I never felt much about the new identity they gave me.

Except that I was a little confused when I first heard the word "Tian Shuai", later, my heart became more and more calm, just like listening to other people's stories, which has nothing to do with me.

Thinking about it, I even think it's a little funny. Tianshuai said I was tianshuai and turned around. Hehe, how can I listen so funny.

Lin Jiang and the old yellow crane looked at me with their heads half raised.

The Yellow Crane asked, "Tian Shuai, why do you laugh?"

I reached out and interrupted him, "don't call me tianshuai. I'm not your tianshuai."

"Tian Shuai, I know it's hard for you to accept, but that's the truth. You see, it's a sign only Tianbing has. It's also on your arm."

Lin Jiang also pulled up the sleeves on his arms. Sure enough, there was an axe tattoo on both of their arms. That thing will not be displayed at ordinary times, but only when using Reiki.

The Yellow Crane reminded me, "if tianshuai doesn't believe it, you can roll up your sleeves and see if you have this sign on your arm."

I didn't move because I didn't want to see it at all.

I don't care if there is a sign. I don't care if I'm handsome or not. I just want to save my friends. Everything else doesn't matter.

"Tian Shuai, Tian Shuai?" the Yellow Crane kept reminding me.

I reached out and interrupted him, "I heard it, but I'm sorry, I'm not your tianshuai, and I don't want to be tianshuai. I just want to save my friends. Can you help me?"

"Tianshuai's business is ours. Tianshuai's words are orders. We naturally have to obey, but..." the Yellow Crane stopped talking, straightened up and looked at me with interest, "tianshuai, we are now in trouble in the world and can't go back. I don't know when and how long we can go back. Since they have a way, why don't we borrow their hands..."

Before he finished, I stared at him with incredible eyes.

Because I never thought that the help he said was such help!

Lin Jiang explained, "Tian Shuai, don't get me wrong. Brother Huang means that the only way to get back to the top is for the old ghost to open the gate of jiuchongtian with thousands of people. We can't destroy their plans. After all, we have to use them to go back. But most of them are Tian Shuai's friends. Naturally, we can't sit back and ignore them. We can use others Exchange your friends secretly. In this way, we can not only help tianshuai, but also achieve our goal and have the best of both worlds. "

"The best of both worlds?" I looked at the two people in front of me. I always felt that their faces were so funny, so kind, but their hearts were so secret.

A bin, their lives are lives. Aren't the lives of others lives?

They are willing to say such words at the expense of other people's lives to achieve their own goals.

At this moment, I lost favor with these two people. They are no different from the old ghosts in my eyes. They are both demons and terrible.

There's nothing to say about different ways and different ideas.

I turned to go, but they stopped me.

Huang He said, "Tian Shuai, where are you going?"

I glared at him, "let me stress again, I'm not your tianshuai. Even if I'm tianshuai, I definitely don't have people like you. Get out of the way!!!"

The Yellow Crane did not move, but still stood firmly in front of me, "Tian Shuai, you are a mortal and have no mana. You are not our opponent at all."

I smiled bitterly, "why do you want to threaten me?"

The Yellow Crane bowed immediately, "I don't dare. I'm just reminding Tian Shuai. Tian Shuai, you forgot the past, but we didn't forget. We are the most powerful heavenly soldiers and warriors guarding the heaven. If we hadn't been framed in those years, we would still be the most respected team. Although we have been living in the world for many years and you haven't disappeared, we haven't forgotten our mission. I We always want to find tianshuai as soon as possible. We hope tianshuai can lead us back to the top and regain the style of that year. "

"In the end, there are only a dozen of the 100000 heavenly soldiers who are loyal to Tian Shuai and are waiting for Tian Shuai to bring them back to their original style. Tian Shuai, this is everyone's expectation!!!"

After all, it is nothing more than wearing a high hat for me, lifting me to a high position and putting heavy chains on me.

I can't help smiling bitterly. Don't say I don't have the concept of tianshuai at all. Even if I do, I don't agree with them.

They wait until now, not for the so-called honor and faith, but because of the glory of that year, just want me to lead them to reshape history.

