My Cold Gentle Husband

Chapter 869: Not hurting

White lightly frowned, not talking.

She can't describe that feeling. This is the first time she went to the doctor personally, and she has a lot of hope. It is really hope that the bigger the disappointment, the bigger the disappointment.

"Okay, hey, don't be sad, I have to leave school in vain, let my daughter see you like this, how bad it is. Mrs. Gu, huh?" Gu Yuzhi's hand gently patted her face, and he followed White like.

White lightly opened his hand: "I am not Mrs. Gu!"

Haven't remarried yet!

And she knows what Gu Yuzhi’s heart is thinking about -

Most of the time he will not remarry with her. If he dies, she will become a widow, or a widow who has been married once and say how hard it is to go out!

Only when he is fully recovered will he marry her.

Bai Yanyan did not think about marrying him again. Five years ago, he passively chose to believe that she was somewhat embarrassed.

It’s just that!

"Oh," sure enough, Gu Yuzhi and her are more realistic on this issue.

It was only that he held her palms to tighten the strength.

Bai Yanyan leaned on his shoulder and quietly waited for him to leave school.

After a while, one child came out, but he did not see Gu Nianbai.

She immediately sat up straight, waited for five seconds, still did not see Gu Nianbai, she immediately crossed the car under the car: "white"

"Yan Yan!" Gu Yuzhi took her hand. "You don't worry, maybe it's because of anything delayed."

The two held hands at the school gate.

The teacher standing at the door recognized them at a glance.

"Hello, are you the parents of Gu Nianbai, Mr. Gu, Mrs. Gu?" The teacher’s face had a kind smile.

White lightly anxiously asked: "Is there a habit of tossing in the school?"

In the past, Gu Nianbai came out on time.

The teacher squatted and shook his head: "No!"

"White!" Bai Yanyan immediately ran into the school, and he heard the sound of ignorance.

"Mummy, sly."

Gu Nianbai is still wearing the school uniform, her face is not very good, her hands are pinched together, and she walks very slowly.

A teacher stood behind her and helped her with her school bag.

"White! What's wrong with you?" White lightly rushed over and squatted in front of her.

The teacher looked at his eyes and read it.

Gu Nianbai also glanced at her, and this was a light-hearted statement: "Nothing Mommy, in the manual class, my hand was accidentally scratched."

When I was white, I felt a bit stunned. She spread her hand: "Mummy look."

Gu Nianbai let go of her hand and her index finger was bandaged. This is the best international school in Mancheng. When there are professional medical staff, the bandage is very professional, but I can still see the stars from the inside. Blood stains.

White lightly and carefully holding her hand, gently blowing: "Does it hurt?"

Gu Nianbai shook his head.

The teacher said this: "Mr. Mom, sorry, this is our negligence. The doctor has already checked it. The white hand is not serious and will not affect the playing of the piano."

"What do you say?" Bai Yanyan suddenly looked up at the teacher.

Her eyes are too sharp.

The female teacher jerked back a step, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

Will it not affect the size of the sound of the piano painting, so specifically emphasize this?

"Mummy, I am not careful, it doesn't hurt, don't blame the teacher." Gu Nianbai had another good hand and pulled the white clothes.

Gu Yuzhi stood behind and listened to the conversations of several people and screwed his brows.

"Since it is vain, I am not careful, then Yan Yan, let's go home."

Bai lightly regained his gaze, picked up Gu Nianbai, then took the bag on the teacher's arm and turned away.

Gu Yuzhi looked at the teacher and followed him.

The teacher patted her own chest and waited for someone to go far. She took out her mobile phone and broadcast a number.

"I have done it, my plane tonight, leaving country t."

White lightly holding Gu Nian white car, the fire is still very big.

Gu Nian Bai Wo was in her arms, her eyebrows, her eyes turned and she buried her face in her arms.

It wasn't her own scratch, the teacher scratched her, and the teacher said that if the school knew that she had scratched the student, she would be fired.

The teacher is very good. It is good for Gu Nianbai. Gu Nianbai likes her very much. She does not want her to be expelled, so she lied to everyone, including her parents.

At this moment, seeing white light is so uncomfortable, she feels a little uncomfortable, hesitating whether to tell them the truth.

If Mommy knows it, is the teacher going to be fired?

Very tangled.

She secretly looked up and looked at her, and Gu Yuzhi’s face was not much better.

She whispered: "Hey, it doesn't hurt."

"Be sure to be careful next time. Do you know how to protect yourself?" Gu Yuzhi reached out and grabbed her little head.

"Yeah." Gu Nianbai nodded.

Then he gestured to Gu Yuzhi’s white light face.

Gu Yuzhi also touched the white and light head.

He knows how much she loves vain, and probably blames herself at the moment.

For a time, Gu Yuzhi did not know how to be white and light.

Gu Nianbai sees that Gu Yuzhi’s horse is still useless. She looks at the white light and said: “Mummy, it’s not hurting.”

"White, sorry, I did not protect you." White lightly glared at her, very self-blame.

It was she who insisted on sending her to school. It didn't take long before she went to school, and she was injured.

White light heart like a knife cut.

She wants to give her the best of the world, but she still hurts her.

"No, Mommy, I am not careful, I will pay attention to it in vain, you should not be sad, really do not hurt a little." Gu Nianbai anxious explanation.

She was still a child. When she was at school, her hand was suddenly scratched and she had a lot of blood. She cried.

Seeing white light is so sad, Gu Nianbai is comforting her.

White light face just tightened her.

Upon returning to the castle, Bai Yanyan immediately asked the doctor at home to re-attach him.

Gu Nianbai didn't want to let the white face look at the wound, but Bai Yanyan insisted that she couldn't help it.

The scar is very long, almost crossing the two knuckles, and the wound is deep.

"How is the lady so careless? It's so dangerous, but it's not hurting the bones." The doctor couldn't bear to see it, help her re-sterilize, apply medicine, and dress up.

Gu Nianbai bit his teeth and didn't cry.

White lightly holding Gu Nianbai, my heart is particularly uncomfortable.

Gu Yuzhi sat aside and his brows were twisted.

How can there be such a long wound?

After the dressing, Bai Yanyan took Gu Nianbai to dinner.

Gu Nianbai injured the left hand, but Bai Yanyan insisted on a spoonful of spoonful to feed her.

Gu Nian's heart, this is the place, she can not help but sigh: "Mummy will be so good to me after the injury."

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