Lin Jiang sighed and shook his head, "sorry, I can't help it."

This is like a steel knife, which cuts off the poor hope in my heart.

My hand gradually loosened, and my heart seemed to be empty as if I had lost something.

"Since you can't help me, why do you save me?" if you don't save me, I can be caught and sacrificed with them, so I don't have to feel guilty and guilty.

What should I do now?

I'm here alone. My relatives and friends suffer there. I don't know when they will become victims of others. That kind of deep suffering tortures me.

After roaring, I went straight in the direction of the old ghosts.

I can't live or die alone. I'm going to save them. I'm going to find them.

In my eyes, in my mind, there are no other concepts at all. I just want to go quickly.

At this time, both Lin Jiang and Xiaobai stopped in front of me and blocked my way.

I roared, "get out of the way!!!"

The sound is like a bell, loud and thick.

Neither of them moved. They stood still. I went left, they went left, I went right, they went right.

I was about to attack. Lin Jiang pressed my body one second ago, "Brother Zhao, I know you're very upset now, and I know you always value love and righteousness. You can't sit back and ignore your brother's difficulties. However, please recognize the reality. Well, we can't be their opponents together. Going now is nothing more than to die and contribute to their plan. The reason why I save you is that I value what brother Zhao did Man, I can't bear to see you sacrificed, but my ability is just that. I have no other ability. "

After Lin Jiang's words, my mind has been buzzing. I seem to hear it, but I don't seem to hear it.

I can't listen to his words at all. Now I just want to find ah bin and them. I don't think about anything else.

I pushed Lin Jiang. I want to leave. I want to do what I want to do.

But I couldn't push Lin Jiang at all. He still stood firmly. I tried hard again, and this time, a strong force bounced me back.

I fell to the ground and hit the hard concrete floor, which made my whole body ache.

Lin Jiang and Xiao Bai came to me and looked down at me, "brother Zhao, you can't even beat me. How can you be the opponent of those people?"

With red eyes, I struggled to get up. I just felt soft all over, as if I didn't have any strength.

I was so angry that I hit the ground with a fist. I didn't know whether it hurt. Anyway, my hand was full of blood and broke a big piece of skin.

Xiaobai jumped up to me, stretched out his soft tongue, licked my hand and licked the blood stains clean.

Then, it swept my face with its furry tail, like a child's hand, gently stroking my cheek.

I seemed to feel the soft little hand of the little pineapple, gently stroking my cheek and ear, echoing the voice of a young smile, "Daddy, Daddy..."

In the hazy, I saw the little pineapple bouncing and the hair bouncing.

Vaguely, I also saw Ji MuQing. They came hand in hand from the white light and came towards me.

Ji MuQing's stomach has grown a lot, and our son has grown up a lot.

They are getting closer and closer to me. One is laughing and the other is smiling.

They were waving at me, one called "Daddy" and the other called "husband".

Their voice is so sweet, so gentle, and their faces are so kind and beautiful. I really want to reach out and touch them. However, when I stretch out my hand, I can't touch anything. Even the beautiful illusion in front of me disappeared.

It's gone. It's gone.

Lin Jiang squatted down and patted me on the shoulder. "Brother Zhao, think about it for his sister-in-law and for the little pineapple."

His words completely defeated the belief in my heart.

My unprecedented contradiction, no longer the previous unswerving belief, because I have concerns and concerns.

My mind calmed down slowly. I had to admit that Lin Jiang was right. Even if I went now, I just made an extra contribution to the sacrifice of thousands of people.

However, if I don't go, my conscience will not pass.

I can't go and die, because I still have Ji MuQing and little pineapple waiting for me to go back, and I can't help it, because I can't ignore my friends.

What should I do? What should I do?

I felt so helpless and sad for the first time, and I felt so powerless for the first time.

I looked up into Lin Jiang's eyes, "I want you to help me."

Lin Jiang looked at me and didn't speak for a long time. After a long time, he sighed, "I can't help you, really."


Lin Jiang helped me up, then sat cross legged beside me, "don't you always wonder about the identity of Xiaobai and me? I believe you have noticed that Xiaobai and I are different from others. Because we have imprisonment, we can't do anything."

