Yunye didn't waste any words and started searching one by one according to what Maha said just now.

He walked towards the huge footprints and began to observe carefully.

As he searched carefully, everything in front of him seemed to slow down, and all the clues appeared in front of him.

Useful clues were arranged in front of him and intertwined.

In just a moment, Yunye determined the location.

Then he jumped into the jungle like a tiger returning to the mountains.

The speed was so fast that the surrounding trees retreated backwards like phantoms.


The startling cry spread throughout the jungle, causing the crows on the branches to fly away in a hurry.

This cry further confirmed Yunye's guess.

He ran to the left, parted the grass, and saw a huge furry dog beast staring at him with its dark round eyes.

"Sanmao! It's you."

Yunye smiled.

It turned out that Yunye had noticed that both the body shape and footprints were very similar to Sanmao when he speculated.

Now he saw that it was indeed the case.


Looking at the person in front of him, Sanmao did not show any murderous intent, but crawled on the ground like a puppy, waiting for his master to touch him.

""Good boy."

Yunye stepped forward and stroked Sanmao's long hair.

After this touch, Sanmao immediately squinted his eyes in comfort.

"Not bad."

Maha came to Yunye's side at some point and praised him with a smile.

Although the other party was a familiar creature, Yunye's amazing tracking ability was highlighted by his ability to find it the first time.

"This link can be skipped."

Maha did not continue to let Yunye train this tracking technique.

Because only in actual combat can this skill be trained to the maximum extent.

"As for the endurance test, you don't need to train it anymore."

Maha thought for a while and finally decided not to train the endurance.

He knew that Shiba had been using the family secret technique to strengthen Yunye's bones and veins.

He had also tried it and knew the pain clearly.

So there was no need to continue training the endurance.

"Now, your training is almost complete."

"Next, I will tell you about the rules of the Zoldyck family. Listen carefully."

Maha said with his hands behind his back and a serious expression.

Seeing this, Yunye stood up from Sanmao's soft hair and listened carefully.

"1. Only execute the order when you are 100% sure"

"2. Never betray your companions"

"3. Don’t show off your abilities when you have no chance of winning"

"4. A transaction is a transaction, even between family members"

"5. There is no mission unless there is a client. If the client dies during the mission, the commission will be terminated immediately and no compensation can be collected."

"The sixth and most important point"

"Do not engage in unnecessary killings!"

"Have you memorized all of this?"

Maha said the rules word by word.

"I remember it."

Yunye nodded.

He had known these rules for a long time, but it still felt strange to hear them from Maha today.

From today on, he is a killer in the Zoldyck family.

He can accept commissions and complete tasks.

"If you want to accept the commission, I suggest you practice for a while."

"You are still a little weak for the outside world."

Maha seemed to see Yunye's thoughts and said slowly

"I understand."

Yunye nodded and agreed.

He took Maha's advice to heart. As the saying goes, if you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer in the end.

And he also knew that some assassination targets would be surrounded by some Nen users to protect their safety.

After saying goodbye to Maha, Yunye returned to the room.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Ji Qiu waiting for him inside.

"Xiaoyun, you are finally here, come and let your mother hug you!"

When Ji Qiu saw Yunye, he couldn't control his body and hugged him in his arms.

With a move of flaming red lips, Yunye was quickly defeated.

""Okay, mother, what are you doing here?"

Yunye asked with a puzzled look after wiping the red marks on his face.

This reminded Ji Qiu of the purpose of this trip and he looked at the man behind him.

"This is the butler I prepared for you."

"Following his gaze

, he saw a man standing there looking at him.

His face was thin and gloomy, with long silver-gray hair hanging down his back. He was wearing a butler's uniform, had a thin figure, and a ring on his lip.

"Hello, Master Yunye, I am your personal butler. Please give me your guidance in the future."

Menying bowed and introduced himself.

Looking at the man in front of him, Yunye narrowed his eyes and was filled with surprise.

Menying was originally the fourth member of the Phantom Troupe. His real purpose was to copy the puppets of the Phantom Troupe. After completing the task, he withdrew from the troupe and was replaced by Hisoka.

What he didn't expect was that he could meet him here.

"He was recommended to me by your grandmother."

"If you are not satisfied, you can change it."

Ji Qiu saw Yunye staring at Mianying and thought he was dissatisfied, so he said hurriedly.

Mianying's eyes became silent when he heard this.

But Yunye shook his head.

"It's him."

Seeing Yunye agreed, Ji Qiu was relieved.

After all, Menying was recommended by the elders.

But if Yunye was not satisfied, she would send Menying back without saying a word.

The consequence of doing so is to create a member of the Phantom Troupe.

""Mother, please go out first."

Yunye turned his body to the side, leaving a gap for him to go out.

Ji Qiu originally wanted to stay a little longer, but after hearing Yunye's order to leave, he reluctantly left the room.

Only Yunye and Mianying were left in the room.


"I have already received training from Wutong’s butler, so you don’t have to worry."

Before Yunye could finish his words, Mianying nervously told him everything.

It was hard to imagine that he would be the leader of the A-level criminal team in the future.

"No, I just want to ask if you have any relatives who can come and live here with you."

"This will also make it easier to take care of him."

Yun Ye shook his head and said with a smile.

This sentence was like a sunny day after rain, illuminating Mian Ying's heart.

"I have a younger sister, can I really take him in?"

Face Shadow asked cautiously.


"Thank you very much!"

After saying that, Mianying hurriedly left the room and ran towards the center of the mountain.

That was where the housekeeper lived.

Soon, Mianying came to Yunye panting with a little girl in his arms.

"This is my sister, Leizi, she is three years old.

Yunye looked at the girl in front of him.

She had a delicate face, long golden hair, and light blue eyes that looked at Yunye curiously.

"Hello, my name is Yunye."

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