My Chaos City

Chapter 795: You found a mysterious cave

Li Hanqiang drove the five-color warship to explore the edge of the Aofeng land boundary, and finally found a hill, controlled the five-color warship and placed the Gemini on it.

The five-color warship floated above the Gemini without landing, and 21 escorting firebirds were separated, and the six players of Zhen Deqiang, Zhen Dejun, Fanfeng Knight, Ignition Sword Saint, Dark Night Redemption, and Lu Youxian, as well as Lord Ling and Nan Wu Gatlin Bodhisattva, Kunwu Mountain Five Fatty, Water-Stop Golden Eye Beast, Holy Angel, Supreme Angel, Trapper Blunt Knife, Trapper Sharp Knife, Dragon of Doom Dadania, two mountain-moving powermen one by one Go to the snow below.

Li Hanqiang also left the five-color warship in a gilded walking tractor.

There are 99 escorting firebirds here to protect the five-color warships, and Li Hanqiang thinks that there will be no problem.

Besides, other people can't drive their own five-color warship.

And as Li Hanqiang got off the ship, the void airships that followed the five-color warship also landed one after another, and a large number of players enthusiastically poured in.

"Tu Long, my strong brother, do you want to explore Aofeng? Can you take us with you!"

"I'm an old driver, and I will lead the way!"

"Brother Qiang, take me, I belong to the Dragon Slaying camp!"

"Everyone, hurry up, Tu Long and Li Hanqiang lead the team to attack Aofeng, this opportunity should not be missed!"

"Old irons, it's basically determined now, Tu Long Li Hanqiang is here to conquer Aofeng, I don't know if I can succeed, I will follow up with the team, everyone will wait and see..."

Those players gathered around, everyone from all camps, and Li Hanqiang was taken aback. He thought these people were here to besiege him.

Li Hanqiang observed for a moment and felt that most of the players who gathered were casual players, and he didn't mind. After looking for a path, the Malaysian Golden Swordsman moved on to Aofeng.

As a mount, the water-saving golden-eyed beast pulled its head, and actually followed Li Hanqiang. It didn't seem to like this place very much.

The Supreme Angel, the Sacred Angel and the Nanwu Gatlin Bodhisattva preached in front of the head.

The golden lotus platform of the Nanwu Gatlin Bodhisattva can float in the air, but it only floats to the ground, and it is not moving fast.

The two trappers were guarding Li Hanqiang, and Master Ling followed Li Hanqiang, wiping his beard to watch the scenery.

Players such as the Dragon of Doom Dadania, Kunwu Mountain Five Fatty, two movers and Zhen Deqiang followed behind.

Li Hanqiang's expedition team is absolutely gorgeous and amazed the players in the rear.

As soon as he entered the realm of Aofeng, Li Hanqiang really felt the power of the cold wind and snow mist, and his walking became difficult. What made him depressed was that somersault cloud could not be used in the realm of Aofeng, and Li Hanqiang could not start walking in the air. You can only hike and climb, and even the special effect of [Shrink the Ground] cannot be triggered.

However, these restrictions made Li Hanqiang more curious about this proud peak.

"There must be a baby in such a place, yes, there is also the giant snake BOSS, be careful..."

Li Hanqiang was talking like this, but Zhen Deqiang, Zhen Dejun and others brought three players to catch up.

Zhen Deqiang, Zhen Dejun and others did not turn into Little Red Riding Hood, which surprised Li Hanqiang a little.

As for the three players brought by them, two men and one woman, all from the Dragon Slaying Empire camp, bearing the title of "Gem Canyon Conqueror" on their heads, they followed Li Hanqiang to kill the guardian beasts in the Gem Canyon. Players, they have been exploring the Snow Mountain Mystery Cave for many days, and they are considered senior players here, and they have also explored the Aofeng realm for several times, volunteering to lead the way.

"Brother Qiang, the higher Aofeng goes up, the harder it is to walk. If you go up one or two miles, you will lose blood. You must take medicine!"

"Yes, as far as I know, the last time we explored, we only insisted on walking ten miles and then retreated. We couldn't hold it!"

