My Chaos City

Chapter 846: Marry Dao Men 8 Qi

The Tongtian River is powerful and connects many buildings in Lingxiao City. There are gold ingots, silver ingots, treasure chests, cornucopias, red copper ore, etc. The Liumin camp can naturally refresh the murloc people on the banks of the Tongtian River. Those murloc people can Salvage these things from the Tongtian River.

Moreover, affected by the ability of the grotesque pond, these things in the Tongtian River may even be transformed into living creatures, and affected by the monster mountain cave mansion, the creatures in the river may even cultivate into spirits.

Until now, the murloc salvage team has been small in scale. Li Hanqiang found Jack Bodhisattva and checked his government code. He found that there are now 266 murlocs in Lingxiao City, most of which are concentrated in the wharf of the refugee camp.

And the things they salvaged were also classified at the docks of the refugee camp. There were three destinations, either to the Weird Pool, or to the Yaoshan Factory, or to the Jinyintai Chaos Vault.

The cornucopia was naturally sent to the Chaos Treasury.

Now there are 1,324 cornucopias in the Chaos Treasury, and there is also a super cornucopia for gold coin challenge ultimate achievement rewards. Li Hanqiang took out 10, and Little Angel Irene would have no opinion.

Li Hanqiang also withdrew 400,000 gold coupons from the Chaos Treasury.

Based on the current situation in Lingxiao City, Chaos Treasury naturally harvests 10 gold coupons per hour, 1314 cornucopias can provide 2,628 gold coupons per hour, and super cornucopia can provide 1,000 gold coupons per day, which is 100,000 gold coupons, plus the Golden Empire The daily income of 10,000 gold coupons provided by the title, only Chaos Treasury can provide 173312 gold coupons every day!

After preparing the bride price, Li Hanqiang purchased 10 more [Stardust Tower Construction Blueprints], and used them to build 10 Stardust Towers, which allowed Badas, the Grand Master of Yipin Town, to kill the number of enemies.

After some busy schedule, Li Hanqiang returned to Tianditang, and after waiting a while, Lingxiao Chenghuang also returned.

He brought eight young girls, all of whom were from Tulong Village, dressed in ancient costumes and plainly dressed. Among them were two vegetable farmers, two cook girls, two weaver girls, and two fisher girls.

They don't have personality settings, and naturally they don't have names. They look pretty good.

Lingxiao City Chenghuang said: "These eight women have reached the age of marriage, all of them are smart, and they are all top grades. They should be more than enough to match the eight foreign Taoist priests. I will go to Zhang Luo. Today is a good day and a half hour. After that, Huang Daojishi, let the eight teams of newcomers come to court and get married."

"Uh, uh!"

Li Hanqiang nodded, actually quite curious in his heart.

Next, Lingxiao City Chenghuang unfolded his magical powers, flicking his sleeves with his right hand, lights and festoons in heaven and earth, flicks with his left sleeves, tribute candles appeared in the hall, sleeves with his right hand, and red carpet floor, sleeves with his left hand. Full of flowers...

Not long after, the eight young girls were Fengguanxiamen and changed into festive new costumes.

The Lingxiao City City God also summoned the drum warriors and taught them to beat the red silk war drum outside the Tianditang.

Chief officials such as Jack Bodhisattva, Colonel Duka, Rem Commander, Osiris, Priest were all attracted, and many NPCs from Dragon Slaying Town, as well as a large number of people, were attracted to the outside of Heaven and Earth Hall.

Li Hanqiang was a little surprised, everything seemed to be the same, and the scene quickly became lively and grand.

Jack Bodhisattva seemed to like this kind of scene too, and specially transferred a team of Goblin Royal Guard of Honor to support the scene.

After a while, the city **** of Lingxiao sang: "The auspicious hour has arrived, where is the newcomer?"

Suddenly, a portal appeared in front of the Tiandi Hall. From that portal, [Fat Tiger would never] first poked his head out. When he saw the big scene in front of him, he was immediately stunned, and then he tiptoed out to teleport. Array, but scratching his head, don't know where to stand, nodded and bowed at everyone.

However, tall figures dressed as eight Taoist priests strode out from the portal.

That is the Daoist Eight Qi, wearing a unicorn robes, wearing a purple gold Dao crown, carrying a jade box and long sword, one by one, the gods are handsome, and the equipment is extraordinary, judging from the appearance, they can be described as young and handsome.

"It's good time!"

