Maybe I've been rejecting it in my heart, or maybe I don't want to accept such a reality in my heart, so I always have a very strange feeling.

I can't be wrong with the one wearing armor, nor can I be wrong with those magnificent pictures, because I didn't feel hallucinations at that time, so everything should be real.

Moreover, their strength is above me. I can't think of the reason why they deceive me.

Whether I can accept it or not, since I promised them, I will do what I said.

I looked at Xiaobai and thought that he would sacrifice himself to help me. I always had a bad feeling in my heart.

I squatted down and stroked Xiaobai's hair. Suddenly, I didn't know what to say.

Xiaobai constantly rubs her head against my hand, like a gentle and lovely kitten. At this moment, it is so cute and distressing.

For a moment, my nose was sour, as if something was coming out.

Xiaobai rubbed me twice and suddenly called out. He jumped up high. When he jumped into the air, his body suddenly became the boss, just like when he swallowed the man of the phantom gang.

It opened its mouth and a black round thing flew out of its mouth.

Relic, this is the relic!

This relic is its lifeblood. Once it is gone, Xiaobai will lose his immortal Qi, and once God pet loses his immortal Qi, it is like losing his life.

The relic slowly flew towards me. With Xiaobai's hissing sound, the relic slowly fell into my hand like a winged spirit.

I just opened my lips gently, and the relics automatically poured into my mouth.

As soon as it touched my lips, it crawled in like a foot, along my esophagus and into my stomach.

In an instant, something in my body seemed to be opening the valve and gushing out in an instant.

This is an unspeakable surge, just like putting a sea into a small bottle. The bottle is too small and the sea is too big. The capacity of the two is completely inconsistent. It will gush out in the next second.

But it happened that this little bottle was put into the sea again.

I am the little bottle, and the aura in my body is the sea.

The surging force kept pounding at the valve. With each impact, I felt as if my body was about to be torn.

A few seconds later, the valve blocking the sea was finally knocked open, and the sea, which had been imprisoned for a long time, finally rushed out and poured into my whole body.

I just feel that every pore and cell in my body is full of power. My body became light and floating. My feet slowly left the ground. In my sight, the trees were getting lower and lower, the white clouds were getting lower and lower, and everything became lower and lower.

A strange and magnificent picture appeared in front of me. I saw myself galloping among the clouds, in the sea and in the sky.

Those vast clouds become so slow under my feet, and those flowers and trees become so small in my eyes

This strange feeling makes it difficult for me to describe. I don't even know where I am or where I am?

But at the same time, it is clear that the world has changed in your eyes.

I closed my eyes slightly. In an instant, a familiar picture appeared in my mind, which was the picture that the Yellow Crane once let me see.

Wearing jujube armor and holding a big knife in my hand, I rode the fastest horse and galloped and roamed among the clouds.

The sea of clouds, blue sky and white clouds, all of which have become a piece of soil under my feet.

Suddenly, the picture turned and I led thousands of troops to line up on both sides of the galaxy.

Because of our protection, there is peace here. Because of our existence, there is peace here.

Countless immortal soldiers would respectfully say "Tian Shuai" to me when they met me. There was no way to express their dignity and pride.

The picture suddenly turned again. There was another party on the other side of the Milky way. The leader was a man wearing silver white armor. He looked at me very arrogantly and provoked me.

Our team shouted and cheered me on.

Then, the battle between me and the man was very fierce, and the light all over the sky was shining


The picture suddenly turned again. The two huge teams were gone, leaving only me and the general.

We are in a black space, everything around us is black, there is nothing, just the two of us.

He smiled at me, "battle tianshuai, from this moment on, you are nothing. And I will be the next tianshuai. After thousands of years, no one will remember you, they will only remember me!"

This sound... It sounds familiar.

I tried hard to look at the man in front of me. This face is very strange. I'm sure I don't know him, but why do I always feel familiar with this voice, this look and this tone?

"Are you thinking about who I am?" the man pulled out a strange smile from the corners of his mouth, with a few minutes in his eyes.

