My Cold Gentle Husband

Chapter 872: What does Wan Peipei want to do?

"Oh," Gu Xiaozhi chuckled and kissed her eyes. "When you wear sunglasses, we go out for a walk, just a park, every day in the castle, very stuffy."

"Okay." White lightly stretched his hand and put on sunglasses, leaning on Gu Yuzhi's shoulder and looking forward.

The car travels smoothly on a wide road.

About ten minutes later, Bai Qingyan aimed to stop a very ordinary black car in front, a woman wearing a black skirt and carrying a brand-name bag. The woman with great temperament came down from above and was very blind.

Bai Yanyan immediately sat up straight: "Stop."


The car stopped immediately.

"What's wrong, Yan Yan?" asked Gu Yuzhi's doubts.

White lightly took off the sunglasses on his face and pointed to the black figure not far away: "Hey, look, is that Wan Peipei?"

"Look at the figure is a bit like." Gu Yuzhi.

Just talking, the woman turned around.

"Wan Pei Pei!" Bai Yanyan shouted her name.

Wan Peipei hired a taxi and looked around with vigilance. This was the car.

The taxi will soon be transferred to the river.

"Follow up." Gu Yuzhi and Bai Xiaoyan have a spirit and a voice.

The driver immediately stepped on the gas pedal to keep up.

"Strange, why does Wan Peipei sit in such a normal car? The father gave her a long version of Lincoln." Bai Qingyan is asking Gu Yuzhi, and he is talking to himself.

"In order to hide people's eyes and ears." Gu Yuzhi faint.

"Don't she" white lightly turned to look at Gu Xizhi.

Gu Yuzhi's appease patted her shoulder: "You don't worry about Yan Yan, let's go ahead and talk."


She stared at the taxi in front without blinking.

About half an hour later, Wan Peipei got off the bus and entered a big mall.

White light eyebrows: "What did she come to the mall? Looking for friends? I will go down and see."

White lightly waited in the car for about five minutes and couldn't wait. He was about to push the door open and heard the driver's voice.

"Mrs. Look at the side door."

Bai Yanyan turned his head immediately. Sure enough, I saw that Wan Peipei went through the mall, went to the side door, and went on a taxi.

Without the white light, the driver immediately followed.

White is light and lips: "She is really vigilant."

Gu Yuzhi's dagger: "Let's look at the past."

White light looks at the driver: "Do you see the license plate number of the car just now?"

The driver beheaded: "I saw it, my wife, I will write it to you later. I have to concentrate on the car now."

"Good." White light and dagger.

She will look up and see what Wan Peipei is doing.

Wan Peipei is really vigilant.

Five cars were changed along the way, Bai Luyan and others almost lost, Wan Peipei finally arrived at Wanfeng's small villa.

The entrance to the villa was very strict, and Bai Yanyan and Gu Yuzhi were stopped outside, and Wan Peipei went very smoothly. "Mrs. Sir, what do you do now?" The driver looked at the two.

"Wait! I will see that she does not return to the family."

Night is not home to Wan Peipei, there is no such courage!

"No," Gu Yuzhi waved.

Seeing the white light look, he explained, "Wan Peipei should have got off the bus when she got broken in the middle of the road. She should be in the car later. If she sits in front, we can still see if she Sitting behind, we can't see a shadow.

Even if she walks out, what time do we have to wait? Yan Yan, it’s only 11 o'clock in the morning. If Wan Peipei has a meal in it, or why, wait until seven o'clock in the evening.

Do we have to wait until then, who will pick up the white? ”

White lightly twisted his brow: "Of course, I have to pick it up."

This kind of thing, she will not be a fake hand.

"Yeah, madam, don't be impulsive, the gentleman is right, the runaway monk can't run away from the temple, we all know that they live here! Here is the rich villa area, there are dozens of families, let's go back and check I know who is living inside." The driver attached the meaning of Gu Yuzhi.

Gu Yuzhi nodded slightly in the dialogue, he said, the driver added a comprehensive.

"Well, let's go back and check what happened to the car."

If I find that Wan Peipe is really sorry for my father, I want her to look good!

The car drove back to the castle.

Now the company's business is the blood eagle is in the operation, so he did not have much time to accompany Gu Yuzhi.

This kind of thing, the water is also the best, but only got the information of the car.

"Hey, the car is the old Wu family of Mancheng. It has always been the driver of his family. What are you asking about this? Oh, and that villa area is a high-end villa area, the information is kept secret, sorry, Powerless."

The mobile phone's amplified sound, white light and immediately said: "High-grade wool, water also you do not have to find so many excuses."

"White light, you beep"

White lightly hangs up the phone directly.

Gu Yuzhi thought about it for a while, saying: "The car is Wu's. Yan Yan, you didn't investigate before. What does Wan Peipei like most about Wu Jia? So, she may just hide her eyes every time she goes to Wu. I didn't expect the car to be broken today, it happened to be hit by us. Maybe her real destination is the villa area."

"I guess so, I will call Anan."

When Bai Yanyan said, he called Anzhen in the past and said in a concise manner: "An An, I will send you an address in the past. You helped me to black out their security system. I want information about all the residents in that residential area. ”

"Ah? Yan Yan, what are you doing again? I have been washing my hands for several years." An Zhen asked curiously.

"Go to yours, hurry, I am in a hurry."

"Oh, well, get it in half an hour." An Zhen smiled.

Just teased her to play!

Bai Guangyan hung up the phone and screwed his brow and said: "I guess Wanfeng's house is inside."

Gu Yuzhi’s dagger: “I think so too.”

"Wait for Anan to give me the answer." White lightly leaned on the sofa, and the tight nerves relaxed.

Gu Yanzhi bent her down a cup of tea and poured herself a cup.

White and light mouth drinking tea and looking at the ceiling.

"Yan Yan, if Wan Peipei is indeed looking for Wanfeng, what are you going to do next?" Gu Yuzhi reached out and put the hair on her ear behind her ear.

White lightly shook his head: "I don't know. But they dare to sorry my father, I must make them look good."

Moreover, Bai Yanyan guessed that things about twenty years ago were probably the same as those of the two people.

Gu Yuzhi is silent.

The speed of the ampoule is really fast, say no more than half an hour, but in ten minutes, she will get it.

The name, telephone number and identity id of each household registration are listed in a white form.

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