People of the same family stick together.

Maha and Silva have the same idea.

They are both willing to go against the world for their children.

This is one of the reasons why the Zoldyck family can stand firm.


"Since you have learned these, then I will teach you the rest."

Maha hid his emotions and said with a smile.

The next training was not here. Leaving the plain, Maha took Yunye to a secret room.

The secret room was located in the center of Kukulu Mountain, surrounded by extremely hard rocks.

It seemed like a masterpiece of nature, without any trace of man-made things.

Yunye looked forward and saw countless test tubes of different colors and models lined up along the wall.

Some even had bubbles rising up that symbolized destruction, which made people feel dangerous just by looking at them.

"Great-grandfather, what are we doing here?"

Yunye asked with some confusion.

Maha did not answer, but went straight to the laboratory table to adjust the reagents.

Various potions with different effects were mixed one by one in a test tube.

Every time one was added, the potion produced a violent chemical reaction, as if it would explode in the next second.

This made Yunye lean back subconsciously, fearing that the whole secret room would explode if he was not careful.

The imagined thing did not happen, and soon Maha completed his operation.

"This is a deadly potion that is enough to wipe out a small town."

"Huang Quan!"

Maha said in a serious voice.

Then he handed the reagent in his hand to Yunye.

"The next thing you need to learn is another assassination technique."


The deep voice made Yunye realize that this was no joke.

Without hesitation, he began to replay the scene just now in his mind.

In the memory palace, all the materials placed by Maha were searched, and each division of labor was broken down and carefully understood.

Almost in an instant, Yunye learned how to make Huangquan.

He walked forward to the experimental table, his face became serious, and he was no longer afraid.

With every move, he perfectly reproduced all the steps shown by Maha.

Soon, a brand new bottle of Huangquan was made.

"you...Have you learned it again?"

Maha opened his eyes slightly, with a surprised expression.

Making poison is not difficult in the ingredients list, but in the grams.

Just a little more may lead to the failure of the entire potion, or even unpredictable consequences.

But Yunye solved this problem easily and prepared a standard Huangquan.

This kind of talent is really daunting.

"Now that you have learned how to operate, the next step is theoretical knowledge."

Maha came to a corner of the secret room, and the black air clung to a corner of the rock.

The next second, there was a creaking sound, and a large wooden drawer stretched out from the huge gap between the rocks.

Inside was a half-meter-high, dusty old book with four words clearly written on it:

【[Pharmacy Encyclopedia]

It has such a plain name, but it contains medicines that are enough to destroy an entire country!

"This is a treasure book jointly researched by the heads of the family for three generations. Only the most talented people in the three generations can learn it."

"In the remaining time, you need to memorize all the potions and learn them."

"Otherwise, you can't leave this secret room."

Maha said in a deadpan manner, contrary to his usual behavior.

At this moment, he finally showed the harsh teaching of the Zoldyck family.

Either learn it or die in it!

After saying that, Maha turned and left, and the door of the secret room closed.

Only Yunye was left to study inside.

"You still underestimated me."

Learning a book in a short time may be hopeless for others, but it is extremely easy for Yunye.

Just because he has a plug-in that transcends the world!

Opening the book, the first page is the materials and methods of making five potions.

Each one is enough to kill a person instantly.

But the complexity of the production is enough to make people's scalp numb.

"It's a piece of cake."

Yunye smiled calmly.

His mind soon calmed down and he turned the pages faster and faster.

Only the sound of turning the pages echoed in the silent room.......

Three hours later

""Huh, I've finally finished learning."

Yunye closed the book and breathed a sigh of relief.

Now he felt his head swelling, as if it would explode in the next second.

Fortunately, he had already instilled all the knowledge in it into his mind without a single mistake.

After studying, he found that the book was not full of deadly poisons, but also healing potions that could bring the dead back to life.

And from small and difficult diseases to big and resurrecting the dead, everything is available, which is completely worthy of the half-meter width. It was not until he finished studying that he realized that the Huangquan shown by Maha at the beginning was just the tip of the iceberg of the entire book.

It was hard for Yunye to imagine how long it would take to learn this book without full-level comprehension.

"Without the trigger of comprehension, could poisoning be considered a type of assassination?"

After studying for such a long time without triggering comprehension, Yun Ye had a guess in his mind.

The practice method of assassination.

This shows that assassination can be practiced and improved.

There is no limit, only continuous learning can break through the limit!

"It's time to go out."

Yunye stretched and came to the closed door of the secret room.


He punched the door, but it didn't move at all, leaving only a shallow mark.

""It really doesn't work."

Yunye shook his head and came to the experimental table.

According to the memory in his mind, he quickly prepared a bottle of medicine containing emerald green liquid.

Then he threw the medicine at the door.

With a bang, as the reagent broke, the medicine���The door was soon corroded into a hole large enough to accommodate an adult.

That's right, there is only one way to get out, that is to learn the knowledge in the book and use it.

Yun Ye walked out calmly.

The sun was shining brightly outside, and the accumulated pressure at this moment was truly relieved.

"You came out so quickly."

Seeing Yunye coming out, Maha's face showed astonishment.

When he first studied the book, it took him three days and three nights to barely learn it.

Now Yunye actually finished learning it in three hours.

"It's quite simple, so I learned it quickly."

Yunye smiled and said this outrageous sentence.

This almost made Maha spit out blood.

Looking at Yunye's young back, Maha sighed.

I don't know why, since meeting Yunye, his calm mood has become turbulent.

Even he himself was very surprised.

"I am still getting old."

Maha murmured helplessly.

He stepped forward and held Yunye's small hand, then walked towards the palace on the top of the mountain.

Under the setting sun, the two short figures represented completely different eras.

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