In the following time, Yunye has been constantly challenging everyone on Kukulu Mountain.

Even if they are just housekeepers, they have very strong strength.

But in the end, they were all swallowed up by Yunye's Shadow Legion.

In this process, the templates are constantly increasing and have reached an unprecedented peak.

From the initial two-person team, it has grown into a large force with dozens of people.

But the consequences of doing so are also very obvious.

Now, Yunye has become a figure that the entire Kukulu Mountain fears.

Wherever he goes, all the housekeepers will subconsciously become nervous, and even want to escape, for fear that Yunye will challenge him.

Except for the two strongest housekeepers, Wutong and Ziponian, it is far from enough to defeat them with the current strength.

"Finally, I have collected all the items."

Yun Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

He had just successfully completed the last battle of the Kukulu Mountain Steward series.

It must be said that it was too difficult for him to defeat these stewards with his three-year-old body. He almost lost several times, but fortunately, he managed to win with a little perseverance.

If Yun Ye's thoughts were heard by those defeated stewards, they would definitely vomit blood and die.

A strong man who had accumulated for many years could not beat a three-year-old child.

If such a great shame were told to others, people would probably laugh their heads off.

But no matter what, Yun Ye had completed his first goal.

"Come out, Shadow Army."

With a command, dozens of shadows of different shapes suddenly emerged from behind him and surrounded him in the center.

Anyone who wants to attack Yunye will be attacked by dozens of housekeepers.

These fighting forces united together are a very terrifying fighting force.

"Next, it's time to challenge the Zoldyck family."

Yunye looked towards the top of Kukulu Mountain.

Without much hesitation, he ran up the mountain.

The first target was naturally Zeno Zoldyck.

When they arrived at the familiar cabin, Yunye often came here to chat with Zeno.


The wooden door opened and Jenuo was sitting cross-legged on the large red dragon chair practicing.

He sensed someone coming and immediately opened his eyes.

His sharp eyes seemed to be able to cut a person into pieces.

"Yunye, are you here to chat with me?"

Seeing that it was his precious grandson, Zhenuo's eyes immediately became gentle.

"I want to challenge Grandpa."

When these words came out, Geno was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

He had heard about Yunye from Shiba.

So he didn't care about Yunye's constant challenge to the housekeeper.

But he didn't expect that Yunye would come to challenge him.

"You can challenge me, but you have to go to your great-grandfather first. He wants to see you."

Jeno did not agree for the time being, but asked Yunye to go to Maha.

"What does he want from me?"

"You will know when you go there."

Yunye did not continue to ask, but left the cabin and approached the lake.

Since Genuo had explained it personally, the matter must have reached a very important point.

After crossing the mountains and ridges, they finally arrived at the other side of Kukulu Mountain.

The place where Maha often appeared

"Found it."

Looking ahead, Maha was leisurely sitting on a small bench fishing.

There was no trace of breath from his body, just like an ordinary old man.

"Xiao Yunye, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Seeing Yunye coming, Maha smiled

"What's wrong, great-grandfather? What do you want to talk to me about?"

Yun Ye came to the grass nearby and asked.

"I think it's time for you to start learning the assassination techniques of the Zoldyck family."

"With your talent, I should teach you personally."

Maha said with a smile.

Yunye's skills were learned by himself, but they were all half-understood moves.

So this time Maha wanted to teach Yunye the complete assassination technique.

""Okay, I want to learn too."

Yunye immediately agreed to learn.

He had noticed that his skills were not perfect.

He originally wanted to ask for advice after challenging Zeno.

But since he could start learning, there was no need to talk nonsense.

""Okay, okay!"

Maha said"Okay" twice.

He was very pleased that Yunye had such an awareness at the age of only three. He thought that it would take some time for Yunye to agree, but he didn't expect that Yunye would agree so readily.

After agreeing, Maha took Yunye to a plain.

The grass on the ground swayed in the wind, and the clothes rustled in the gusts of wind.

"Watch out."

After Maha told Yunye to watch his movements, he began to demonstrate his assassination skills.

Strangling, strangulation, acupuncture, limb bending, dark steps, snake moves, all kinds of moves that were enough to kill the opponent instantly were demonstrated one by one. The first three can be understood just by looking at the names.

Dark Step: A moving skill based on the principle of silence and speed, which is the most basic assassination technique of the Zoldyck family.

Limb bending: A movement technique that uses the speed of footsteps to create afterimages to confuse the enemy.

Snake Move: Swing both hands quickly at the same time to cut off the enemy's hands with bare hands.

These moves gave Yunye, a modern man, a strong impact.

This aroused his interest in assassination.

As he gradually went deeper, in Yunye's eyes, Maha's attack speed became extremely slow, and various moves were dismembered.

【You observed the assassination skills of Zoldyck Maha, comprehended the deadly moves, triggered your understanding, and created the practice of the magical power assassination. 】

A mysterious voice burst out in your mind.


You can take the enemy's heart silently and invisibly.

The ultimate goal of all the moves is only one.

Kill the enemy!

Kill with one blow, cut off the horse with a quick knife, and don't be discovered by the enemy.

In an instant, all the moves shown by Maha poured into your mind and were memorized.

And they were constantly derived and spread, forming a new move.

"I just showed you once, and now I will teach you for real.

After demonstrating all the movements, Maha was ready to start teaching.

"No need, great-grandfather, I think I have learned it."

Yunye interrupted Maha's next move.

His body began to move, showing the assassination skills that Maha had just demonstrated.

Although his feet stepped on the grass, there was no sound. This is the dark step!

As the footsteps moved, shadows appeared on the side of Yunye, making it impossible to see where the real body was.

This is limb bending!

Whether it is the dark step or the limb bending, they are all displayed vividly.

And there is no flaw to criticize, as if it has been practiced for many years.

Although there is still a trace of unnaturalness, it is enough to reach the level of proficiency.

Just when Maha thought it was enough, Yunye demonstrated a new move.

Snake whip!

His hands became flexible like a snake and slapped the air violently.


The fierce attack produced the sound of firecrackers.

If used on a person, it would most likely explode the person's head! This is enough to show how fierce this move is.


Maha was stunned.

Although he had heard of Yunye's extraordinary talent, he was still shocked when he saw it with his own eyes today.

Not only did he learn all his moves after just one look, but he also evolved new moves.

Even the founder of the Zoldyck family might not have such talent.

But today he saw it in his great-grandson.

If it was discovered by someone with ulterior motives, the Zoldyck family might suffer a strong blow.

Maha obviously thought of this step, and his eyes gradually became dark.

Silent murderous intent brewed in his heart.

"Then kill them all."

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