My Cold Gentle Husband

Chapter 868: Disappointed

White lightly heard the words, her heart was cold, and the original fast pace slowed down.

Gu Yuzhi is not a headache, this is a very serious disease, handed over to an inexperienced person, white and dare?

Is that gambling in the life of Gu Yuzhi? How dare she?

The white light heart already knows what is going on.

Mrs. Wang is still boasting her cousin, saying that Sun Binwen had won any awards, what kind of illness, experts have studied for decades and have not made progress, he has done it in a month.

White lightly daggers, said that he heard.

Mrs. Wang will also observe the words, and I don’t know the feelings of whiteness.

"Light face, come, let's take a look." Mrs. Wang still believes in her cousin, and really wants to help white.

Bai Yanyan followed the direction of Mrs. Wang’s finger and saw a small wooden building with only one large room, about 80 square meters. The room was empty, with four single beds and many professional instruments, one wearing a white coat. The tall, thin man shuttles back and forth between the single beds.

There is a strong smell of formalin in the air, as well as **** smell.

The left side of the room was filled with all kinds of glass bottles, and the things soaked inside, white lightly glanced at the eyes and immediately removed their gaze.

White light and take a deep breath.

Mrs. Wang knows the style of her cousin, but she doesn’t think anything. It’s just out of the air: “Bathing.”

The man turned around.

He wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, which are tall and thin, and his skin is very white. The appearance is not good-looking, but it is not ugly. There is a little bit of Professor Sven.

However, when he turned around, the scalpel and a group of **** things that were still in his hand were dropping blood on the ground, and some dripped on his coat.

He noticed that some unpleasant squints.

Obviously, he has a slight cleanliness.

"Cousin, this is Mrs. Gu?" The things in his hands are still caught, and the **** and fuzzy things are terrible.

His voice is faint.

Bai Yanyan did not want to see his hand, looked up at his eyes: "Hello, Mr. Sun, I am a gentleman."

"Come in, light face." Mrs. Wang greeted the white light.

She looked at Sun Yuwen again: "What is in your hand?"

"It is the brain flower that has just been dissected, complete." Sun Yuwen faintly said.

White light color: ""

"Then you wash your hands and change your clothes. Let's go and talk." Mrs. Wang saw that the white face was not very good-looking. Maybe she had never seen such a scene, and immediately gave Sun Binwen a look.

"Need to be so troublesome?" Sun Yuwen left the brain flower in his hand, and the scalpel in his hand turned around in the palm of his hand. The blood on the glove was very bright. He looked at the white light and said, "Gu Mrs., take me to see you, my world, only I can save him."

So proud.

White lightly stretched out his hand to pat his chest|mouth, feeling better, she asked: "Mr. Sun, have you taken over such a case before?"

Sun Yuenwen shook his head: "Of course, there is no bullet, headshot, the probability of death is as high as 95%, and the probability of 5% is because the rescue is timely, there is no important part, but even if it is alive, it is not a fool. This state of Mr. Gu, I met for the first time."

"Then you are so sure that you can cure?" Is it too sloppy?

Sun Yuwen said: "There is no disease in my world that I can't cure. I just tried a few bunny rabbits and tried it on a general teacher. I am at least half sure, others. I dare not say that."

White light face: "" Indeed, other people dare not boast of Haikou!

Such a frivolous experiment on the rabbit, said that there is a 50% confidence?

Bai Yanyan wanted to ask him if he had hit the rabbit's head with a gun. The rabbit survived. Then he opened the skull and took the bullet out. The rabbit was still alive.

However, she felt that there is no need to ask.

The white eyes are completely dimmed.

How much hope she began to hold, how disappointing she was at the moment.

"Mrs. Gu, believe me, if you don't look for me, your husband is a dead end." Sun Yuwen said with arrogance.

"Bath Wen!" Mrs. Wang called him. "Don't say it."

Sun Yuwen Zhen Zhen has a saying: "I didn't say anything. It is a miracle that Mr. Gu can survive. It is more dangerous to drag one day."

Bai Guangyan suddenly smiled: "Mr. Sun, do you want to use my husband as a mouse?"

Sun Yuwen said: "I said, I have tried it. Mrs. Gu, I really want to make a breakthrough in your husband, but we also take what we need, I don't charge any fees. If you don't look for me, you will regret it. of."

Sun Yuenwen’s life has been open all the time. Everyone’s eyes are revered. However, when he enters the door, he looks at him with a look of his eyes. He is somewhat unhappy and his tone is a bit stiff.

"Bathing, it’s good, you let light-minded consideration for a few days." Mrs. Wang quickly took the white light and left.

"Light, you don't care, my cousin is so fascinated with research every day, not good at words. He means - he has half of the ability to cure Mr. Gu, other words, you should not mind." Mrs. Wang White light and soft.

Bai Yanyan dagger: "Sister Wang, thank you, I will consider it."

"That's good, light, you think about it." Mrs. Wang said, "I don't have a place to live today, don't go to my heart."

White lightly said: "Where, Wang Jie, you are kind."

Mrs. Wang personally sent Bai Yanyan to the door.

Bai Yanyan sat on her own car, and she sat quietly in the back seat.

Sun Yuwen’s feelings for her are – a self-confidence, pride, and a little bit of medical genius that is not reliable.

That is the life of Gu Yuzhi, how dare she handed it to him.

50%, not a question of probability, is that Sun Yuen-wen has let him feel that he is not in tune.

Too risky.

She doesn't dare.

The car drove directly to the door of Gu Nianbai's school, and Gu Yuzhi met her here.

One of Gu Yu opened the door and saw that he was sitting in the car with a white face and a sorrowful face.

He screwed his brow, sat up, reached for her hand and found that her palm was sweaty.

"What's wrong?" He rubbed his lower lip and rubbed her hand with a wet tissue. "Don't you go see Mrs. Wang? How are you not happy?"

The white-skinned head squatted on the shoulder of Gu Yuzhi, and he said everything about the fifty-one and ten.

Gu Yuzhi’s relief was revealed. He threw the wet tissue into the trash. He took her and said, “Well, don’t be sad, no big deal. For more than five years, the doctors that Blood Eagle has seen. I am afraid that there are thousands of people. Is it that he has to cry every time he sees one?"

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