"The Lord is right. I have always put technology first."

Zai Yiluo agreed with Yunye.

Otherwise, he would not have specially prepared such a large laboratory to be responsible for various experiments.

As a leader, he understands the importance of technology the most.

Once he develops something that surpasses other countries, the country's status will undergo a qualitative change.

"I am very pleased that you have such awareness"

"If you encounter problems that cannot be solved later, you can contact me."

Yun Ye said appreciatively.

With the faster and faster development, the subsequent problems will not decrease, but will increase.

It may even cause disputes among V5.

At this time, Zai Yiluo's ability to adapt to changes will be tested.

"Yes, I will definitely not disappoint the Lord's expectations."

Zai Yiluo looked at Yunye with fanatical eyes.

"Very good, I'll go first."

After saying that, Yunye disappeared from the spot.

When he reappeared, he was already a shadow behind Killua.

"What are you looking at?"

The sudden voice made Killua tremble and jump forward quickly.

He didn't breathe a sigh of relief until he saw the person coming.

"Have we arrived here yet?"

Yunye looked at the trees surrounding him.

He immediately guessed that the current trial was to find a magical beast that could be transformed.

A vicious fox!

"Brother, where have you been?"

Qiya came to Yunye and asked in confusion

"There are some things that need to be resolved. Tell me about this trial."

Yunye asked. Killua didn't hesitate and directly told him the rules of this trial.

Find the family of evil foxes. If you catch them, you can complete this trial and move on to the next level.

Hearing this, Yunye began to sense the surrounding environment and found that Gra and Leke were walking slowly in the jungle.

It can be seen that they have no interest in catching evil foxes.

On the other side, Leorio was in a small wooden house taking care of the injured.

Kurapika was confronting a woman.

As for Xiaojie, he kept running on the trees, chasing the evil fox in front of him.

"What are you doing here?"

Yun Ye asked Killua in front of him.

In his perception, there was no existence or even trace of the vicious fox around.

"Catching these monsters is really boring, I came out to see if there are any other hidden levels."

Killa obviously played the game too much, and the first thing he thought of was to find a hidden level.

"Then you can search slowly. I wish you success."

Yunye suddenly disappeared from the spot and appeared behind Leorio.

At the same time, he ordered the shadow to convey the message to Gra and Leke.

"Stop pretending and get up."

A voice appeared in the quiet little house.

"You are that mighty little devil!"

Leorio turned his head quickly, with a look on his face.���He looked at Yunye in surprise.

It was obvious that the memory Yunye had given him was very deep.

""Why don't you get up, you vicious fox?"

Yunye ignored Leorio's call and walked straight to the injured man.

He gently stroked the injured part of his body with his fingers, and then pressed hard.


The man gasped in pain.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

As a doctor, Leorio would not let this happen.

But no matter how he tried to stop him, Yunye remained unmoved, his blue eyes staring at the man in front of him.

"Your companions have been captured, why don't you show up?"

Yun Ye said slowly and softly.

Looking outside the door, Gra and Leke came over, each carrying a magic beast.

Following behind them was Xiao Jie, who looked frustrated.


The man sighed and his body shape gradually changed.

The next second, a fox-like monster with slender limbs appeared in front of him.

Leorio's eyes widened in disbelief.

It turned out that he had been treating monsters instead of people, and he was deceived.

"I didn't expect you to be so powerful that you discovered my identity at a glance."

The fierce fox stood up and said helplessly

"It's too conspicuous."

Yun Ye said it honestly.

This poor disguise can easily reveal the real body at a glance.

Don't forget, he has the ability to clone disguises.

Speaking of disguise, there may be no one in the world who can be better than him.

"Boss, how do we deal with these two?"

Gra stepped forward and raised the ferocious fox in his hand and asked.

As long as Yunye said to cook and eat, he would definitely say nothing.

"Let it go, this is the examiner, you can't eat it."

Yun Ye said lightly.

This made the ferocious foxes sweat coldly and their hearts couldn't stop pounding.

If they were not examiners, they might have ended up in the stomachs of several people today.

""Rustle, rustle."

There was a sound coming from the bushes on the other side. Kurapika came here with a petite and fierce fox.

Seeing the scene in front of him, he was a little stunned, but he reacted quickly.

""It seems that I'm a little slow."

Kurapika said helplessly.

Soon, the whole family of the evil fox stood together neatly.

They comforted each other like a loving family.

"Ahem, we are the examiners of this trial."

"Each of you has your own characteristics, so I hereby approve all of you to pass the level."

"But, but we can't take so many people with us."

The fierce fox looked at the large group of people in front of him and felt a little overwhelmed.

"It's okay, we have our own transportation."

As soon as the voice fell, the shadow behind Yunye quickly expanded.

The next moment, a combat helicopter emerged.

Under the moonlight, it looked even more mysterious and dangerous.


The fierce fox was shocked when he saw this scene.

He didn't understand why Yun Ye, a person with the ability of Nian, would come to participate in the hunter trial.

But the current situation is not���He thinks so much

"Let's go."

Yunye sat in the driver's seat, and the propeller began to rotate rapidly.

Gra, Lec, and Killua quickly got on.

The rest of the people went to the next trial site with the help of the fierce fox. In the dark night, the group started their next journey.


In Saba City, in a busy ramen restaurant, the ferocious fox transformed into a human form brought a few people into the restaurant and said to the chef:

"Boss, grilled meat set meal, slow roasted over low heat."

The signal was successfully connected, and the elevator next to it opened.

"I can only take you here, and the rest is up to you."

After saying that, the fierce fox returned along the same route.

The few people walked in without hesitation.

"Is this really an elevator?"

Leorio asked in surprise when he saw the scene inside.

It was not like an ordinary elevator with only a small space. On the contrary, it was very large, like a well-prepared small room.

There was a small table in the middle for the contestants to rest.


As soon as they sat down, the elevator started to move.

Everyone could clearly feel that they were moving downwards.

A sense of weightlessness permeated everyone's body.


Not long after, with a loud bang, the elevator arrived at its destination.

Everyone stood up and the elevator door opened directly.

When they walked outside, the scene inside instantly came into view.

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