My Chaos City

Chapter 845: I want airship city

Look at [Faction Ranking].

Ranked first, the Dragon Empire camp, score 188240!

Ranked second, Xuanlong Empire camp, score 144520!

Ranked third, the Star Dragon Empire faction, scored 140,000!

Ranked fourth, neutral big city camp, score 65040!

Ranked fifth, the Foundation Kingdom camp, scored 55,000!

Ranked sixth, the pirate camp, score 54580!

Ranked seventh, the Chamber of Commerce, scored 44,000!

Ranked eighth, the Dragon Slaying Empire camp, scored 36,000!

Ranked ninth, the Lost Empire camp, with a rating of 6,800!

Rank tenth, destroy the camp, score 2500!

The faction score is the sum of the comprehensive national power score of the empire and the strength score of the affiliated forces. When Li Hanqiang started the camp gameplay, the score of the Dragon Slaying Empire faction was the same as the overall national power score of the Dragon Slaying Empire. Now the comprehensive national power score of the Dragon Slaying Empire is 15400, and the score of the Dragon Slaying Empire is 36000!

This shows that the combined forces of the Dragon Slaying Empire can add up to a score of 20,600 points, which is much higher than the overall score of the Dragon Slaying Empire.

This surprised Li Hanqiang and taught him to realize that the subordinate forces of the Dragon Slaying Empire were not weak.

The score of the Lost Empire camp is consistent with its comprehensive national power score, which of course shows that the Lost Empire does not have any affiliated forces.

And the score of the destruction camp actually increased to 2500. You must know that when Li Hanqiang started the camp gameplay, the score of the destruction camp was only 254. It seems that its development is also extremely fast.

These numerical scores made Li Hanqiang feel a bit of pressure.

Without absolute advantage, without crushing general data comparison, he feels unsafe and his sense of superiority is greatly reduced.

"If this is the real world, should I act first to be strong, and eliminate all competitors before they develop and grow?"

Li Hanqiang murmured, but also secretly sighed that everyone has fortunes, and you should not underestimate the world!

Next, he brought up the faction panel, checked the information in it, and randomly checked the faction materials.

Now the number of Chaos City affiliated to Dragon Slaying Empire has reached 4,400. According to the ranking order of affiliated Chaos City given on the faction panel, Aotian City, Bugui City, Undercover City, 1424 Dark City, 1127 Dark City, I Want Airship City , These six chaotic cities should be the best developed.

Li Hanqiang can now recognize it at a glance. The Undercover City, 1424 Dark City, and 1127 Dark City must all be the same undercover cities as Aotian City. Their names are too blatant. Most of their city owners are players from the Dark Tides Guild, and maybe they are slaying dragons. In the chat group.

However, Li Hanqiang was not quite sure about the origin of the City of No Regret and the City of Airship I wanted. He had never dealt with the two affiliated Chaos City, and he was a little interested at this moment.

Looking at the faction information, Li Hanqiang learned that the nickname of the city lord of Bugui City is "Geng A Niu", and that the chief officer of Chaos City is Wei Lingxiao. Lingxiao City was the first two chief officers who graduated from "Wolong City Chief Officer Academy". one.

And the lord of "I Want Airship City" is actually "Fat Tiger won't"!

Seeing this nickname, Li Hanqiang was stunned for a while.

"Fat Tiger would never" is an ancient figure. Little Angel Irene was snatched from his Chaos City at the beginning. Li Hanqiang remembers that when the siege was launched, Zhen Deqiang and Zhen Dejun led people to defend the city. I didn't expect this guy to actually defend the city. Did not abandon the tour, but insisted on playing Chaos City Lord, and joined his own Dragon Slaying Empire camp.

"At the beginning, this'Fat Tiger wouldn't be able to start a live broadcast to show off Little Angel Irene. Before I decided to grab someone, although I gave him a gift of 100 small tanks, it was still a bit unkind after all, nothing more, I have a chance in the future. Compensate him."