The smile became more and more familiar to me. It seemed that something would jump out of my mind immediately, but it was so bad that I couldn't jump out.

In the end what is it? What is it?

"I'm your friend. Hahaha!" suddenly, I just felt a cramp in my abdomen. When I looked down, I saw a bright knife inserted in my abdomen.

This sinister and hateful guy, while I was in a trance, actually laid a black hand on me.

I know all these are my memories of previous events, which are not true, but at this moment, I have a feeling of empathy.

As if that moment, this moment, really stabbed me.

I can't help frowning. My mind is still remembering whose voice it is?

"Don't think about it, you'll never think of it." the voice was farther and farther away from me.

There are many knives around my neck.

I know that the things sealed in my body were from the knife. At the moment he stabbed me, the seal remained in my body.

Otherwise, how can I lose all my aura by relying on a knife alone.

I was framed and changed by that man, and the brothers who followed me were implicated.

I stood below and watched those brothers who had followed me being framed one by one. They were brutally killed and framed by those people, but I could do nothing.

I try to open my eyes and don't want to be trapped in memories.

When the seal was removed, all the memories emerged. Until this moment, I didn't have a deep feeling about those.

I couldn't recover from the great shock for a long time. My heart was always like pressing a stone.

My palms are full of cold sweat, and my forehead is full of cold sweat.

My body slowly fell down. When my feet fell to the ground, I felt alive. Before that, I thought I was dead.

"Xiaobai!" Lin Jiang's voice pulled me back to reality from the huge generation. I turned and looked at Xiaobai. I saw Xiaobai lying there motionless and weak breath.

I couldn't think about anything else. I hurried to Xiaobai. I saw Xiaobai with a pair of weak eyes and motionless body. The breath of life was losing a little.

I tried to stretch out my hands and want to hold Xiaobai up, but when I stretched out my hand, I was stopped by Lin Jiang, "tianshuai, your aura has recovered now. Don't touch Xiaobai again, otherwise it will disappear."

Yes, Xiaobai is just an ordinary spirit pet now. Without aura, how can she bear my great aura.

The grief and indignation in my heart are more intense, but I don't know what to say.

Xiaobai cried weakly for two times, as if to say something to me. But it's not human after all. I can't understand it.

At that moment, my mind was full of little white bits and pieces, from the moment we met, from the moments when it played happily with little pineapple, and the pictures that it curled up in my arms like a scoundrel and refused to go.

I don't like memories, but at this moment, those little things jumped out involuntarily. Even if I tried not to think about it, I couldn't control it.

Xiaobai finally closed her weak eyes, and my tears finally ran down uncontrollably and fell on Xiaobai.

I saw Xiaobai's body slowly turn into ashes from the place where I shed tears.

God's tears are unbearable for ordinary God's favor.

I subconsciously want to protect Xiaobai, but what I can get is to accelerate its disappearance.

I squatted there blankly, my head blank, and didn't say a word for a long time.

"Tian Shuai, are you all right?" Huang he squatted down and comforted me.

I took a deep breath and straightened up slowly.

Shaking my head and sighing can't seem to express my heart.

I looked at my palm. There was a faint aura on it.

The seal was lifted, I recovered my strength, and I was able to save abin. However, I sacrificed Xiaobai.

I looked up at the sky and said secretly, "Xiaobai, thank you."

After all that, I said to the Yellow Crane, "my seal has been lifted. Let's do it now."

"Congratulations on tianshuai, congratulations on tianshuai!" the Yellow Crane congratulated me.

Lin Jiang also congratulated me, but it seems that because Xiaobai left, he was a little reluctant and sad. His voice was very low and even a little hoarse.

Xiaobai's sacrifice is an unchangeable fact. It's useless to be sad and guilty. The only way is to try our best to save a bin and them. It's not in vain.

I adjusted my mood and said to them, "let's go!"

After that, I walked towards my destination with big steps.

Those who owe us, it's time for you to pay your debts.

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