My Cold Gentle Husband

Chapter 874: Take the lady home

His answer is not inconsistent with the temperament of the white light.

Wanfeng and blood geese want to harm you, they are guilty of sin! Miss Secretary, please try to kill them, I am not grateful.

White light: "?"

White lightly and quickly sent two messages in the past, all of them are sinking into the sea.

She dropped her phone and leaned back on the bed, watching the retro-style chandeliers in the European style, and the eyes were blurred by the lights.

I don't know how long it took, Gu Yuzhi's pale face was reflected in her bottom.

White lightly grabbed his neck and whispered: "Hey, there is a man."

She told her and the mysterious person in detail to Gu Yuzhi.

Gu Yuzhi's hands are on her side, saying: "One, that person may be the person around Wanfeng; second, he particularly hates Wanfeng and blood geese; three, he does not want to do it himself or not able to do it. Yan Yan, you have to be careful, don't be a knife in the hands of others."

White lightly shakes his head: "How come? There is such a clever Gu Junshi, I am not so stupid, right?"

Gu Yuzhi smiled and blocked her lips.

After two days, Bai Qingyan found a good-looking girl from the person who followed Gu Yuzhi, called Qiuyue.

Qiuyue was hired as a cleaning staff in the villa area, but there was no way to enter Wanfeng’s villa. It was indeed true that Wanfeng and Wan Peipei entered the villa several times.

That time, the luck of white may be better. Wan Peipei is probably because the car is broken and he is forgotten to disguise himself, so it is so easy to be discovered by her.

Several times I saw it in the autumn months, both of them were fully armed. If they did not see them entering the house, there would be no way to determine them in the autumn months.

Moreover, they are really vigilant, the window curtains in the room are closed all the year round, and the security system of the villa is indeed very sound. There are cameras everywhere, and it is difficult for flies to fly in.

Qiuyue is only responsible for cleaning the public area, there is no way to install the camera.

Bai Yanyan listened to the report of Qiuyue, and he was furious: "The window curtains are closed all the year round! There must be a catty! Check, you will continue to stare at me in the autumn months, often walking on the shore with a day of wet shoes."

"Yes." Autumn months should be down.

In this way, it took another few days.

Bai Yanyan and Gu Yuzhi sat in the car and waited for the white school to go to school. At this time, the phone of Qiuyue came over.

Bai Yanyan immediately picked it up: "Hey."

"Mrs. I found that there was an hourly worker entering the house. Would you like me to check which cleaning company is used by the cleaning company? So, I can put it into the villa as a cleaner."

Listening to the autumn moon, Bai Baiyan is eager to answer, the corner of the eye will see Gu Yuzhi quickly push the car door and jump off the car, over the tall figure of Gu Yuzhi, Bai Guangyan sees two tall men are working And the teacher of the school pulled Gu Nianbai.

The white-skinned mobile phone immediately slipped and rolled into the compartment, and she quickly jumped out of the car and rushed over.

"Hey, Mommy." Gu Nianbai may have been pulled and hurt, and his voice is crying.

"You let go! The children's parents are coming, what are you doing? Let go!" The teacher was also frightened and screamed.

Gu Yuzhi ran over and kicked one by one. One of them was opened and the other quickly released his hand.

Because of the moment when the car was under the car, the back bodyguard realized that something was wrong, immediately came down from the car and surrounded the past.

The two men stepped back but did not walk away.

Gu Yuzhi reached out and took Gu Nianbai up and appeased to pat her back: "Don't be afraid, be here."

"爹地" Gu Nianbai clutched his neck tightly.

Bai Yanyan ran over and took Gu Nianbai’s hand: “White, is there any injury? Is there any pain?” "Mummy." Gu Nianbai snorted and shook his head.

She was frightened.

White light face is relieved, she turned to look at the two people, eyes sharp: "Who are you? What are you doing?"

The two men lowered their voices: "Miss Secretary, Mr. Gu, we have to bring the lady home."

White lightly heard the words, thinking that he had an auditory hallucination.

Take the lady home?

There is something wrong!

Who is his family? !

Gu Yuzhi also frowned: "What do you mean?"

One of the tall men looked up and replied: "Mr. Gu, we have to take Miss Gu Nianbai to see her biological mother."

"Who are you in the end?" Bai Xiaoyan grasped Gu Nianbai's hand and tightened. "I am Gu Nianbai's biological mother, grabbing people and grabbing me, great courage!"

The two immediately bowed their heads and were very respectful: "Miss Secretary, we don't dare. You are the big lady of the family. No one in the entire city dares to offend you. We are just acting on orders. Today we must bring the lady home."

"Daddy Mommy" Gu Nianbai hooked Gu Yuzhi's neck with one hand, and the other hand held the white palm of his hand.

She is very upset.

She understood that those people said that her biological mother was not white, but someone else.

"Don't be afraid, Mommy won't let anyone take you away." White lightly grasped the white hand and gently pacified her.

Gu Xizhi looked at those people, the face of the frost: "Who are you going to see in vain?"

He didn't know, when did he contact other women.

When Gu Nianbai was born, in order to prevent accidents, the father and the daughter had a paternity test, confirming that the daughter of Gu Yuzhi is undoubted.

The two men whispered, did not speak, but looked at the black Maybach 50 meters away.

Gu Yuzhi met, cold channel: "Let her come to see me, I have to look at it, in vain is my daughter."

The two looked at each other and the tall man said: "Mr. Gu, wait a moment, I will go to Miss Miss immediately."

Said, the tall man left.

Gu Yuzhi’s eyes are cold and he looks over there.

Gu Nianbai’s eyes were filled with tears, and she looked white and light.

She really likes to like white light, isn't she her mother?

Gu Nianbai is going to cry.

White light face is looking at Gu Yuzhi, twisting his brow.

Gu Yuzhi noticed her dawn, turned her face, and reached out and held her and Gu Nianbai's palm into her hand. "Yan Yan, I haven't touched anyone other than you. And, in vain. It is from the bg birth center, where it only serves us, there will be no third person. It is our daughter."

White light and dagger, his face smiled: "I believe in you."

"Yeah." Gu Yuzhi nodded.

Gu Nianbai’s crumbling tears came back, and she let go of Gu Yuzhi and hug the white light.

Bai Yanyan took her over and hugged her in her arms.

At this time, the black Maybach not far away, the door was slowly opened -

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