My ceo wife

Chapter 81

"Ding!" A bullet hit the floor at the foot of Ma Xuejun.

The M9 pistol, the most common, doesn't even need to look at the gun. Just listen to the speed of the spring. Ma Xuejun knows. No one knows how long Ma Xuejun's tusks are. Because in general, it is not necessary for him to do his best.

The dawn organizations where Ma Xuejun is located are all the best in the regular army, and they are familiar with the mode of operation. So I specially studied a set of counterattack skills. Ma Xuejun didn't pay attention to these people, including guns, sniping and fighting.

I can only see. Ma Xuejun has eyes behind him. Just right a bend, turn back a lunge jump out. It's too fast for several killers to react.

Bang! It's a big kick. Ma Xuejun is not so polite as Shen lang. if he is merciless, he will not. One man flew out. Directly fell a few meters outside the villa. He died on the spot.

At the same time, Ma Xuejun did not wait for the reaction of the people next to him. His hand had caught his pistol. With the man's arm.

"Click!" It's a bone fracture.

"Shoot, shoot, shoot him!" Luo long roared.

Ma Xuejun has sharp eyes. If you see Luo long, you will rush up. At this time, four or five killers and bodyguards stood in front of the stairs, followed by a bullet. Dada dada

Ma Xuejun knew the speed of pistol. Dodge the shot accurately. As long as it's a gun, the arm will aim at the target when shooting. Ma Xuejun is no faster than a bullet, but he knows how to shoot.

Go ahead and get low. Another unseen bullet seemed to fly past. For a moment, Ma Xuejun dodged left and right, shuttling between several killers.

It didn't take a cigarette. Five bodyguards fell to the ground with guns in their hands. The only people who know about Malong are those who learn from the army? It's a hungry wolf.

Luo Longdeng ran to the second floor, and a man with a machete was hiding in the blind spot on one side of the staircase.

After the fierce battle, Ma Xuejun went upstairs without any pause. The stairs flashed by and a knife stabbed him in the chest.

Ma Xuejun didn't even look at it. He didn't have the ability to predict the opponent's movements by his feet and intuition, so he would not be called ma Xuejun. Holding the handle of the knife with one hand, the man went to the other side. Poof! The blood ran down the clavicle.

After the chaos, the villa stopped. When Ma Xuejun arrived on the third floor, Luo long and others had disappeared. Looking through the window, we could see that the harbor was sleeping in the dawn in the distance. On the reef, several people were running to the coast, and they were almost at the edge of the sea.

Ma Xuejun grabbed the rope ladder used by the helicopter and quickly climbed down. When he reached the second floor, he had already jumped down.

At this moment, Luo long realized why so many people were afraid of Ma Xuejun. According to his understanding, if one person can fight again, he can fight a group of people and have guns.

The two killers, each carrying a suitcase of money, came to the shore of the reef and looked down through the night. They called several accomplices, but no one answered.

"Ma Xuejun must have done it ahead of time. No matter what they do, their share of the money will be given to you two. Go down and take this old man with you!" Luo long knew that Ma Xuejun was in close pursuit.

When Haitang Bay was developed on the reef and stone bank of the slow slope, a lot of gravel was accumulated, and it was very hard to walk. Several people pushed and pushed from the big slope up and down to the ground.

There are three speedboats on the coast. Because of the big waves, the two killers are very vigorous. Of course, their vigor is limited to ordinary gangsters. For Ma Xuejun's heavy waves, they are miscellaneous soldiers.

After the killer gets on the boat, Luo long has a long mind and leaves two boxes of money and the old lady beside him to let the killer drive the boat closer.

"Hello! What the hell, come on

There was no movement on board, not even the motor started, and the lights didn't turn on.

Luo long felt guilty for a moment. Looking back, there was a figure on the rocky hillside behind him. It should be Ma Xuejun.

"Come on, come on Luo long urged.

At this time, the boat's motor finally rang, and the speedboat came slowly, as if waiting for Rolon to board.

Luo long was anxious, but he was also an old fox: "what are you two doing? Come out and help me carry the old things up

In the cabin, Shen Lang is holding a cigarette end. He is helpless. Luo long is alert enough.

"Who? Come out If I don't come out again, I'll kill the old thing! " At this time, Luo long has realized that there may be something wrong with the two people in the boat.

At this time, Li Ming Ming is very fast, the East has leaked out the fish belly white, the sky can see a few meters away.

When the people in the boat came out, Luo long was still startled.

"The waves?" Luo long clenched his teeth, looked back at Ma Xuejun, who immediately arrived, and finally realized that he had been played by Ma Xuejun and Shen Lang.

"Don't move Luo long roared wildly, throwing down two boxes of money, holding the old lady in one hand and a pistol in the other, and standing on the old man's temple.

Ma Xuejun is a filial son. He can't do anything more than ten meters away.Luo long looked at the two men: "hand in the gun."

Shen Lang said with a smile: "I said boss Luo, not everyone is such a waste to you, but also with a gun."

"Hands up! Hold it high Luo Long's eyes are red.

Ma Xuejun immediately raised his hands above his head and Shen Lang also raised them.

Just then, on the Haitangwan Road, one kilometer away from here, the sound of diddiddidu came faintly.

