My Chaos City

Chapter 844: Holy 10-character city, destroying battleship, Baihezhou

Lost Empire, Holy Cross City.

The Holy Cross Judgment was sitting on his "streaming chair", and at the moment, overlooking the four directions above the city tower of Holy Cross, he was quite energetic.

The Lost Empire was inherited from Abandoned Sulu, and his Holy Cross City is naturally the core city of the Lost Empire.

To be precise, the Holy Cross Judgment is the first player in the endless world to have an empire, and the first player to be called the "Emperor", but the lost empire was only inherited by him, not created, and he has not experienced the mission of nation-building, so The system has always treated him differently.

Owning an empire, you can actually start the camp gameplay. The Holy Cross Judgment had taken care of it before and didn't dare to open the camp randomly.

He could predict that even if he started the faction gameplay, apart from the members of the Holy Cross Guild, there will probably not be outsiders joining.

However, the faction gameplay has the advantages of the faction gameplay. Now the struggle on the Lost Dragon Island is basically over. Coupled with the many discoveries on the territory of the Lost Empire, the Holy Cross Judgment feels that it has the foundation.

The territory of the lost empire is a territory of the once gem empire. It is equivalent to the ancient ruins, hiding many plot tasks, resource points, special copies, and ancient treasures.

Today’s Holy Cross City can be described as a completely new one. The defensive towers are all gem defensive towers, including crystal towers, emerald towers, giant yellow diamonds, and uranium stone towers.

The Holy Cross Judgment also unearthed two slate technologies from an ancient ruin in the lost empire's territory: [Poison Soaked Slate Technology] and [Viper Slate Technology].

The use of these two technologies can transform the chaotic slabs to increase the ability of "toxin damage" and "ghost viper guard", and can spread the chaotic slabs on the war corridor, and the enemy will be hurt when they pass the chaotic slab.

Relying on the defensive towers of the gem empire and the chaotic slate technology, the monster siege of Holy Cross City has reached the 42nd wave. If it were not for the defense rankings, Holy Cross City is already number one and can crush the dark tide. City of darkness.

In today’s defense rankings, the Dark City is still at the top of the list, but it is still stuck in the 40th wave, which is stagnant.

The Holy Cross Judgment gains from the Lost Empire Territory can go far beyond gem defense towers and two slate technologies, and more, such as the six ancient Jinghui chariots unearthed, and the gem empire standard combat weapon[ Full-color battle suit] Technology, harvested an Eagle Superior Void Airship [Explorer], etc.

The Holy Cross Judgment even found a gem mine in the territory of the gem empire, from which space gems can be mined!

"The Lost Empire has risen, and it's time to fight the world!"

The Holy Cross Judgment smiled and shouted: "Prepare for holy war, gather people, and go to the Eternal Isle!"

In the chaotic void, there is a huge "Void Island" away from the Lost Dragon Island.

This is actually not a void island, but a destroyer.

The battleship of destruction refers to the battleship of the destruction of the apostles.

In this destroyer that is as huge as the Void Island, the fifth-generation Apostle of Destruction, with six tentacles growing on its buttocks, Daewoo Ten Punch Sword, is shaking his head and laughing.

"The Holy Cross Judgment actually opened the camp gameplay. It seems that he is very confident in his lost empire. In that case, I will also start the destruction camp!"

After that, Daewoo Ten Punch Sword communication system, after some operations, another full server announcement sounded, announcing the opening of the destruction camp.

The destruction camp is considered a special camp because it has no empire foundation!

The Daewoo City of Daewoo Ten Punch Sword has been integrated with the Destroyed Warship, and it has become similar to Acacia City and New Thousand Owl City. It is no longer a pure Chaos City, and monster siege, gold coin challenges cannot be opened.

However, the strength of Dayu City has also advanced by leaps and bounds.

Daewoo Ten Punch Sword has obtained the two inheritances of [Abandoned Sulu's Divine Jewel] and [Abandoned Sulu's Will to Destroy]. He has the identity of the fifth generation of Apostle of Destruction and opened 064 to shape the divinity.

