A bin, they all lowered their heads and looked very painful. I wish they could look up and see me in the tree.

They seemed to be under control. I stayed in the tree for several minutes. They always kept their heads down, which was obviously abnormal.

Standing at this height, I can see the whole aura circle. This aura circle is large and firm. I'm afraid it's difficult to break through.

I'm afraid I'll be found out if I stay here too long. I can only go down first and wait for the opportunity to look for opportunities.

Now, I am left alone, that is, I rely solely on my strength to save others.

There's no other way but to negotiate with the old ghost.

After thinking about it, I can't think of a better way.

I was about to find the old ghosts, and then two figures appeared in front of me and blocked my way.

They are the Yellow Crane, Lin Jiang, and Xiaobai jumping around in the grass.

I looked at them, and they looked at me.

I don't want to socialize with them anymore, and I don't want to say anything to them.

I went straight away. The Yellow Crane quickly reached out and stopped me, "Tian Shuai, wait."

I stopped, but didn't look at the Yellow Crane's face. I just stressed, "I'm not handsome. Please don't call me that again."

"OK. If you don't like what I call you, I won't call you Tian Shuai. I'll call you Zhao Suo. Zhao Suo, are you going to talk to the old ghost? You don't have any hope of victory. I advise you not to go." Huang He looked serious, "I've discussed with Lin Jiang. You want to save your friend. We support you. We're here to help you. One person's strength is very weak, but together, we are not their opponents."

Their attitude has changed too fast. They still said that before, and now they say they want to help me. I haven't digested the previous things, and I can't accept the current things.

To be honest, I don't feel at all about their current attitude.

Help me. I don't need it. Just don't mess me up.

I said coldly, "thank you, but I don't need it."

"Don't be so stubborn. You can't succeed without our help." the Yellow Crane stopped me and persuaded me patiently.

I have to admit that what he said is very reasonable. Although I don't want to have any intersection with them, now, the more important thing is how to rescue my friends as soon as possible.

I didn't leave, which tacitly accepted my attitude.

Seeing that I didn't leave, the Yellow Crane understood what I meant and said quickly, "Tian Shuai, I know you're doubting our purpose. Yes, I admit, we still want to go back to the past and let you lead us to find the style of the past. But we also thought about it. You're right. We are the pride of heaven and the facade of those people. We can't do anything that humiliates our reputation. We can think of other ways as long as Tian Shuai agrees to us Just be willing to lead us. "

I looked at the Yellow Crane steadily, and his eyes were full of expectation.

I understood something vaguely, and my heart sank.

I didn't speak because I didn't know what to say or what to say.

At this time, Lin Jiang also said, "Tian Shuai, we didn't think about things before. Please forgive me. But now, we really want you to think about it seriously. We need you." then Lin Jiang bowed respectfully to me, "Tian Shuai, please think about it seriously."

Their voices echoed in my ears for a long time.

I was silent, never spoke, and my mind was in chaos.

Yes or no?

I certainly prefer not to agree, because I know what I want in my heart, but now I have to think about whether I can save abin without their help?

Now they are equivalent to negotiating terms with me. They can help me, but I need to promise them and lead them to find their old style again.

If I insist on saving abin and them, I must sacrifice something.

I'm not a person who likes to cheat others for help with credibility. Once I promise, I'm bound to abide by my promise.

I don't know whether this promise should be made to them now?

Seeing my hesitation, the Yellow Crane hurried anxiously, "tianshuai, what else do you have to hesitate? Promise quickly."

Lin Jiang pulled him, "don't rush tianshuai, let him make his own decision. Tianshuai, no matter what decision you make, we will support you."

Lin Jiang put his words to this point, but I don't know how to refuse.

If they keep approaching step by step, I don't have to think about anything. If they don't want to, they don't want to. But now, if they are willing to step back, can I press step by step?

What's more, they trust me and are willing to wait for me for so many years. How can I deceive them with their trust in me?

One minute, two minutes, three minutes

I know that every minute can't be wasted, because if you delay one more minute, they will be more dangerous.