Luo long laughed wildly.

"Don't you all know how to fight?" Said, Luo long with a pistol fiercely against the old lady, the old lady said nothing, seems to be very stubborn.

"What do you want, Rolon?" Ma Xuejun said.

"Stand still. If either of you dare to take a step forward or put down his hand, I will shoot without hesitation." Luo long knew that these two people are abnormal, does not dare to neglect.

Luo long leaned his neck to enjoy the sound of the alarm bell. A moment later, he said, "the boat is going to the Bund. There's a helicopter there. Hum Against me, none of you will come to a good end. "

"Boss Luo, hurry up. The police will come soon."

"Shen Lang, don't stink with me! What are you? You just picked up the two women left by me. What about you, Ma Xuejun? Hum... "

Luo long estimated that the time was almost over, and pointed the muzzle at Ma Xuejun: "I practice this thing when I have nothing to do. It's like twelve bullets. I'll finish all of them. If you dare to move, I'll kill your mother!"

"It's a deal." Ma Xuejun said calmly.

"Bang! Bang Luo long raised his hand to shoot Ma Xuejun.

Ma Xuejun fell to his knees with a puff, then got up on his knees obstinately, looked at his old mother and looked at Luo long: "come on, I can carry it."

At this time, Shen Lang's hand slowly put down.

Luo long seems to be more alert than anyone at this time. He immediately catches the moment and aims his pistol at the old lady.

"Don't move!"

Ma Xuejun's chest gushed with blood, and he said to Shen Lang with the help of the earth: "don't mess with Shen Lang, even if I die, I have to die in front of my mother. How do you tear up Luo long after that is your problem."

"Bang!" Another shot hit Ma Xuejun. The powerful force made the iron man overturn. He moved twice and never stood up again.

Luo long killed Ma Xuejun and then aimed his gun at Shen Lang.

"Boss Luo, do you have water in your head? Ma Xuejun is dead. I don't care what he does. Besides, I have to kill Ma Xuejun."

Shen Lang put down his hands and ignored Luo Long's so-called threat.

Luo long turns to think, also very embarrassed, yes, this is Ma Xuejun his mother, not Shen Lang his mother, deal with Ma Xuejun that doesn't work for him.

The alarm bell is getting closer and closer. It seems to have stopped. By this way, the police will fire a warning gun.

Luo long looked at the two suitcases on the ground, gritted his teeth and said, "you come down and walk around the reef. I won't move the money. I'll leave it to you. You'll let me die."

"Deal, what a big deal. It's not worth 200 million to kill you, is it?" Shen Lang, with an indifferent appearance, jumped down from the boat in a lunge and made a detour from the back of the reef. As agreed, he kept a distance of five or six meters from him.

Luo long pressed the old lady to the shore and stepped on the boat. He was relieved that he didn't get the money, but Ma Xuejun was killed, which was regarded as an export of evil spirit.

According to Luo Long's current understanding, it seems that the pistol doesn't work for Shen Lang, so don't kill him. Anyway, with the arrival of the police, Ma Xuejun died and injured so many people, Shen Lang can't escape from prison.

After thinking this, Luo long retreated to the boat and aimed his gun at the waves.

He can't kill Shen Lang, but at least give Ma Xuejun ten percent, and the bad guys do it to the end.

The moment that Rolon's muzzle shifted.

With a Shua in Shen Lang's sleeve, a three edged bayonet slipped out.

Luo long taps the trigger, the waves swish, his wrist shakes, and the three edged spikes fly straight out. In order to reduce the potential damage to the old lady, Shen Lang aims at Luo Long's hand holding the gun.


"Ah Luo long hand pain, subconsciously pull the trigger, but a shot has hit the sky.

"Putong..." After being stabbed, Rolon's pistol fell into the sea.

At this time, Luo long without saying a word, rushed into the cabin, the speed boat buzzing out.

At this time, the police have arrived. What Shen Lang didn't expect is that the first person to rush down is angel.

At this time, it was bright. Angel saw Ma Xuejun's body in a pool of blood in the distance and ran over in tears.

Then came the police, immediately blocked the scene, there are several injured extremely disabled syncope killers have been detained.

What Shen Lang didn't expect was that there seemed to be several big figures on the slope, all looking down on everything.

Shen Lang grinned. It seems that he can't escape this time."Horse..." Angel came running with a meteor.

Shen Lang said, "don't worry. It's not so easy to die."

It's true that Ma Xuejun's situation at that time could not move, but at the moment of Luolong's shooting, he still had the ability to avoid fatal parts. There are two concepts of bullets penetrating the heart and chest.

After half a minute's delay, Ma Xuejun stood up resolute, ignoring the blood on his body, looking at the old woman on the reef bank, and at Luo long, who was sailing away.

Finally, Ma Xuejun fixed his eyes on Shen Lang: "thank you. This time we can tell the difference between life and death."


Shen Lang threw the thorn to Ma Xuejun. Instead, Shen Lang had a pistol in his hand.

Shen Lang checked the clip and pulled on the safety skillfully.

"To tell you the truth, you can't move after two shots in your leg and one shot in your chest. How many bullets can you avoid?"

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