My Cold Gentle Husband

Chapter 898: Worried that he can't stand it

"I am so good, after twelve o'clock, I am coming." Wan Peipei bite her teeth.

Why didn't she understand Wanfeng's mind?

For the sake of Xiaoyan and Xiaoyue, she sacrificed a little, it doesn't matter.

Moreover, the two did not sleep.

"Well, I am waiting for you." Wanfeng laughed.

After dinner, Bai Qingyan and Gu Yuzhi went to Siyuan's study.

Si Yuan is very happy: "Light, you start with my assistant, now Xiaoyue is the president of the company. After three months, I will let you and him sit on an equal footing."

White is light and screams and looks at Si Yuan.

She is a bit guilty.

She doesn't really want to enter the company. She is only interested in acting, managing the company, she doesn't catch a cold.

She just wanted to borrow the company's business, let Wan Peipei panic, let her go to see Wanfeng, want to take the evidence they have.

When she gets something, she will immediately make an excuse to quit the company.

At that time, will Siyuan be very disappointed?

Gu Yuzhi knows the feelings of white lightness, stretches her hand and holds her finger, and says: "Father, don't hold too much hope for Yan Yan. She just feels fresh for a while. If you really want to teach, you will be hand-held." Teaching our son is okay."

Si Yuan’s eyes lit up and immediately looked at the white belly: “Light, you”

White light and crying and laughing, turned to one of Gu Yu’s eyes and turned to Si Yuan: “Father, there is nothing. But I will have a baby sooner or later, you will take care of yourself now, don’t wait for your child to grow up. No, but you really don't want too much hope for me, I just want to pass the time."

Si Yuan looked a little lost and looked at Bai Yanyan: "Then you and Houzhi havetened hard."

White light face: "This is really good to say it?"

"Then you enter the company is to play tickets?" Si Yuan asked.

White smiled: "I am curious, I want to see."

"Well, I want to go." Si Yuan was indulgent.

He also knows in his heart that it is unrealistic to let Bai Yanyan take over the company, and it is not bad to let Gu Yuzhi's supervision.

He looked at Gu Yuzhi: "How do you feel now?"

He has been working hard to find a doctor, but no one dares to take over.

"I am fine. Father don't worry." Gu Yuzhi.

Bai Yanyan clasped his hand and said: "Father, we can definitely find a doctor, don't worry."

Si Yuan looked heavy and nodded.

He didn't think about the life of Gu Yu, but he didn't have the white lightness of Gu Yuzhi. Just like the lack of a soul, even if there is still a happy time of the year, it is better than waiting for the death of Gu Yu, white. I regret that I did not let go of everything and forgive him.

Just like him, every time he dreams back at midnight, he looks at the empty side of his body. He regrets when he let Luo Xiao go out shopping.

He should let her always be with her, and there will be no surprises.

In the same year, Luo Wei returned to the z country with a white light, which is a mystery.

Si Yuan was caught in meditation.

"Father, it’s not early, I’m going back to rest with you, and I’m going to work tomorrow, I’m going to have enough spirit.” White is light.

"Yeah." Si Yuan returned to the gods, watching the white face and Luo Yan like a face, the bottom of the loss dissipated a few points.

At least, they have a daughter, a continuation of their blood.

Bai Yanyan and Gu Yuzhi went back to Xiaoyanglou.

Bai Luyan immediately took out his mobile phone and called Qiuyue: "Tonight, I will stare at the monitor, and Wan Peipei is likely to pass."

"Yes, madam." Qiuyue responded.

White lightly hangs up and looks at Gu Yuzhi, his eyes are firm: "Hey, I have intuition. Tonight, Wan Peipei will definitely go to Wanfeng. After all, I strongly show that I want to get the family. The determination, she must not sit still!"

"Well," Gu Yuzhi's dagger, took her to sit down on the sofa, "Yan Yan, after getting the evidence, what would you do?"

White lightly tightened his fists in an instant, and the scorpion shot a sharp one: "Of course, it is to expose Wan Peipei and Wanfeng, let them become the street mice that everyone calls, and let them pay for what they do." ”

"Then let my father's head shine green and become the laughing stock of everyone's ridicule. The name of the world is because of a woman who does not keep the woman's way.

The priest and the priest were unable to lift their heads because of such a dirty mother.

Even Shi is directly deprived of the inheritance of the family, because his ability is not outstanding, there is a mother like that, how many people may laugh at him.

The priest may not be able to marry or find a good match. Because she was previously retired by Li Shuo, others may say that it is no wonder that the stern retired marriage must be the same as that of her mother. Li Shuo is definitely hindering the face of the family, and it helps to conceal. ”

Gu Yuzhi’s look is cold, and he is white and tells the truth.

White lightly stunned, shocked to look at Gu Yuzhi.

She didn't think so much. She just wanted to let Wan Peipei and Wan Feng be punished, but she didn't want to hurt her father, Si Yue and the priest.

"Hey, what should I do?"

Gu Yuzhi reached out and took her into her arms and said: "My face is still very kind. Now don't think so much, I will deal with it tomorrow."

"Oh, that's okay. Make sure Wan Peipei and Wanfeng pay the price, but the fathers don't want to be affected."

"Yeah." Gu Yuzhi's dagger, he asked again, "Yan Yan, are you going to tell your father about this matter?"

"Of course, what do you mean by not telling?"

Gu Yuzhi held her hand to tighten: "Yan Yan, believe me, even if the husband hates his wife again, there is no way to endure the wife to wear a green hat for himself, and in the eyes of his father, Wan Peipei has always been dignified and decent, he is old. I am afraid that the contrast is huge, he can't take it!"

"Isn't that too cheap to wear? In the end, my father thought she was more loyal." Bai Yanyan screwed his brow.

"Where is the father being mad at it?" Gu Yuzhi whispered.

There is something in the world that has the best of both worlds. If you get something, you have to give up some.

White lightly hangs down the scorpion: "Well, the father's body is more important. You are still calm and calm, I am too impulsive."

"Personality makes it happen, there is me, you don't think too much, just give it to me." Gu Yuzhi.

White smiles on his face: "Hey, you are so good."

"Oh," Gu Xiaozhi chuckled.


Late at night.

Wan Pei Pei carefully went downstairs and went straight to Wanfeng's small villa.

As soon as she entered, she immediately closed the door and took off her armed mask, headscarf and sunglasses.

Wanfeng sat on the sofa with a glass of red wine in his hand, took a bath, wore a nightgown, and the hair was still wet. See Wan Pei Pei came, his face smiled.

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