Li Hanqiang said silently, he thought for a moment, and took the initiative to send a friend request to Fat Hu at all. After thinking about it, he sent a friend request to Geng Aniu.

The two applications were passed quickly, and then Li Hanqiang received a call from a friend that Fat Tiger would never send: "Tu Long, my strong brother, you actually added me as a friend. I added you before, but they were all ignored. Now, you turned on the shield. Do you remember that you attacked my Chaos City back then..."

"Yeah!" Li Hanqiang replied: "Don't mention the previous things. Now we are in the same camp. If you have any needs in the future, just ask, although I may not be able to help you!"

"Then I'm not welcome, Dragon Dragon, my strong brother, I deleted the account and replayed it several times. Now the development of Chaos City is average and relatively poor. The sixth-level defense tower in the defense tower shop can't afford it. How many seats do you support me?"

"It's easy! How many waves of monsters has your Chaos City hit now? Are there any specialties in the city?"

"Only hit the 33rd wave, I have relatively few gold coupons. In fact, my Chaos City is not bad. There is a unicorn Taoist temple, which can train Taoist soldiers, and Taomen Eight Qi, all of which are inferior BOSS levels!"

"So strong?" Li Hanqiang asked with a thought, "Does the Eight Qiqie have personality settings?"

Fat Tiger wouldn't reply at all, "No, isn't it not great without personality setting?"

"If you don't have a good personality, then you won't be rebellious!"

"Huh?" Fat Tiger didn't understand at all.

Li Hanqiang continued to ask: "Do they have a gender?"

"Of course there are genders. I can still see this. They are all men."

"Good, good!" Li Hanqiang said three times in succession, Fat Tiger wouldn't be confused at all, I don't know what Li Hanqiang meant by slaying the dragon.

Li Hanqiang continued, "Do you think this will work? Let's marry the two cities. You will marry that Daoist Baqi. Instead of taking your dowry, I will give you a betrothal gift. The betrothal gift will set a set of Tiangang Beidou formation, which is Seven six-level [Stardust Towers] construction drawings, plus ten cornucopias, okay?"

Li Hanqiang just wanted to take the opportunity to test the ability of [Tianditang]. UU reading

According to the description in the attribute information of [Tianditang], as long as there is a gender, there is no problem with Taoist marrying. Although this sounds a little weird, it makes sense in theory.

In addition, the Qilin Taoist Academy sounds good, and the title of the Taoist Eight Qi is not bad. After marrying, you may be valued by the little Taoist Chiyun and earn Tai Huizong.

"Huh? Marriage? Taoist marrying?" Fat Tiger obviously didn't understand.

Li Hanqiang explained to him patiently. Fat Tiger gradually understood that he didn’t know how to do it. He thought for a while, and said, “Sure, then it’s so decided. But how to marry Dao Sect Baqi? Does the Void Airship take them to High Heaven City?"

"No, you just have to wait for the system prompt!"

Li Hanqiang did not hesitate, quickly came to the Tianditang, stomped on the ground, summoned the city **** of Lingxiao City, and shouted: "Master Chenghuang, it is time for you to show your magical powers. I want Airship City, Daomen Baqi, ready to marry!"

"This is a happy event!" Lingxiao Chenghuang's spirit was lifted, "sir, I don't know who they are married to?"

Li Hanqiang said: "You can choose whatever you want. By the way, remember to choose women!"

Although men and men can also worship heaven and earth, Li Hanqiang still thinks it is better to match men and women.

The city **** of Lingxiao City responded with a "yes" and then fled away. As the guardian spirit, the city **** of Lingxiao City has its own abilities. Li Hanqiang doesn't care who he will choose to worship the Taoist Baqi, but at this moment he is going to prepare for the betrothal. .

Seven [Construction drawings of the Star Tower], this is a trivial matter, one is only 16,000 gold coupons, this small amount of money is nothing at all for the current Lingxiao City.

As for the ten cornucopias... the cornucopia can be salvaged from the Tongtian River, which is not a rare thing in Lingxiao City.

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