
The palace door opened.

All the people waiting for dinner looked towards the door.

They saw Maha holding Yunye's hand and walking in from the door.

"Grandfather, why are you here?

Seeing Maha coming, Zhenuo stood up in shock and said

"Xiao Yunye is hungry, I will bring him here for dinner."

After saying that, Maha sat on the vacant main seat.

Hearing this answer, everyone present was involuntarily surprised.

Geno even opened his eyes wide and couldn't believe it.

In his impression, Maha always kept others out of the matter and focused on doing his own things. He had never eaten with them. Just looking at the dusty main seat, it was obvious that Maha was

"Why is the atmosphere so serious?"

"I'd better eat quietly."

Yunye sat on the seat next to Maha.

Looking at the delicious food in front of him, he couldn't help drooling.

Although he was only three years old today, he could already eat a whole monster.

It was hard to imagine how such a small body could hold food that was bigger than itself.

"Then let's start eating."

With Maha's order, Yunye began to eat like a whirlwind.

Soon, more than half of the monster meat in front of him was eaten.

The people present were no longer surprised, after all, they had lived together for three years.

But Maha was different. It was his first time to eat with everyone.

After seeing Yunye's big appetite, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly.

"Hahaha, eat more, eat more."

Maha's face showed the kindness of an elder.

This scene once again shocked everyone.


After eating, Yunye burped and sat down.

With nothing to do, he began to observe the surroundings.

Looking at the outermost position, he saw Killua eating the food in front of him with an expressionless face. It seemed that he had already started to accept training.

Illumi still had an expressionless look, but his eyes were no longer staring at Killua, but at him instead.

‘Look at your eyes."

Yunye's face was gentle and warned by Il fans. Fat houses plus technical houses and very much like to collect hand -made hands, and see their hands as their own lives.

"I don't know when Alluka will be born."

A figure appeared in Yunye's mind.

Of all the people in the family, Yunye is really interested in the mysterious Alluka Zoldyck.

Oh no, it's Naniga.

The product from the Dark Continent!

But he hasn't been born yet, so even if he wants to know more, he has no place to go.

"I'm full, so I'll leave first."

Yun Ye jumped off the chair and said goodbye to everyone.

"Then I should go too."

Maha put down the bowl and chopsticks in his hand and jumped off the chair.

The wooden clogs under his feet thumped on the ground, and every step was touching. It was not until he left that everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, even the family had to be alert for such a legendary figure.

"Xiao Yunye, come back tomorrow, there are still a few trainings to be completed."

Outside the door, Maha said with a gentle face

""Okay, great-grandfather."

Yunye nodded and agreed.

The next second, Maha disappeared without a trace.

Yunye didn't worry too much about Maha's elusive appearance and went straight back to the room.

"It's finally over."

The moment he lay on the bed, Yunye finally relaxed.

Not only physically, but also mentally.

Although his comprehension was extraordinary, his brain capacity was still that of a mortal.

It was too much of a stretch to memorize a half-meter-high book in such a short time.

He seemed to feel tired, and his body unconsciously ran the Supreme Visualization Diagram and the Mind Ability Cultivation Method.

A comfortable feeling instantly spread throughout his body, and the stimulated Yunye fell asleep all of a sudden.......

The next day,

Yunye opened his hazy eyes and stared at the ceiling.

He felt incomparably comfortable just after waking up.

"Phew, that's refreshing"

"If you want to have a good sleep, you still need to be tired."

Thinking of this, Yun Ye put on his shoes and walked out the door.

The fresh air rushed into his nose, and a refreshing feeling came over him. He activated his mind ability and found that his energy had actually increased a little.

It seems that the effect of last night's training was better than expected.

"Oh, there are other things to learn today.

Yunye remembered what Maha said to him last night.

He asked him to come to see him again today.

Without hesitation, he went down the hill and came to the lake again.

Maha was still sitting on the small bench fishing.

"You are here."

After seeing Yunye coming, Maha put down the fishing rod in his hand.

"What should I practice today?

Yun Ye asked directly.

"Toxicity resistance"

"Although your father started training when you were born, it was still too little."

After saying that, Maha pointed to the rows of needles behind him.

"From left to right, one injection a day."

Maha said with a serious face.

He didn't look joking at all.

Yunye had heard about this training a long time ago.

He stepped forward and picked up the first syringe.

The transparent liquid looked as clear as water, and it didn't look poisonous at all.


He quickly inserted the needle into his arm and pushed the medicine in.

The effect of the medicine took effect very quickly. Yun Ye felt dizzy just after the injection.

But after just a few seconds, the feeling completely disappeared.

Obviously, the body has adapted to this toxicity.

"It seems that poison resistance is also a kind of cultivation method."

After stretching his body and making sure there was no problem, Yunye's mood became high.

He no longer knew where the limit of assassination cultivation method was.

""Too fast."

Looking at the lively Yunye, Maha muttered to himself.

The medicine in these syringes was prepared by him according to the maximum limit that the human body can bear.

He originally thought that this time he could hit Yunye's self-confidence, but he didn't expect that the final blow would be to himself.

"Today's poison resistance training is over, and the next step is tracking."

Maha adjusted his mindset and spoke.

Yunye, who was a little excited at first, calmed down instantly and listened quietly.

"Tracking, tracking the enemy's position based on location, terrain, height and size of the character, direction, field of vision, footprints, etc."

"This is a very important ability for a killer."

Then, Maha demonstrated it himself.

Right in front of them was a huge footprint of a monster.

According to the method just mentioned, he explained the theoretical knowledge while searching.

But Maha did not go to search, but asked Yunye to go forward.

"Now, you are responsible for finding the owner of this footprint."

After saying this, Maha sat on a small stool and continued fishing.

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