xiaoqing. I apologize to sister Xiaoqing. Please don't send me away..."

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