My Cold Gentle Husband

Chapter 897: Hook up

Gu Yuzhi reached down her cheek and shook her head: "No, Yan Yan is the most kind."

What she did in her life was called viciousness, and this life has been considered very kind.

White lightly raised his eyebrows slightly, his head resting on the shoulder of Gu Yuzhi, said: "Hey, then we should lead the snake out of the hole, I want to be white, here I will go back early."

"Yeah." Gu Yuzhi's dagger.

In this way, it took another week.

Wan Peipei didn't know what happened recently, and she didn't go out. Bai Huayan thought that Wan Peipei had sneaked to see Wanfeng at night, but the result of Qiuyue's return was - since she installed the monitor, Wan Pei Pei did not appear.

Bai Yanyan and Gu Yuzhi discussed, they can not wait for it must take the initiative to attack.

Bai Yanyan can't waste too much time on this. She knows that Wan Peipei has betrayed her father. All she wants is evidence. She must promote Wan Peipei and Wanfeng to meet.

After this incident, she should actively help Gu Yuzhi find a doctor.

Although, everyone is working hard now.

Bai Xiaoyan always wants to concentrate on his own hands.

So, when I had dinner at the end of the day, I ate half of it, and I put down the chopsticks, and looked at Siyuan seriously.


Si Yuan also put down the chopsticks and looked at her seriously: "What's wrong, light?"

Gu Yuzhi sat next to Bai Yanyan, silently eating.

White smile: "Father, there has been no suitable script. I have been resting for a long time. I feel that I have to be scrapped. I want to help the company."

Si Yuan’s face immediately smiled, and the scorpion flashed: “Well, light, then you will go to the company tomorrow, be my assistant, I will teach you by hand.”

People can't be idle, and they are idle when they are idle.

Si Yuan can now teach white lightly, and when he is white, he can teach her son. In the future, he will be able to hand over the family to his grandson.

"Light Yan sister, you have to enter the company, great, we can go to work together in the future." Secretary is happy.

The priest did not agree: "Sister, the company is boring, if you are really bored, go shopping with your brother-in-law."

Wan Peipei clenched the chopsticks and turned pale.

White light face to enter the company!

Did she even have to reach into the company?

The priest and the priest are still the same as a fool.

Look at Si Yuan so happy, when the time is not enough, the Secretary will become a sac in the white light.


Wan Peipei lowered her throat and gritted her teeth.

White smiles lightly and looks at her: "Auntie, I go to the company, you don't have any opinions?"

Suddenly being named, Wan Pei Pei was shocked and almost knocked over the bowl in front of him.

She tried hard to suppress all her emotions, with a smile on her face: "How can it be? Light, your surname is the Secretary, go to the company to go to work of course. Really filial, know how to help your father share, where is like Xiaoyan, you know to play. Xiao Yan, or else, are you entering the company together?"

Wan Peipei turned to the priest.

Since the priest recognized the white light, many words, she could not say to the priest, the priest is too simple, and the white light, and certainly suffer.

In this state, Wan Peipei feels pretty good.

If the priest and Bai Yanyan enter the company together, she is more acceptable.

I didn't expect the priest to hear the words, and immediately turned to the enemy's hand: "Mother, I don't go, go to the company is boring. I can't understand those reports! There are Xiaoyue and light Yan sister helping my father, I will be The rice worm is just fine, and the family is not short of my meal."

Wan Peipei: ""

White light face to the priest's eyes: "Reassured, even if the Secretary came to my sister in the future, I still raise you, delicious and delicious."

"It’s good to have a sister." Si Xiao smiled.

"And me, light Yan sister, if I don't want to go to work in the future, you have to raise me."

"Good." White was light and full of promises.

Wan Pei Pei was shocked and her eyes narrowed sharply.

What does white light mean? Is she blatant and robbing the family?

how is this possible? The position of the owner of the family has always been passed on to men and women!

Can Siyuan so pet white, in case

Wan Peipei was flustered and sweating in her hands.

White lightly glanced at her look, satisfied with the lips: "Father, I will officially join the company tomorrow, you should not be too strict."

"No, I will give it to me." Si Yuanxiao.

Wan Pei Pei heard the words, but even more flustered.

A meal came down, Wan Pei Pei tasted with chewing wax, she quickly returned to the room, panic-stricken, directly dialed Wanfeng's phone.

The phone was picked up only two times.

"What is it?" Wan Feng's voice is very cold.

Last time, he asked Wan Peipei to come to her at night. Wan Peipei found a reason to smother him at night and did not go.

Wanfeng’s heart is very hot.

Wan Peipei naturally knows that he is angry, but she can't manage that much now.

"Brother, Bai Xiaoyan will enter the company tomorrow, and Si Yuan said that she should teach her by hand!" She was anxious.

The priest and the priest are their children, and Wanfeng regenerates the gas, and will not ignore the child's future.

"What?" Sure enough, Wanfeng heard it, and suddenly it was blown up. "Don't he die? White is a woman who is born, why should I enter the company?"

"Brother, it is already a matter of nailing. You should think about it, what should we do next?" Wan Peipei said anxiously.

She guarded the wife's name for a lifetime, and Si Yuan never touched her, even if she was quite indifferent to her, she paid so much, and finally the boss would fall into the hands of Bai Yanyan, how can she be willing?

The family must be inherited by Xiao Yue, otherwise she is not willing to die!

"Hey! I don't die! He can't think about it! If it wasn't that blood geese on the island that didn't work, I was afraid that the white body would not be found! I will never let him succeed!" Wan Feng cold channel.

Wan Pei Pei heard the words, a happy heart: "Brother, do you have any good ideas?"

She knew that Wanfeng definitely had a way than her.

When she was not Wanfeng, she could not marry Si Yuan as she wished.

That was the thing many years ago, Wanfeng took advantage of her, she was looking for a living, Wanfeng promised, as long as she lived well, let her marry Si Yuan, I did not expect him to do it.

A few decades ago, Wanfeng was able to get away from Luolu, and now it can certainly defeat the white light!

Certainly possible!

The family can only be inherited by her sons and daughters, and she will live up to her efforts over the years.

"Pepe, you come to the villa to find me, we discuss it." Wanfeng Road.

Wan Peipei said: "When is the brother now, you have solved the problem first"

"Pepe! Xiaoyan and Xiaoyue are also my daughter's son. I am as anxious as you are, but I don't know the details. Come over, let me talk about it, let's make a plan together." Wanfeng insisted.

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