The scream is so heartbreaking that it's false to say it's not uncomfortable, but Ji MuQing's heart is soft now. If I'm soft again, will it come true to take the child?

She is only four years old. I owe her enough. If something happens again this time, I will feel guilty all my life.

Moreover, her life has just begun. We can't just destroy it in our hands.

I am no longer a qualified father and can't give her a good life. What I can do is to protect her as much as I can.

Therefore, I must be cruel and hard hearted.

After I stuffed the little pineapple into the car, I closed the door with a bang without hesitation.

Little pineapple wanted to open the door. I didn't give her a chance to start the car quickly.

I'll send the little pineapple to my father-in-law and mother-in-law first, and then come back to pick up Ji MuQing. I didn't let Ji MuQing go with me because I was afraid that Ji MuQing would be soft hearted and cruel when she saw the crying appearance of little pineapple.

But I didn't expect that little pineapple's stubbornness would come to this point.

I thought she would compromise when the car started, but unexpectedly, little pineapple opened the door and jumped out of the car.

When I found out, it was already late and she had rushed out of the door.

The little pineapple seemed to hit something with a bang.

I quickly stopped the car and saw the little pineapple lying on the ground, motionless. I was so scared that I felt as if my legs were not my own, and I didn't know how I came to the little pineapple.

I trembled and picked up the little pineapple. Her forehead was broken and bleeding.

She closed her eyes as if she were asleep, but no matter how I shook her, she couldn't wake up. Therefore, she was not asleep, she was in a coma.

I was so scared that my voice was trembling, "little pineapple, open your eyes to see daddy, little pineapple, open your eyes to see daddy..."

I screamed and screamed hard. I patted the little pineapple on the face, but no matter what I did, the little pineapple wouldn't open his eyes.

I was scared. Really, at that moment, I was really scared. I felt like crying.

"Little pineapple, dad is wrong. Dad shouldn't force you to do what you don't like to do. Open your eyes and see Dad..."

Tears in the frame of my eyes, my heart has never been so uncomfortable.

I carefully picked up the little pineapple. At this time, I felt a pair of soft hands gently touching my face. At that moment, I was stunned as if I had been touched by electricity.

"Daddy, don't cry, little pineapple is all right." the weak voice was powerful, like a huge light falling from the sky, enveloping me in an instant.

The sight in front of me becomes more and more blurred, more and more blurred, but also more and more clear.

Because I clearly saw that little pineapple opened her dark eyes and the look of love in her eyes.

At that moment, there was nothing more moving than those clear eyes.

"Little pineapple..." I have a lot to say, but I can't say anything when it comes to my mouth.

Maybe at this moment, nothing is the best.

I held the little pineapple in my arms and put her head on my shoulder.

I don't force her anymore. I don't force her anymore.

"Little pineapple, no, let's not go. Go home."

"Daddy, really?"

I nodded heavily. "Of course it's true."

The little pineapple stretched out his fleshy hand and gently stroked my face. A shallow smile was outlined at the corners of his mouth. "I knew Dad was the best."

"Daddy takes you to the hospital." I put the little pineapple in the car. On the way, I called Ji MuQing and briefly explained the situation here.

Ji MuQing was very anxious and hurried to the hospital.


The doctor was treating the little pineapple. I walked on the bench in the corridor with mixed feelings.

At that moment, my heart was unspeakably sour. If it weren't for my stubbornness and stubbornness, little pineapple wouldn't do so and wouldn't be hurt.

So, I caused all this. I always said to be good for the little pineapple, but in fact, the so-called good I gave was not what the little pineapple wanted.

Just as I am good to Ji MuQing, I always think that good given in my way is good, but I never thought whether what Ji MuQing wants is good or not.

I don't know them very well. Really, I don't know anything about the two women closest to me. I'm really guilty about this.

While I was waiting anxiously, Ji MuQing came. Ah bin sent her.

