My Cold Gentle Husband

Chapter 867: Surprise

At the beginning, with a burst of blood, I must let Bai Huayan return to her side. Now calm down, Gu Yuzhi does not regret, just worried.

No one can say anything about the future.

"Of course, or do you think that I will always be watching you? I am not a fool. I am still less than thirty, a good youth time." White lightly licked his mouth.

Her hand, but slowly stretched out, fell on the head of Gu Yuzhi, gently rubbing his hair.

It’s too embarrassing to start the old woman. I really want to fly back and put her in a mental hospital. Let her and the crazy people scramble and kill the best.

I heard that the old woman is crazy, but the old man cares about the face and the past, not announced, but she is locked in the backyard, please take care of.

The days are so comfortable.

The white light hand tightened a little.

"Yeah." Gu Yuzhi's dagger.

Maybe he was too selfish, but he really didn't want to let go of her hand, not wanting it for a minute or two.

He squinted his white hand slightly: "Well, don't think too much, the boat is naturally straight to the bridge, good night, Yan Yan."

"Good night." Bai Yanyan closed his eyes in his arms and went to sleep.


Next, Bai Yanyan sent people to follow Wan Peipei, and the followers came back to report -

"Mrs. Secretary does not go out every morning. It is usually after two o'clock in the afternoon to go to the ladies to chat and have afternoon tea. The most popular is her good friend Mrs. Wu's family. The rest have not been discovered yet."

White lightly swings his hand.

She frowned.

Is it really her big problem?

Wanfeng and Wan Peipei actually have nothing.

Although Wan Peipei’s mind is vicious, but in the end it is dignity and the bottom line, so it is absolutely impossible to carry such a thing with her husband.

In the following week, Bai Guangyan got the same answer.

Therefore, the seeds she suspected in her heart were pulled out a little bit.

It is she who thinks too badly.

It’s strange to blame Wan Peipei for not giving her a good impression.

This matter, here, has been stranded.

After a few more days, Bai Liangyan received a call from Mrs. Wang.

"Light, I know that you have just reconciled with Mr. Gu, definitely busy, but now it has been so long, you should have time to sit at my house."

"Sister Wang, is there anything you are looking for?" Bai Qingyan asked.

"You are so smart. Yes, looking for something for you, for you, it must be a good thing, you come over, I introduce a person to know you." Mrs. Wang smiled.

"Who?" asked Bai Qingyan.

Mrs. Wang sells Guan: "You will know when you come, you must be happy. Light, I will not lie to you."

The two had been very happy before, so the white light will be down.

She is the king's family in the afternoon.

The Wang family is also one of the six major families. The manor covers a very wide area. Compared with the family, the luxury of the decoration is inferior, but it is also very prominent in the city.

Mrs. Wang counted the time and personally went to the door to meet the white light.

She still wore a cheongsam, and the weather turned cold. She wore a set of half-sleeved pale-green cheongsam, which made her body look very beautiful and had a special charm.

White lightly came down from the car, stepped on the black high heels, took off the sunglasses on his face, and the dark coffee-colored dress fluttered in the wind.

"Light, come, more and more beautiful." Mrs. Wang smiled.

White lightly walked over and chilled a few words with her, and then he opened the door and asked: "Wang Jie, who are you going to see me?"

"Hey, look at your urgency, advanced, we have a cup of tea, I slowly said to you, people are in my house, can't run." Mrs. Wang took the white light, very relatives.

This kind of thing is very strange to a friend. Bai Xiaoyan and Mrs. Wang have seen it several times. I didn’t expect each other to be so familiar.

Mrs. Wang took the white light into the hall and let the servant pour the tea.

Come here, Bai Yanyan is not in a hurry, she is just curious.

I don't know what Mrs. Wang wants to introduce to myself.

She had probably drunk half a cup of tea, and Mrs. Wang said: "Light, Yan, I know everything."

White lightly holding the cup of the finger slightly tightened: "We are so busy looking for a doctor, probably no one does not know?"

Mrs. Wang nodded: "Mr. Gu is still so young"

White lightly lowered his eyebrows.

Mrs. Wang laughed: "Look at your frowning face, I am calling you today, just for this."

White lightly looked up at her: "Sister Wang, do you have a doctor you know?"

Mrs. Wang nodded.

"Where is he?" Bai eagerly asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, don't worry. You can't eat hot tofu." Mrs. Wang appeased and patted the white hand.

White lightly looked at her for a moment, and her eyes were filled with urgency.

Not urgent!

How can I not be anxious!

After five years, I have been unable to find a doctor. If I can’t find it within a year, Gu Yuzhi

"Light, remember the kind of medicine I gave you before?" asked Mrs. Wang.


White lightly remembers naturally, if it wasn’t because she had taken the medicine in advance, or she had the priest’s way, maybe she had already lost her name, and later the priest was eating the evil fruit, and she looked at the two mothers and the priest. Apologizing sincerely, Bai Guangyan forgave her.

"That medicine was developed by my cousin myself, and there is no one on the market." Mrs. Wang raised her eyebrows with some pride.

"So the doctor you introduced to me is your cousin?" Bai lightly asked anxiously.

Mrs. Wang laughed: "You, this person, is too smart. It is really not easy to sell it in front of you. Let me go, I will take you to see him."

"Good." Bai Yanyan immediately stood up, her eyes were bright, like full of endless hope.

Mrs. Wang led the white light out of the hall, went to the backyard's path, and introduced her cousin to Bai Xiaoyan.

"My cousin is called Sun Yuwen. I am 28 years old this year. I can say that he is a genius. His life is all open. At the age of twenty-one, he got a doctorate in medicine. He is twenty-four years old and is in a local hospital. When the deputy dean later felt that it was really boring, he went out and went it alone."

White lightly listened carefully, and the footsteps were fast.

"He likes to challenge. He likes to study all kinds of incurable diseases. I think that your husband is so sick that so many doctors dare not pick up. He asks if he dares to pick up. He should immediately go down and come to me."

“Have he ever studied in this area?” Bai Qingyan asked.

Mrs. Wang shook her head: "No, so he is now studying in the backyard."

White light color: ""

Mrs. Wang smiled and took the white hand: "Reassured, the person I introduced to you is absolutely reliable. My cousin's ability has been tried before. How can you still believe it? With him, your husband promises nothing."

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