"Once we break the oath of imprisonment, we will be punished by heaven."

"However, I can ask others to help you." I was desperate. Unexpectedly, Lin Jiang finally said such a sentence, which burned my resurgent heart again.

I quickly looked at him and asked, "help me, be sure to help me."

Lin Jiang patted the back of my hand, "You also know this man. He is the old yellow crane who treated you. In fact, Xiaobai and I came here this time and were entrusted by the old yellow crane. However, I always don't understand why the old yellow crane doesn't do it himself and wants to borrow our hand since he wants to help you. I just sent him a psychic message. I believe he will appear soon."

I don't want to think about old yellow crane now. I don't want to think about old yellow crane. I don't want to think about why he helped me. I need to calm down now. My mind is a little confused.

I try to adjust my mood and calm my mind as soon as possible.

When my mind slowly calmed down, some things that were easy to be ignored jumped out one after another.

I told myself not to be chaotic. The more this time, the more I should keep calm, because chaotic thoughts will lead to wrong judgment.

They have nothing to hope for now. They can only rely on me, and I must not lose my thoughts and myself.

Once I make the wrong decision, it will be a disaster for everyone.

I sat under the big tree and spent a long time to calm myself down. I tried not to think about those messy things and tried to empty my mind. Only in this way can I make the most correct decision.

I don't know how long it took. I vaguely heard a noise. It should be the old yellow crane.

He seemed to say something to Lin Jiang. I didn't quite hear him, because I tried to keep myself from thinking and keep an empty and calm brain.

I can't open my eyes until I completely calm down and empty everything.

In this way, after a long time, my heart finally calmed down and my brain finally emptied everything.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw that it was dark all around, and there was a fire jumping not far from me.

It turned out that one day passed when I closed my eyes.

From day to night, they waited for me like that without disturbing me.

Until then, my mind completely calmed down and my guilty heart completely calmed down.

I got up and came to the campfire. Looking at the back of Lin Jiang and the old yellow crane, they were talking, laughing and talking. Xiaobai squatted aside, curled up and comfortably enjoyed the pleasant time.

"I need your help." my voice rushed between the two people.

Both of them looked back at me. Lin Jiang hurriedly stood up, but the old yellow crane looked at me leisurely.

"You finally wake up." Lin Jiang gave up his seat and motioned me to sit over.

I sat down between them and repeated what I had just said, "I need your help."

The old yellow crane looked at me with strange eyes. "You are so strange. You don't wonder why I helped you and why I showed up here?"

I shook my head. "I'm not curious or interested. I just want to know if you can help me?"

"Brother Zhao, brother Huang will certainly help you. He came here specially for you. But before that, brother Huang has something to tell you first."

Lin Jiang said, looked at the Yellow Crane and motioned him.

The old yellow crane is not old at all. He looks almost as big as Lin Jiang. However, the face and age of the immortals are different from ordinary people. Perhaps the yellow crane is thousands of years old, so Lin Jiang calls him big brother.

I listened quietly without interrupting. I seldom did, but at the moment, I didn't know what to say, so I had to keep silent.

"Brother Huang," Lin Jiang reminded.

The old yellow crane took a deep breath as if he were making a big decision.

"Zhao Qingxuan, Zhao Suo, Zhao Tianshui."

I looked at him with a confused face. He called me Zhao Qingxuan and Zhao Suo. I can understand why he called me Zhao Tianshui?

Only the leader who leads the heavenly army and the heavenly general can be called the heavenly commander!

What does this have to do with me?

I stared at the old yellow crane and saw him continue to say, "you must be curious why I call you Zhao tianshuai, because your predecessor was the tianshuai who commanded 100000 heavenly soldiers and generals. You are dignified and have great military achievements. You have a high status in the fairy world and are very respected. Even the first emperor of Yuanshi should respect you. Lin Jiang and I are all your men."

I was even more confused and stared at them. I couldn't speak for a long time.

Because I really don't know what to say.

The old yellow crane suddenly stood up and bowed respectfully to me, "Tian Shuai!"

Lin Jiang also bowed to me and said, "Tian Shuai!"

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