I don't want to be handsome, I don't want to reshape any glory, I just want to live a peaceful and peaceful life.

I stared at them coldly, "I repeat, I'm not your tianshuai, I'm Zhao Suo, Ji MuQing's husband, little pineapple's father, a bin, their friend. Now, my friends are in trouble, I'm going to save them. You'd better get out of the way!"

Both the Yellow Crane and Lin Jiang looked at me with strange eyes. After I finished, I went straight to go. Lin Jiang stood still, but the yellow crane had an aggressive feeling, "Tian Shuai, are you sure you want to go?"

I didn't respond. I walked forward without hesitation.

Suddenly, a white light flashed in front of me, as if a movie screen appeared out of thin air.

Pictures flashed across the screen. Countless heavenly soldiers in armor moved forward neatly. At the front of the team, there was a general in jujube armor, riding a tall horse and walking heroically in the front.

And the general as like as two peas in the red jug armor is exactly the same as me.

Behind the general, there are two generals, and those two generals are yellow crane and Linjiang.

Beside them is the vast Milky way, and behind them is a sea of floating clouds.

They walked through Nantianmen, through great depression, and through every corner.

Everywhere they passed, the people cast reverent eyes on them.

The vast team, like a long chanting dragon, wandered in the sky.

I was shocked by the scene in front of me. I couldn't recover from the shock for a long time.

Because I never thought what as like as two peas, but when I saw the same person as myself, wearing armor and riding on the big nine days of God's ride, I felt a touch in my heart.

At this time, the Yellow Crane came to me, "Tian Shuai, you see, this is our most brilliant time. You see how brave and valiant you were at that time. Look at the eyes of those people looking at us, full of worship. Look at our brothers, one by one, how proud they are!"

How generous and anxious these words are. I'm almost moved.

"But what does this have to do with me now?" the man in armor is indeed respected, but I don't want to be such a person and don't envy him.

So all this has nothing to do with me.

The Yellow Crane still advised me, "Tian Shuai, how do you want me to say that you can understand?"

I interrupted him, "You don't have to say anything. I know everything. Maybe I really brought you brilliance, or maybe you are full of expectations for me. I hope I can bring you brilliance, but I'm sorry, I'm no longer what I used to be. I don't want to be handsome or create brilliance. I just want to live a peaceful and peaceful life, which is what I want Yes. "

"If you want to go back to the past, I won't stop you, but if you want to sacrifice others to achieve your goal, I'm sorry. I can't sit idly by."

The subtext is that you don't want to use the thousand people sacrifice to open the door of Jiuchong heaven. No one can think about it.

With that, I didn't care what the two people's reaction was, so I left directly.

Even if I am alone, even if my strength is very weak, even if I am not their opponent, I will not hide here and watch my friends framed by them.

I want to work hard, I want to try, even if I fail in the end, I will have no regrets.

I believe that Ji MuQing and little pineapple will certainly forgive me and understand me.

I found them as fast as I could. My friends were trapped by their aura circle. They looked so painful.

Only then did I know that these people promised to help us, but in fact they were just a cover, because I saw many people of the phantom Gang here.

They gathered all these people and used them to form a thousand people's sacrifice to open the door of the Ninth Heaven.

At a glance, it was dense. I couldn't find a bin and their figure.

I approached quietly. Whenever I wanted to break through the aura circle and enter it, there would be a strong repulsive force on the aura circle, which made me unable to approach.

The stronger the desire to enter, the greater the repulsion. I dare not make too much noise for fear of attracting the attention of the old ghost.

However, they are all trapped in the aura circle. If you want to save them, you must break through the aura circle.

What should I do?

Inadvertently, I found that people inside can also see the situation outside.

I walked around the huge aura circle, trying to find their location so as to ensure their safety.

This aura circle is very big. I took a big turn and finally turned, but I still didn't find ah bin and them.

Old ghost, they are very cunning. It is certainly impossible to put ah bin in a position where I can easily find them.

I climbed up a tree and looked down from a high place. Finally I saw Ah bin and them. They were put in the innermost.

Sure enough, they are extremely cunning. In this way, it's too difficult for me to save them.

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