"Don't talk about those useless, Brother Qiang, I know a resource point. Turn right ahead and walk about 600 meters. You can collect snow mist grass, snow mist beads, and frost crystals, but there are two 75 level Medium BOSS, relatively powerful..."

Li Hanqiang didn't wait for the player to finish, and immediately said: "Then please lead the way!"

The player should immediately be, and ran to the front.

Li Hanqiang established a call with the sun **** at this time and asked her: "I have a guide here. I heard that they can't get out of ten miles after entering the Aofeng realm. How far have you walked in the Aofeng realm?"

The sun **** replied: "The specifics are not clear, but I have walked for two days, I guess it should be very far! By the way, you have to pay attention, don't get lost, you can find me when you find the giant snow mountain snake. Under it."

"You've been walking for two days! Your uncle, you didn't tell me this before. How can I waste this time here." Li Hanqiang was a little surprised. The three guide players couldn't afford to walk ten miles in Aofeng Land. Live, the sun **** can walk for two days, is this the gap between ordinary players and super masters?

The sun **** replied lazily: "Qiangzi, you first look for it slowly, sister, I will go offline first, go shopping!"

"Oh, by the way, bring me two packets of spicy strips back..."

After finishing the call with the sun god, Li Hanqiang quickly looked around curiously.

Aofeng’s realm environment is special. He feels that many places are like hidden treasures, and looking from the rear, his own exploratory team is already very large. It is estimated that there will be two to three thousand casual players behind, but I don’t know how long they can stay with. .

Fanfeng Knight, Ignition Sword Saint, and Lu Youxian were very happy at the moment. They were able to summon Frost Horses in this Aofeng realm. Now they are riding one horse, summoning the Dragon Slaying Banner from time to time, and they are inserted in the snow, attracting Many players are surprised.

This is not to show off their skills, but to brush up their skill proficiency. If the proficiency is enough, their skills can be upgraded.

Not long after, Li Hanqiang was led by three guide players to the so-called resource point. On a small hill covered with snow and ice, there were indeed a lot of small flowers and grasses growing. Those small flowers and grasses were all plant materials. Can be collected.

There are really two 75-level medium BOSSs here, they are all [Xuekui], they look like buck-toothed monkeys, and they are covered with white hair. They throw snowballs from far away and show the three guides. The player smashed it, and the scared three hurried back.

"Brother Qiang, Brother Qiang, they are these two bosses. The snowballs thrown can kill people. They can also cause avalanches. They have thick skin and are very difficult to deal with. We can't beat the dozens of brothers. How do you deal with it... …"

Before he could finish his words, the Nanwu Goblin Bodhisattva chanted "My Buddha Mercy", and there was at least three to four hundred meters away from the two Xuekui. When he mentioned the Gatling gun, it was a click. Shooting, the two Xuekui were still squatting on the ground and throwing snowballs, but they didn't get a good team, so they rushed to the street.

"Huh? Hung up!"

The three guide players were stunned. It took only a few seconds to rub their eyes, and the two [Xuekui] BOSS that had troubled them for a long time were brought down!

What the **** is this?

The three of them looked at Nanwu Gatlin Bodhisattva dumbfounded. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Li Hanqiang sighed at this moment and felt that it was a loss. The Bodhisattva is ferocious and can kill a 75-level medium BOSS in seconds. The monsters that can be killed by him have a low drop rate. The death of these two Xuekui BOSS is too worthless. Now, let the trappers catch them, and they can also refine Rank 3 Golden Core in the Demon Mountain Cave Mansion.

"If this is killed by the player, you might be able to play skill enhancement gems!"

Thinking of this, Li Hanqiang hurried forward and instructed Nanwu Goblin Bodhisattva, Supreme Angels, Holy Angels, etc. not to attack monsters without authorization.

After some instructions, Li Hanqiang hurried forward to search for the spoils, and as soon as he came to the place where Xuekui was pounding on the street at two ends, a piece of ice and snow suddenly collapsed, revealing a deep hole.

"Ding, you found a mystery cave in the snow mountain!"

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