Every second is suffering for me. Every second is as long as an hour.

I can't think about it anymore. A bin, they need my help.

I have made a decision in my heart, "OK, I can promise you, but I have a few requirements."

The Yellow Crane and Lin Jiang were very happy. They said in the same voice, "tianshuai, please tell me."

"First, you are not allowed to use the thousand people sacrifice to open the nine heavy heaven. Can you do it?"

"You can do it!" the two said in unison.

I nodded, "second, since you call me tianshuai, I'll be your tianshuai. In the future, everything should listen to me. Can you do it?"

"Can do it!" the loud voice lingered in my ear for a long time.

I nodded with satisfaction and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. I was worried that they would have another purpose. Now that they are willing to listen to me, I have control, and I am not afraid that they will make their own decisions in the future.

"Third, I want to take my wife and children. They are an integral part of my life. If I make a decision that you can't understand or understand, you can't intervene. Can you do it?"

Lin Jiang said, "Tian Shuai, we all know that you prefer to live an ordinary life now, and we also know the weight of your wife and children in your mind. We will consider it more for you. Please rest assured."

I nodded, "well, since you all agree, I'm relieved. I promise you."

They looked at each other and were very excited. They arched their hands and said, "God handsome!!!"

I waved to them to stop paying attention to the etiquette. "Tell me, what are you going to do?"

Huang He said, "look, Tianshui, the aura circle is not without flaws. As long as we start from the flaws, it is also possible to break it. The problem is that only Lin Jiang and I have the strength to compete with the aura circle. Therefore, our idea is to help Tianshui restore your strength first, and then the three of us work together."

I asked, "how long will it take?"

"Tian Shuai, do you feel that your innate aura is strong since you were a child, and your aura is very strong. It is always useful?"

I nodded, "yes."

The Yellow Crane continued, "this is actually because the aura of Tianshui has been sealed, but because Tianshui's aura is particularly strong, even the mark can't cover the vigorous aura in Tianshui's body. As long as the mark in Tianshui's body is removed, Tianshui can be the same as before. There is only one way to touch the mark." the Yellow Crane said, and his eyes fell on Xiaobai.

Lin Jiang also looks at Xiaobai, which can't help but make me wonder. Can it be said that the contact mark has something to do with Xiaobai.

Lin Jiang took Huang He's words, "Tianshui, don't you always wonder about Xiaobai's life experience? You guessed right before. Xiaobai is really not an ordinary God's pet. He is the Buddha's God's pet. Xiaobai has a relic in his body, and the relic is the bane of Tianshui's internal mark. Therefore, as long as Tianshui and Xiaobai are integrated, the mark will be invincible!"

The voice fell. Xiaobai, who had been playing on one side, suddenly jumped up to us, looked up at me with his cerebellar bag.

At that moment, I didn't think Xiaobai was a pet in front of me. He looked at me like a person with a strange look.

All this is too incredible. Before the previous things have been digested, new things appear again.

I thought for a moment, turned to Xiaobai and asked them, "let me integrate with Xiaobai. What do you mean by explaining?"

"Tian Shuai may not remember. You once saved a Mao Chu on the hand of Buddha, and Xiao Bai is the Mazhu that you rescued. All these are voluntary * *, and it has come up with this method to lift the imprint of the body of the sky as soon as possible, and help the sky Shuai to save your friends as soon as possible."

For everything Lin Jiang said, I really have no other ideas except a little moved.

First of all, I have no impression or feeling of what he said. It's a lie to say how moved I am.

But if you don't move, it's also false.

According to their meaning, Xiaobai now wants to sacrifice himself to help me, just because I helped it.

This reason is reasonable, but I always think there is something wrong. I can't say what's wrong.

I saw the man in armor and the magnificent scene, but I didn't remember it at all.

They say it's because my memory is sealed up, so I don't remember anything before.

Even when I see those pictures, I feel like I'm looking at other people's things. I can't find a sense of substitution, that is, I don't have a personal feeling.

Yes, that's it. I don't have deep feelings, so I always feel that all this is so untrue. I always feel that things can't be so simple.

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