My Cold Gentle Husband

Chapter 871: Promise me not to give up

This is what he is already arranging for him?

Tears blurred the eyes, white light and a word can not see clearly, only the three words of Gu Yu, constantly magnified in front of her eyes, impacting her heart.

Bai Yanyan did not know how he turned off the computer and returned to the room. He did not know if his tears had dripped on the table and left any traces.

She ran back to the room, opened the quilt, and pulled away the pillow in Gu's arms. Gu Yuzhi immediately frowned and whispered: "Yan Yan."

"I am here." White is light and dumb.

She held him hard and buried her on his warm chest. Her heart still felt cold.

If you say things five years ago, are all Gu Guzhi and blood geese wrong?

She is wrong!

If Gu Yuzhi gave her a divorce agreement, she angered not to sign, and ran to find Gu Yuzhi, asking him why he did not believe in his own blood geese, if she was entangled in him, not let him go, then he is not Will not be on the wife of the wife?

Is there no result today?

White lightly holding Gu Yuzhi, tears continue to slide down.

She once hated him for not trusting her, but he did not see the blood geese pushing her downstairs. The blood geese were always loyal to him in front of him. For ten years, who would think that the closest person around him would do this?

She was only hysterical at the time, and she was stunned by anger, so she signed a divorce agreement with chills.

Before her death, she swears that if she has an afterlife, she must love her, and she owes him.

Can be the result! Less than five years later, he said that she was divorced and she signed it immediately.

Speaking of her personality is more cheerful and welcoming, and he is restrained and arrogant, but which time is not he bowed his head and compromised, which time is not that he is holding her?

At that time, he recognized the truth and she left.

In this relationship, Gu Yuzhi paid much more than her, whether it was a past life or a lifetime.

The white tears continued to fall. She bitten Gu Yuzhi’s nightgown and prevented herself from crying. In the end, Gu Yuzhi was still awake.

Just opened his eyes, he was not awake. As he reached out and touched the tears of his hands, he was shocked and held his white face with his hands: "Yan Yan, what happened?"

Gu Yuzhi immediately turned over and sat up, and reached out to press the wall lamp, he saw the white light and crying into tears.

"Yan Yan? What happened?" Gu Yuzhi took her wet wipes on the bedside table and wiped her tears.

"Oh, I am sorry," Bai Liyan looked at him with tears and tears. "I should not end our marriage so easily five years ago."

When Gu Yuzhi heard her words, he squatted and hung a heart, and this fell to the ground.

He thought that something had happened.

He gently held her in his arms and reached out and patted her back: "Yan Yan, it is my fault, I am too sloppy, sorry, you are not wrong."

White light face is just holding his nightgown, speechless.

They are all wrong.

So it has created the situation today.

Then face it bravely, not evade.

"Yan Yan, although we missed it for five years, now we cherish each other more, right? Well, don't think about it."

Gu Yuzhi glared at her.

Although he felt that the decision he made at the beginning was sloppy, he did not regret it, even if he gave him another chance to choose, he would do the same.

The second sister is the person he values. Once he is unsuccessful, he can be twice. The old woman is so deep. Everyone is not wary of her. She will succeed one day.

In this case, Gu Yuzhi would rather white and hate him.

Hate can make a person full of strength. Although it is negative energy, she can also raise her knife and try to kill him at any time.

But if they didn't divorce at first.

Bai Yanyan may choose to forgive him for his life, and may also worry about him, worry, embarrassment

That is not what he wants to see.

Five years later, he saw her again, she was very good except for a little thinner.

He is happy.

His face is gone, he still has a good time.

At that time, he was very fortunate that he signed a divorce agreement before the accident, and she did not suffer with her.

When Gu Yuzhi’s thoughts flew, Bai Xiaoyan took his hand and clenched it hard: “Hey, promise me, let’s work together, find a doctor together, then heal you, we are with you. When I grow up, give her a younger sibling and grow up with them happily, okay?"

Gu Yuzhi feels that the palm of his hand is white and heavy. On the wet scorpion, the words "I am not sure" have turned around in the teeth and have been swallowed. The exit is: "Good."

"You said, you can't lie, promise me, can't give up, I can't live without you." Bai Xiaoyan's strength in holding his fingers increased a bit.

"Good." Gu Yuzhi nodded and forced her tightly.

In the bottom of his heart, this moment is like being filled with sunshine, expelling all the darkness and uneasiness.

This is a light smile on the white face.

Gu Yuzhi kissed her first and whispered: "Yan Yan, I love you very much, love your smile, your cry, your tenacity, your little willfulness all of you"

"Then I hate all of you" white smile.

"Do not hate"


The next day.

White lightly wearing sunglasses and going downstairs.

Gu Nianbai looked at her with confusion: "Mummy, why are you wearing sunglasses at home?"

White light Yan Hu said: "I didn't sleep well last night, **** circles, I don't dare to see people, I wear sunglasses."

"That Mommy, go to sleep, just send me awkwardly." Gu Nianbai intimate.

White lightly walked over and touched her little head: "Nothing, go eat breakfast."

After a while, Gu Yuzhi also came down.

He went to the study room, saw the water stains on the keyboard, saw the visit record at three o'clock in the morning, and then he knew everything.

But he did not mention anything.

The two sent Gu Nianbai to the school. When they were about to leave, a classmate and mother who was very good with Gu Nianbai chatted with Bai Yanyan.

"It's a pity! This anni teacher is beautiful, and the person is good. He even resigned yesterday."

White light and condensed eyebrows: "I saw her in the afternoon yesterday."

"Yes! She just resigned and left after finishing work yesterday." My classmate mother said.

White lightly nodded: "This is the best school in Mancheng, and will definitely arrange the right teacher to take over, don't worry."

The other party nodded and left.

Bai Yanyan and Gu Yuzhi also got on the bus and left.

I don't care about this matter.

Usually, both of them sent Gu Nianbai directly back home. Today, Gu Yuzhi took her shoulder and asked: "Where does Yan Yan want to go?"

White lightly removes the sunglasses on his face, revealing the eyes that are swollen with almonds. "Where can I go to this ghost look?"

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