Shaping the divinity is extremely powerful. With this kind of power, Daewoo Ten Punch Sword can shape the Void Island, Chaos City, and buildings into various devices according to their own ideas, and equip them on the destroying battleship.

It was like abandoning Sulu to make a destroyer.

Now Daewoo Ten Punch Sword’s destruction warship is already extremely powerful, especially this time in Lost Dragon Island, he shaped the three [Dragon Nest Barracks] in the Lost Dragon Island into war weapons and installed them on the destruction warship. The combat effectiveness of this destruction warship has been greatly improved.

Daewoo Ten Fist Sword believes that his destroying battleship is definitely one of the strongest void airships today, stronger than Li Hanqiang's **** fish, not inferior to the dark city, and has greater potential.

"The Eternal Island is an extraordinary place, and the mysterious altar on it is about to be opened. If I can shape the Eternal Island and install it on the destroyer, wouldn't it be invincible?"

Daewoo Ten-fist Sword dreamed silently. In fact, he most wanted to shape Li Hanqiang’s Lingxiao City, just as he abandoned Sulu and cast Qianxiaocheng into a battleship of destruction. If he could shape Li Hanqiang’s Lingxiao City and make it an accessory of the battleship of destruction, That would be invincible.

However, this must first be defeated in Lingxiao City.

Daewoo Ten Boxing Sword does not want to collide with Li Hanqiang head-on for the time being. After all, on the Lost Dragon Island, he has seen the strength of the Lingxiao City, and he must not be underestimated.

"Let’s start with the occupation of the Eternal Island. Superman Daewoo has been on the Eternal Island. His mysterious altar strategy has been perfected. It is time for everyone to refer to it..."

Daewoo Ten Punch Sword felt that he still had a little bit of opportunity on the Eternal Island, and now he should act in advance.

At the same time, "Baihezhou", a large number of players also began to gather.

Baihezhou is a medium-sized void island conquered by the Guild of Thousand Ows, not far from the Eternal Island, and Guild of Thousand Ows has basically developed into a pirate This Baihezhou is similar to a pirate base.

As Singard opens the black hole of time, Lost Dragon Island will surely disappear. There is not much competition value there. With the order of Qian Xiao Fog, the players of Qian Xiao Guild in New Qian Xiao City and Bai He Zhou also start to eternal The island advances.

Today, the mysterious altar of the Eternal Island has not reopened, but it can be expected that once the mysterious altar is opened, it will surely cause another fierce competition.

In the Lingxiao City, Li Hanqiang did not continue to the Demon Mountain Cave Mansion at this moment, but turned back to the Lingxiao City Square and entered the endless tower.

"The Daewoo Ten Punch Sword and the Holy Cross Judgment have both started the camp gameplay, and it suddenly feels exciting."

When Li Hanqiang came to the endless tower, he first checked the national power rankings.

Today, there are still only five rankings on this list, that is, five empires on the bright side. The overall national strength is still the Star Dragon Empire, with a comprehensive score of 78900, which is slightly more than when Li Hanqiang established the Dragon Slaying Empire.

The comprehensive national strength of the Devil Dragon Empire actually surpassed the Xuanlong Empire, and now ranks second with a comprehensive score of 69,600!

The Xuanlong Empire fell to third place, and the overall national strength score dropped by nearly 10,000 to only 66,000.

His own dragon slaying empire is naturally ranked fourth, and the overall score has improved a lot, reaching 15,400!

But beyond Li Hanqiang's expectation, the lost empire of Daewoo Ten Boxing Sword developed extremely fast. Today's comprehensive national strength score has reached 6,800 points, which is nearly 24 times higher than when Li Hanqiang established the Dragon Slaying Empire!

"The national strength of the Xuanlong Empire has declined. It seems that the internal problems are serious, and the development momentum of the lost empire is terrifying. Is this a windfall?"

Li Hanqiang immediately felt a trace of pressure. If he did not seek improvement, the Dragon Slaying Empire might not be surpassed by the lost empire behind.

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