Lingxiao City City God flicked his sleeves again, and the Taoist Baqi also changed into a brocade robe and jade belt in the blink of an eye, all dressed in festive clothes, but eight girls from Tulong Village had big red flowers on the chest. Instead, the Taoist Baqi put on it. Red hijab.

At this time, the golden bell rang on the gold and silver platform, seemingly in response to the Lingxiao Chenghuang’s saying "the auspicious time has come."

Lingxiao City City God continued to preside over the worship ceremony, and he invited Li Hanqiang into the hall.

Li Hanqiang has the highest status and has the right to "random mandarin ducks". He divided the eight young girls from Tulong Village and Daomen Baqi on the spot.

These eight new couples have no personality settings. They will recognize how Li Hanqiang is divided, and everything goes smoothly.

The dumbfounded "Fat Tiger doesn't know" was also pulled into the hall by Li Hanqiang. Li Hanqiang asked him if he had any comments, but this guy hesitated and didn't say a word for a long time.

Lingxiao City City God continued to preside over the ceremony. Under his singing and singing, eight couples worshiped the heaven and the earth, and then the City God, the couple worshiped, and then the eight girls from Tulong Village opened the red caps of the Daomen Baqi, and the two were formed. I am happy with my partner, holding hands and half hugging, smiling.

At the end of the ceremony, Lingxiao City God's sleeves flicked, and eight cranes from the sea of ​​clouds flew up, carrying eight pairs of newcomers, and flew away in the sea of ​​blue clouds.

This is a honeymoon!

After going around the city, the eight couples will return and restore their original costumes.

"There are quite a lot of patterns in the city **** of Lingxiao City! If Lu He and the painting boat of the Red Mansion are there, there can be no music!"

Li Hanqiang sighed silently, and listened to the Lingxiao City God: "This time in Lingxiao City, I want to marry in Airship City. From then on, the two cities will marry, and I want eight Taoists from Airship City to settle in Lingxiao City!"

"Good, good, good!"

There was a clap of applause, and Li Han Qiang heard the reputation, and a group of demon mountain little demons followed, shouting loudly.

At this point, even if this "worship and marriage" is over, the city of Lingxiao City stunned away, and the chief officials, war drum warriors, demon mountain little demon, etc. also began to leave.

[Fat Tiger doesn't even know] The whole process was stunned. At this moment, his eyes looked around, as if he hadn't figured out what was going on.

Li Hanqiang came to him, he was a little flattered, only pipes: "True Bull Beer, Real Bull Beer..."

"Come on! Come, come, this is the betrothal gift, I'll prepare it for you, take it home." Li Hanqiang said, his sleeves flicked, 17 third-class life lotus flowers appeared leisurely, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com whirled to [Fat Tiger didn't know].

Each of the 17 life lotus flowers contains this item, which is the seven [Stardust Tower Construction Blueprints] and ten cornucopias.

Tianditang is powerful, as long as it is set as a dowry or dowry, not to mention these items, even defense towers, special buildings, sub-bases, etc., can be given away!

In theory, Li Hanqiang can treat Demon Mountain Cave Mansion as a bride price!

Of course, he would not do this.

However, in the future, you can use the ability of Tianditang to bring in other people's buildings or something.

The 17 life lotus flowers are shining and blooming brilliantly. Seven [Construction drawings of the Star Tower] and ten cornucopias appear. [Fat Tiger does not at all] seem to be back at this moment. Hurry up and put these things away. He couldn't hold the cornucopia, so he held it with a bright smile on his face.

The portal in Heaven and Earth Hall will disappear soon after the completion of "Waitang and Marriage". At this moment, there is already a countdown to disappearance above the portal. Li Hanqiang does not intend to stay [Fat Tiger will not], and said: "Quickly return to the city. Go ahead and work hard in the future!"

[Fat Tiger won't be] quite excited. He feels that he has made a lot of money. A set of seven six-level defensive towers, plus ten cornucopias, is definitely more valuable than the eight Taoist priests. He nodded repeatedly. Said: "Tu Long, my strong brother, can I still marry on your side in the future?"

Li Hanqiang nodded and said: "Of course, the higher the level of troops, the more I like it. You can also consider sending the Kylin Taoyuan as a dowry or dowry. As long as it is mutually beneficial, you can discuss it."

"That would be great!"

[Panghu won't] His eyes are bright, he feels that he has found a way to get rich, as long as he is willing to marry, why worry about the development of Chaos City?

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