"Haha, I accidentally used too much strength."

Although he said this, Yunye's face did not show any guilt.

After all, the person he taught a lesson would set a trap to harm others later, so he naturally couldn't let him stay.

Not to mention scolding him

"I understand"

"Look at the fir tree over there, that's where you'll take part in the next Hunter Trial."

"Good luck to you."

The red-nosed captain told us the address of the second trial.

Then he said goodbye and returned to the ship to prepare for the next batch of candidates.

"Let's go."

Yunye called out to the people in front of him.

Under Gon's persuasion, Leorio and Kurapika joined the team.

"Look at the fir tree over there. That's where you're going next."

Yunye pointed to the towering fir tree on the top of the mountain.

Then he looked at Leke and Gra.

"You two follow them first, I have something to do."

After saying that, Yun Ye disappeared from the spot.

Only a few people present were left looking at each other.

"Then let's go!"

Xiaojie took the lead and walked towards the top of the mountain excitedly.

Seeing this, the others hurriedly followed.

On the other side, Yunye quickly shuttled through the shadows and came to the NGL Republic.

Looking around, all you can see is the territory of NGL.

In the past four years, Zai Yiluo led the army and the black shadow, and with the help of Li, he successfully conquered the surrounding countries.

He has separated from the suzerain country and established his own republic.

During this period, NGL reached an unprecedented peak and directly jumped to the level of an industrial power.

Whether it is the materials, productivity, military strength, or economic output, they are already incomparable to ordinary countries.

Everything is on the right track.

Even V5 has to send envoys to do their best to build a good relationship with Zai Yiluo.

"Long time no see."

Yunye's voice resounded throughout the hall.

Zai Yiluo stood up quickly and turned around.

"Lord, we haven't seen each other for a long time.

The last time they met was a year ago when they attacked the Republic of East Golugo. Because the enemy had lethal weapons, they wiped out the attacking team in an instant. Finally, they had no choice but to ask Yunye for help.

At that time, Yunye directly took out the head of the enemy leader and confiscated the weapons to end the war completely.

"You asked Dirk to convey the message to me. It seems that the things I asked you to make have been completed."

Yun Ye said slowly.

The things made are naturally the super-large destructive weapons that were originally given to Zai Yi Luo.


"Yes, it has been made. There are three in total. They are waiting for you in the laboratory now."

Zaiyiluo nodded.

He gathered the common resources of the five conquered countries and finally made three [Nirvana].

It can be seen how difficult it is to make.

"Very good, take me to see it."

Yun Ye said with relief.

His vision of people was indeed correct.

Soon, the two of them passed through the heavy guards and came to the laboratory.

At a glance, various sophisticated instruments were running slowly, waiting for the results to appear. Countless researchers were walking back and forth in a hurry, holding important reports in their hands.

They are the most essential part of NGL, in charge of the operation of science and technology.

Each of them is a genius among ten thousand, and their scientific talent is enough to look down on countless people.

Looking at the center, three egg-shaped objects are standing quietly in place.

Not surprisingly, this is the destructive weapon [Nirvana] that can instantly burst out 6000℃.

Although it looks plain and unpretentious, as long as it is detonated, countless people will lose their lives in the sea of fire! He quickly leaned forward, touched it lightly with his palm, and a cold feeling came to his heart.

No one would have thought that this thing could melt millions of people in an instant!

"You did a good job. I'll take this thing first."

The shadow behind Yunye expanded rapidly, swallowing up the three [Nirvana].

If you encounter something that you can't solve in the future, just throw one out.

Killing people, destroying traces, and burning corpses is done in one step.

"If possible, continue making"

"Do what you can."

Yun Ye turned around and said to Zai Yiluo


""Master, we have already found the chimera ant remains you told me about before, and have conducted relevant research."

Zai Yiluo suddenly thought of something and said to Yunye

"Take me to see it."

Yunye was not surprised to hear that the remains had been found.

According to the plot, the chimera ants first appeared in NGL, and the closed environment caused them to grow wildly.

Hearing this, Zaiyi Luo personally led the way and came to an instrument.

At this time, the remains of the chimera ants were being scanned and blood was drawn for analysis.

Yunye looked forward and saw that both the appearance and the size were consistent with the chimera ants.

"You, come over here and explain the information about the chimera ants."

Zai Luo pointed to a researcher who was working.

"Mr. President!"

"According to the information provided by the T20 scanner and genetic testing samples, the chimera ants are not part of the local species."

"They have extraordinary fecundity, survival, growth, size, and strength."

"According to genetic testing, they have the potential to learn mind abilities and can devour organisms to achieve rapid growth."

"It is one of the most powerful species known to date."

"Currently, there are 12 ways to eliminate different types and forms of Chimera Ants."

The researcher quickly told Yunye the information about the Chimera Ants.

This surprised Yunye.

As expected of a professional, he was able to get all the information about the Chimera Ants and provide a solution just by research.

It is clear why V5 does not take the Chimera Ants seriously.

Because they also have a way to eliminate the Chimera Ants.

But even so, they still chose to let Netero go to attack the Ant King and forcibly stop everything at the cost of his life.

In the end, only the president was injured and the world was completed.

""Not bad, the research is very thorough."

Yun Ye chuckled and praised.

No wonder they all said that they should develop the technology tree first. Whoever has enjoyed it knows the sweetness of it.

If they encounter creatures that cannot be solved in the future, they can research the super star annihilation cannon to directly destroy them.

""Technology must be developed well, it will be of great use in the future."

Yun Ye said earnestly.

In the future, he is destined to go to the Dark Continent to see all kinds of creatures.

At that time, it will inevitably require some researchers to be responsible for research and come up with new solutions.

Only by continuous progress can we fight against the next crisis!

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