My Chaos City

Chapter 796: Snow Mountain Secret: Mysterious Palace

It turns out that there is also a mystery cave in the Aofeng land boundary. "

Li Hanqiang looked into the opening of the cave that appeared, and felt that it was like an ice crystal cave, and the rock wall of the cave was covered with bright blue grass, and it was all materials that could be collected.

Looking back, the two Xuekui BOSSs didn't fall out even a single hair, but the corpses remained, and it would take a while to refresh and disappear.

If there are players who are proficient in life skills such as "skinning", they can still get some materials from these two bosses.

However, Li Hanqiang didn't care about this material.

At this time, everyone gathered, Fanfeng Knight, Fire Sword Saint, and Lu Youxian planted the battle flag outside the resource point. The scattered players who followed behind were obviously scrupulous and did not dare to enter the resource point to collect materials, the three The guide is also very sensible. If Li Hanqiang doesn't speak, they will not collect the spoils privately.

Li Hanqiang sighed when he saw the performance of these players.

There are a lot of flowers and plants in this resource point, and it doesn't seem to be such a precious material. Li Hanqiang doesn't have time to collect materials here slowly. He doesn't mind the casual players collecting materials here.

After thinking about it, Li Hanqiang said to Fanfeng Knight and the others: "You are here to collect materials, I will go to this Snow Mountain Mystery Cave to take a look!"

After saying this, he entered the Snow Mountain Mystery Cave, and Zhen Deqiang and Zhen Dejun also followed.

This Snow Mountain Mystery Cave is not too deep. Li Hanqiang reached the end after a hundred steps. There are no branches or wild monsters in the Mystery Cave. There is only a treasure chest at the end. Li Hanqiang opened it. There is a wizard-exclusive [Ice and Snow Elf] skill book, an assassin-exclusive [Ice Spike] skill book, a 75-level red [Xuekui Battle Armor], and a [Snow Mountain Secret Scroll].

If these four items are obtained by ordinary players, it is also a good harvest.

Li Hanqiang didn't have much interest in the two low-level skill books and [Xuekui Battle Armor], so he included the storage space at will, but the [Snow Mountain Secrets Scroll] was a bit interesting.

This scroll is somewhat similar to the [Route Map], with textual information in it, and a map attached to it, on which the current location of the holder can be displayed, and the location of a "mysterious golden palace" is also marked.


Scroll of Snow Mountain Secrets: Special items, exclusive props in Aofeng Realm, which can be obtained by killing monster BOSS in Aofeng Realm or exploring the Snow Mountain Labyrinth. The scroll contains various secret information in Aofeng Realm, which can be used to trigger treasure hunt, exploration or Plot missions, players are specifically asked to explore by themselves.

Secret information: Snow Mountain Aofeng is difficult for ordinary people to reach. There are many secrets buried here. Not long ago, a golden palace fell from the sky and fell to the boundary of Aofeng Mountain. It was buried by the snow and became a gathering place for wild monsters.

Trigger a limited-time expedition mission: explore the mysterious golden palace that fell on the land boundary of Aofeng.

Reward: free trigger...


The map given in the scroll shows the location of the "mysterious golden palace", which is fifty miles away from where Li Hanqiang is at this time.

"It's not close, it's enough to walk for a while."

Now that he got such a scroll, Li Hanqiang naturally wanted to go to the "mysterious golden palace" to explore and explore. Anyway, he would go up the mountain, and he would go wherever he went.

After leaving this snow mountain mystery cave, Li Hanqiang greeted everyone to move on.

Li Hanqiang didn't care about the surrounding flowers, plants and grass.

The three guide players were having fun collecting materials. After learning of Li Hanqiang's decision, they couldn't help feeling a great pity. If this is gone, the resources in this resource point will definitely be collected by the players behind. Isn't it a loss?

Li Hanqiang saw their psychology, and now he has the [Snow Mountain Secrets Scroll] in his hand, but he doesn’t need them to lead the way, so he left the [Xuekui Battle Armor] that he just got as a memorial, and he led the team. The "Mysterious Golden Palace" marked in [Snow Mountain Secrets Scroll], walk straight ahead.

A large number of players continued to follow Li Hanqiang’s expedition, but just as the three guide players said, they walked forward about one mile. The cold wind became more intense and collateral damage. The players were blown by the cold wind and started. Blood loss.

This blood loss speed is obviously related to the player's physical defense and magic resistance. It varies from person to person, but it is not fast. At first, it was one or two points per second.

