My ceo wife

Chapter 82

The two men who are playing with all kinds of bullets are not afraid of a toy gun. I'm tired of it. Besides, guns can only kill mole ants.

Stop standing on the rock. Shen Lang sits on the other side.

"You two Ha ha You're kidding... " Angel was a little silly. He thought Ma Xuejun had an accident, but he didn't die. Fortunately, Shen Lang wanted to kill Ma Xuejun. Aren't they best friends.

"Angel. It's none of your business. Don't talk too much. " Ma Xuejun said.

Angel knows that Ma Xuejun belongs to donkey. Looking at Shen Lang again: "Shen Lang What about Rolon? You killed him? "

"Elder sister, it's against the law to kill people."

Angel was speechless for a while, and his heart said that you still know.

On the distant sea. Luo long, who has sailed out of the coast, is about to fly away. However, as the speedboat's machine gets hotter and hotter, the same thing on the cover of the machine is also entering the countdown.

"Boom!" A loud noise attracted everyone's eyes.

The smoke was billowing. The speedboat was still flying. In an instant, it was blown to pieces, and a wave hit it. It was rough. What's left is nothing but debris.

Ma Xuejun gave him a smile and a look of approval: "you can think of this method."

"Just so." Shen Lang is not modest. It's true that top killers have so many deadly means of assassination. Shen Lang, a bodyguard, has to master several times more protective measures than his opponent. These are just some basic skills. You can only blow up a layman like Rolon.

The gun of the heavy wave is loaded, and the left hand presses the gun on the waist. He pours at Ma Xuejun.

Ma Xuejun stepped on the rocks with a relaxed but calm expression.

"Bang!" Shen Lang's first shot.

Although Luo Long's three guns in the equestrian army had an impact, his muscles reacted quickly, dodged with a Shua, and strode forward with a knife.

"Bang!" Second shot.

Ma Xuejun's upper body is close to the ground, bends down in a yoga style, and then supports his hands with a back somersault to complete the whole set of movements. The landing distance between his feet and the waves is no more than two meters.

Bang Bang Shen Lang's hand didn't shake. He shot ten bullets as fast as he could.

In a flash, although Ma Xuejun expected Shen Lang's shooting routine, he was still amazed by Shen Lang's shooting skills. Of the ten bullets, only two were the targets for Ma Xuejun's body, while the other eight almost blocked all the routes he could avoid.

Poof, poof!

Ma Xuejun had a variety of bullets in his belly and waist. He knelt down on the ground with a three edged bayonet, but he was not seriously injured. Instead, he was waiting for the bullets coming at a gallop, which had differences in time and distance.

At this time, the waves were also made of pistols. In his hand, he withdrew the exquisite knife that Ma Xuejun gave him and rushed down with his body.

In the blink of an eye, bullets flew by, which was detected by intuition. Ma Xuejun's posture was not easy to meet. He exclaimed that Shen Lang's guns cooperated with cold weapons very well. At the same time, he could only resist with a stiff head.

Jingle! Li la

When two cold weapons are crossed, sparks are everywhere. Shen Lang is above and Ma Xuejun is below. In terms of inertia, Shen Lang has an absolute advantage.

At the same time, Shen Lang's thighs swept over Ma Xuejun's chin! He went up with a bang.

Ma Xuejun couldn't resist the attack. He had to dodge bullets and keep out knives.

Bang Dang! Suddenly, Ma Xuejun flew down a meter high reef and landed on the beach below. Just as a crab was about to get out of the hole, he seemed to realize that danger was coming and immediately went across the reef.

At this time, Ma Xuejun had no room for pain reaction, because the waves had been killed again.

This short ten seconds, gave angel a deep lesson. Originally, she thought Ma Xuejun was the most abnormal person in the world, but she suffered losses in front of the waves. What she didn't understand most was why these two people had to fight each other.

The two thighs slammed and each quickly bounced away.

At the same time, Ma Xuejun made his first counterattack. He shook his three edged bayonet and went straight to Shen Lang's chest. He used it more easily than Shen lang. he didn't expect to kill Shen Lang, but he had to block his movement route.

But what he didn't expect was that Shen Lang did the same thing. The duel between the experts always seemed so tacit.

Shen Lang's daggers also flew out. When the two daggers were still flying in the air, they had already moved quickly. Undoubtedly, this might be the last round of fighting.

Ma Xuejun moved his body two steps to the left to avoid the flying route of the short knife. As soon as he raised his head, he was surprised because Shen Lang didn't avoid the three edged thorn at all.

No, it's Shen Lang who catches the bayonet with his body in order to gain time.

Poof! With a sound, the three edged stab hit Shen Lang's shoulder without stopping. Shen Lang pulled out his bayonet at high speed.

Bang! With two fists, Ma Xuejun fell to his knees, and Shen Lang's three edged bayonet came down.At this time, Ma Xuejun was also enthusiastic. Regardless of the sharp edge of the three edged knife slot, he grabbed the blade and the blood flowed down his arm. However, it also blocked the process of the sinking waves.

