My Cold Gentle Husband

Chapter 873: Seamless plan

Bai Yanyan received the WeChat from her, and she made a voice in the past: "Love you."

Gu Yuzhi smiled helplessly.

It seems that after the reunion, Bai Yanyan has not said such a serious word with him, but his heart is satisfied, because he knows that she has her own heart.

White lightly opened the form and began to look for it. When she saw the word "Wanfeng", she gritted her teeth and pinched the fingers of the mobile phone to forcefully tighten: "Damn Wan Pei Pei, actually went to the private meeting Wanfeng What are they doing in the back?"

Gu Yuzhi gently patted her back and motioned her not to be too excited.

How can you be white and light?

Her stepmother may carry her father outside to mess around!

Although Si Yuan is wrong, there is always another woman in her heart, but this is not the reason why Wan Peipei is **** outside. She can ask for a divorce and go out and feel at ease.

If she really occupies the name of Mrs. Si, she will not swear by the woman, she will die of sin.

White stood up lightly.

"Yan Yan, what are you doing?" Gu Yuzhi was shocked by her reaction.

"I am going to find Wan Peipei." Bai said with a light cheek.

Gu Yuzhi took her hand and whispered: "Yan Yan, I know that you may have many kinds of guesses in your mind, and you are scared by those guesses, but you should not be excited. You are now, just stunned. Catching up, such a serious matter, we must have real evidence, you don't get mad at anger."

White light looks at Gu Yuzhi.

The man's eyes are deep and restrained, like a calm sea, and her undulating chest slowly calms down.

She sat back on the sofa and leaned in the arms of Gu Yu, whispering: "Hey, I just want to think of Wan Peipei and Wanfeng, I am angry."

Gu Yuzhi reached out and gently patted her: "I know, don't be impulsive, we will slowly investigate and find tangible evidence. Yan Yan, have you not become a water stop in the past five years?"

White is light and coveted.

The heart is like water because it is dead. Since she knew that Gu Nianbai was her daughter and she was the baby she was pregnant with, she lived.

Gu Yuzhi scorned her hair: "Well, don't think too much, go to lunch, the next point is that we want to enter the villa area, if you can find a camera in the house, most It's better."

The white and light eyes immediately lit up: "Hey, you think really thoughtful."

Gu Yuzhi chuckled: "You can think of it if you calm down. You are concerned about chaos."

"Yes, care is chaotic, although my father loves my mother, but he has been a jade in the past few years, and the expensive ladies in the city, but the envy of Wan Pei is very good!"

"So, Yan Yan, do you think that men's mental derailment is not derailed?"

Bai Yanyan: "It is a form of derailment, but I suspect that the mother was forced to return to China when she was forced to return to China."


"What are you laughing at?" White lightly frowned.

"Yan Yan, you are washing your father for white, do you know? You like him very much." Gu Yuzhi.

White lightly daggers, reaching out to the waist of Gu Yuzhi: "I love him very much."


Wanfeng's small villa.

When Wan Peipei entered the door, Wanfeng’s face was not very good-looking: “How come so long?”

Since the last time Wan Peipei proposed to end the relationship between the two, Wanfeng’s trust in Wan Peipei has been cracked.

Wan Pei Pei's face is also very difficult to read: "Don't mention, the car is on the road, I have to turn over several taxis to come."

Wanfeng’s face was a little bit stunned, and she sat on her lap. “What are you so wary of? What if someone sees you here? Our security system is the most advanced, no one knows you. Who is looking for?"

Wan Peipei sighed and pushed Wanfeng.

Wanfeng did not let go, she twisted her eyebrows: "I drink."

Wanfeng then let go.

Wan Peipei hurriedly poured a glass of water and said: "Is everything ready?"

"Well, the result has come out! Rest assured, this time, if you can't get away from it, you can't get away with it, and I lose! No woman can bear such a thing, and it is still a woman who is so proud of white, even white. Light Yan can bear, and Si Yuan can't stand it."

Wanfeng has a well-rounded mind.

Wan Peipei sighed and said to Wanfeng: "Show me the results."

Wanfeng opened a kraft paper bag and handed the documents inside to Wan Peipei.

Wan Peipei opened it seriously and smiled on her face.

"Right," she put down the document. "Can Gu Yuzhi's illness be cured?"

"Don't worry, we don't care about this matter. There is no doctor to dare to pick it up. He is a dead end. What we have to do now is to let the white light and the Gu Yuzhi happen, they can't have any more baby. When one of Gu Yu died, the white light and the single shape only, Si Yuan gave the family to Xiao Yue, we immediately killed their father and daughter, and they were done."

Wanfeng’s lips were rising, and the beard on his mouth trembled, and he just laughed.

Wan Peipei felt that the plan was good and she nodded with satisfaction.

There was some anxiety in her heart: "I don't know if someone saw me today."

"Don't worry, you changed so many cars, the gods can't catch up with you." Wan Feng decided.

"Yeah." Wan Peipei was relieved.


after a few days.

In the past few days, Bai Qingyan has been looking for someone who can sneak into the villa of Wanfeng.

It must be a trustworthy person, or a person with some skills, nor a person familiar with Wanfeng and Wan Peipe. It is difficult to find.

At this time, Bai Yanyan received a text message from the mysterious person again.

Miss Secretary, Blood Geese and Wanfeng are colluding. At the beginning, you should not let people send blood geese back to Wanjia, you should kill her directly!

White lightly frowned.

This person seems to know a lot about the movements, especially the movements of Wanfeng and blood geese. Is it the people around them?

But how can people around them help themselves?

White light can't figure out.

She immediately returned to the other side.

Thank you for reminding me. If you don't say it, I have forgotten that there is a blood geese. I heard that she is disabled and she is so spurned by the beloved. It must be painful now. This is the best revenge for her.

By the way, do you know what relationship between Wanfeng and Wan Peipei?

The man replied quickly: What do you know?

White lightly raised his eyebrows and muttered to himself: "Does he know?"

I found that Wan Peipei always went to Wanfeng, the small villa outside Wanfeng, the other, I don't know, what do you know?

The other party was silent for a long time before the information was returned.

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