Li Hanqiang has an indestructible divinity, and this kind of damage is no different to him. The Supreme Angel, the Holy Angel, the Nanmu Gatling Bodhisattva, the Trapper, etc. do not see blood loss at all, and the fan knight, The Fire Sword Saint and others have the [Blessing BUFF] of the Spring of Blessing. The cold wind is not considered a combat state. Their health and mana recovery speed are 20 times that of ordinary players, and they are not afraid of this slight cold wind.

It's just that the cold wind affects the speed of movement, which makes people uncomfortable. Li Hanqiang has a feeling of **** storm in his own home.

And the more you move forward, the stronger the damage ability of the cold wind is. After another five miles, some players will drop dozens or hundreds of health points per second. Some people start to fall behind and take drugs. The team of a thousand people dragged down the old elders.

At this time, a group of Aofeng snow wolves appeared. They were all 75-level elite monsters. There were hundreds of them. They were different wild monsters entrenched in strongholds. These Aofeng snow wolves were like a circle of hungry wandering. The wolf, howling, took the initiative to charge Li Hanqiang.

There was a casual player in the rear shouting: "No, it's Aofeng Snow Wolf. This kind of monster is particularly difficult and will take the initiative to attack. Please pay attention!"

"It's best to avoid them. The more monsters they fight, the more they will summon their companions."

"It's a bit unlucky..."

Li Hanqiang turned a deaf ear to those shouts, he kept walking, and said: "A mere mob, overwhelming!"

After that, Li Hanqiang ordered the two trappers to show some tricks.

The dull knife and the sharp knife directly summoned the falcon and the hound without saying a word.

Regardless of the blunt knives and sharp knives, their original shape is a ten-level defensive tower. Today, the number of their two falcons and hounds combined is nearly two thousand, both of which are level 100 elites. They deal with hundreds of Aofeng Snow Wolf. , Same as playing.

Li Hanqiang's advancement was not blocked at all, Hundred Aofeng Snow Wolf couldn't rush to him at all, and was intercepted halfway through.

Eagles crowing, dogs barking, and wolves hissing. In the vast snow-capped mountains, where the two sides are fighting, the snow and fog are flying, which is quite tragic, which makes many players puzzled and shocked.

Moving forward, the cold wind is more powerful, and more scattered players begin to fall behind.

Perhaps because of the killing of a batch of Aofeng Snow wolves, more Aofeng Snow wolves were chased and killed. The two Trappers took action. They had the ability to summon falcons and hounds. , Can also set up traps for catching animals, and can also hold a hunting knife and fight by hand.

As a result, Li Hanqiang's expedition team has successively joined Aofeng Xuelang, which has grown stronger.

The Aofeng Snow Wolf was naturally captured by two trappers on the spot.

Their [Beast Trap] usually can directly "get to death" Aofeng Snow Wolf, and the chance of tame is not great, but they hold a hunting knife in hand to fight it is different. White knives go in and red knives go out, bleeding, and bones. When the attack special effects are played, the Aofeng Snow Wolf that was hit by the knife will immediately lose its combat effectiveness. Basically, after being hit by three or four knives, it will be tamed and betrayed on the spot.

As for the damage that Aofeng Snow Wolf caused to the Trapper, that was a joke, it means nothing!

The methods of the two trappers, let alone the casual players behind, even Zhen Deqiang, Zhen Dejun and others were stunned.

"The Great Torch, are you here to recruit soldiers?"

"Aofeng Snow Wolf won't be caught clean, right..."

Li Hanqiang listened to such words, unknowingly, the two trappers had already captured more than 500 Aofeng snow wolves. Those Aofeng snow wolves were guarding them, UU reading, they were in the cold wind Will not lose blood, can be regarded as a special unit.

However, the more you move forward, the higher the cold wind damage, and the scattered players behind you can’t hold it anymore. When there are thirty miles away from the "mysterious golden palace", the original team of two to three thousand people is left. Three or four hundred people can still follow.

After another ten miles, there are fewer than a hundred players who can hold it.

After another five miles, there is no single player. At this time, even Fanfeng Knight, Fire Sword Saint and others are feeling a little pressure, and they need to take drugs to withstand it.

There are some resource points along the way, and the players who fall behind will not get nothing.

Moving on, when Li Hanqiang arrived at his destination, he couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw the "mysterious golden palace" that was slanted and embedded on the hillside and was mostly covered by ice and snow.

He recognized that the mysterious golden palace was one of the zodiac signs, Aquarius!

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