I didn't tell her the condition of little pineapple on the phone. I just said that little pineapple fell off the car. Ji MuQing was very worried and kept asking, "how's little pineapple? How's she now?"

"It's being treated. The doctor said it doesn't matter. Don't worry."

Ji MuQing's tears "crashed" and fell down. "Little pineapple is the most afraid of pain. I don't know if she can stand it. The child can cry for a long time when bitten by a mosquito. How painful it is to fall off the car."

This is the first time I've heard that little pineapple is afraid of pain. It shouldn't be. She's so strong and lively. How can she be afraid of pain.

"You are too worried."

Ji MuQing shook her head, "No, no, you don't know her at all. Although she always laughs like a little adult, in fact, she is a child. She is sensible because of her childhood living environment, but in her bones, she is still a child. She also has other children's fantasies and innocent ideas, and she will cry because of the same thing she likes 。”

"You don't know. When she forgot everything and threw herself into something, her innocent appearance was really very, very infectious. You know, when you brought little pineapple to live with us, didn't little pineapple repel me very much? Why did I get her recognition soon? That's because I knew her and I treated her as a child , I know what she wants and doesn't want. "

"I don't have so many requirements for her and treat her as my own child, so I can quickly grasp her heart and get her recognition. When you asked me what skills I had, in fact, I didn't have any skills. At that time, I certainly didn't know her as well as you, but I took advantage of this. Because I didn't know, I worked harder Yes, that's what today is all about. "

"Zhao Suo, it's natural and instinctive that a child doesn't want to be separated from those close to him. You can't force her. For example, when left behind children see their parents leaving, they will instinctively want to keep them. Because the little pineapple has no sense of security and lacks a sense of security, she tries her best not to let us leave because she is afraid."

Lack of security. I never thought she would lack security.

Maybe Ji MuQing is right. I ask too much of her, I don't know her, and I don't put my position right and go into her life and heart.

I bowed my head in shame, "I understand what you said. I just realized what a low-level mistake I made. To tell you the truth, little pineapple pushed open the door and jumped down. When I saw her lying there motionless, I regretted it very much. I think if I don't force her to do what she doesn't like, if I can think for her from her point of view, if I If you could walk into her heart and know what she really wants, you wouldn't have everything now. "

Ji MuQing looked up at me and outlined a shallow smile at the corners of her mouth. "If you can think like this, I'm very happy for you and for the little pineapple. One of you has too high requirements for the other, and the other has too little requirements for the other. You always go on the other's wrong thinking. Now, your channel is finally on the same line."

Then she stared at the treatment room and took a deep breath, "I hope the little pineapple will be all right."

I put my arm around her shoulder and muttered, "it's okay, it's going to be okay."

In about half an hour, the treatment was over, "the patient's family members can go in and visit."

I hurriedly went in with Ji MuQing to visit. I saw little pineapple lying on Nuo's bed, looking like she was so thin.

We hurried to her. She was wearing weak eyes, her face was a little pale, and there was gauze on her forehead. At such a weak moment, she could still laugh.

"Daddy, sister Xiaoqing..." little pineapple raised his hand.

Ji MuQing and I quickly held her hand, "little pineapple, we are all here."

The little girl smiled hard and looked at me with big watery eyes, "Daddy, was it because I was so naughty and made you angry that you wanted to send me away? I promise, I won't be naughty and make you angry in the future. And sister Xiaoqing, I'm really sorry for what happened last night. I shouldn't have thrown things at you. What if I hurt my little brother? I'm wrong, daddy, sister Xiaoqing, I'm really sorry I'm wrong. I just beg you not to leave me. I'll correct it. I'll be a good child and let you like me. "

The little girl said with a smile, but the tears in her eyes were so painful.

At this time, if I say any more words of reproach, how can I go down to be cruel?

I held her little hand tightly, "stop it, dad doesn't blame you. Dad used to be bad. When you get well, you can go wherever you want. Dad and sister Xiaoqing will never separate from you again, okay?"

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