Two people like this up and down, riding on the beach under the reef, deadlocked, and draw.


The corner of Shen Lang's mouth raised and said faintly: "it's time for you to go on the road!"

Shen Lang pressed the knife with one hand to hold Ma Xuejun's passive hands, while the other hand already felt the pistol.

"No bullets." Ma Xuejun also said lightly.

Shen Lang's thumb picks, click! The bullet was loaded, the insurance was opened, and the bullet was waiting for a shot to pierce Ma Xuejun's temple.

Ma Xuejun was stunned: "no, you have finished twelve bullets Are you... "

However, although the sound of loading bullets was smiling, Ma Xuejun was too familiar with it.

"My bullet, hey, hey, don't get hurt. You gave it to me!" The waves were very excited.

Ma Xuejun glanced at the pistol and finally realized that Shen Lang didn't intend to kill himself with the bullet in front of him. Instead, he pressed the last bullet at the end. He clearly heard twelve shots. If he guessed correctly, one of them should be an illusion created by another bullet, hitting a stone or other methods.

In order to cover up the false sound of twelve shots, Shen Lang deliberately made a false sound in the random gun.

So, it's true that there are twelve bullets in the barrel, but he left the last one for himself.

And this last bullet is on my head.

"As I said, this bullet must be returned to you by hand."

as the whole army was wiped out. As like as two peas in the war, Ma Xuejun had just been in the same boat for many years.

By this time, Ma Xuejun also accepted his fate: "I'm glad to die in your hands."

"How do you feel about dying?" The waves pressed me.

Ma Xuejun squinted at the sky. The sky was high, the clouds were light, and the sun was high.

"Fear of death! Really, Ma Xuejun has never been afraid of death. But before death comes I feel like I don't give up a lot of things. "

"What I want is your taste! Don't worry. I'll do it for you when you die. "

The waves lowered the gun, and the safety of the thumb spread a little.

At this time, angel climbed down the rock, jumped down, fell a fart squat, followed the popular run.

"Waves! Don't... "

Ma Xuejun snapped: "angel, if you really like me, you must give me the last dignity!"

"I don't care!"

Angel rushed up like mad and looked at the waves.

"Shen Lang, I understand. He owes you a bullet, doesn't he? You hit me. If you want to kill him, kill me first

Shen Lang snorted and said with a smile, "elder sister, it's against the law to kill people. There are so many people watching."

"Then you still kill..."

Shen Lang threw the pistol, turned over from Ma Xuejun, and lay on the beach exhausted, looking at the sky.

"Ma Xuejun, I really can't do it. I have a university teacher who told me that after revenge, the only thing left is endless emptiness. Now that feeling has come. "

"Yes, maybe it's not appropriate for me to say that. After killing people, all that's left is emptiness." This is also why Ma Xuejun quit the mercenary organization and returned to ordinary life.

On the top of the rock cliff, a group of armed police have surrounded the scene. Bo Weiguo looks down and glances at the old man next to him.

"Mr. Ye, the situation is so big. But the following two people seem to be very interesting

"You are still so resolute."

"But don't you think this man is very interesting?"

"You mean Ma Xuejun."

"No, no, it's the boy named Shen lang."

Bo Weiguo looked sideways and said with a smile, "Ye is always drunk. You can see ye Ruhai's figure from him?"

Ye Zi took her grandfather's shoulder and glared at Bo Weiguo: "Uncle Bo, if you dare to arrest people, I'll strip your family of fraternity in the dormitory and hang it on the balcony."

"Why is Ye Zi so impolite?"

"It's up to you!" Yezi said with her neck up.

Ye Lao laughed, patted his granddaughter's head and said, "it's time for us to go home, little leaf. It's a long time to watch."

Ye Zi is depressed to catch up with her, pestering her grandfather and saying, "can't Shen Lang really be caught?"

"Listen to heaven and do your best."

"Dead old man!" Yezi's mouth was purring.

Under the rocks, they lay down and smoked a few cigarettes. Ma Xuejun sat up with his wounds and looked at the wounds left by the three edged thorns on Shen Lang's body.

"I'll deal with the aftermath myself. Today is new year's Eve. I wish you a happy new year."Angel recognized the taste of the words and asked, "Ma Xuejun, what do you want?"

"You don't care."

Ma Xuejun said faintly, and then said to Shen Lang: "Shen Lang, counting my mother's life, I owe you two lives."

"No way." Shen Lang looked at the sky, narrowed his eyes and said, "twenty four lives."

Ma Xuejun knew that he was referring to the special detachment annihilated by dawning organization that year.

After pondering for a long time, Ma Xuejun suddenly said: "the seven people at dawn are still alive. I promise you to help you find them. One life is worth one life. How about blood for blood?"

"Oh, didn't you split up?" Said Shen Lang.

"Don't worry, you've met one of the eight people at dawn. He was the captain of that year. As long as you start from him, it's not difficult to find the whereabouts of the other people."


Shen Lang stood up and looked at Ma Xuejun. He suddenly realized that it was Chu batian

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