Hundreds of people gathered in an empty field, waiting for the test to begin.

Everyone's face expressed a look of"keep away from strangers", as if talking here has become a taboo.

Yunye and his group entered, but only attracted a few glances and no one paid any more attention to them.

"There are so many people."

Xiao Jie said in surprise.

He didn't expect so many people to come to participate in the hunter trial.

"Do you all want to become hunters?"

Leorio looked at the crowd in front of him with some concern.

Yunye didn't care about the number of people, but glanced inside.

"Is this guy really here?"

Sure enough, in the crowd, the long-lost Xi Suo was successfully found.

Just like before, his bright red hair was very eye-catching, and his flexible hands were playing with the poker in his hands.

As if he felt the sight, Xi Suo narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction of Yunye.

Suddenly, a strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he walked towards this side.

But before he came over, a figure had already arrived in front of Yunye before him.

"Senior Brother Yunye!"

The familiar voice made Yunye turn around.

A man with a shiny bald head, black armor, and a big smile on his face was walking towards him.

""Hanzo, long time no see, how have you been these years?"

Yunye said with a chuckle.

That's right, the person in front of him was Hanzo, a disciple of the Kumogakure!

"With the help of the senior brother, he has become a jonin."

"Now I am strong enough to go out and practice."

Hanzo proudly showed off his muscular body.

At the same time, he looked at Yunye with a look of deep gratitude.

If Yunye had not recommended him to Liuyin, his current strength might be much worse.

"It's good that you've become stronger, which means that I didn't make a mistake in choosing you."

Yunye encouraged him.

Hanzo's talent in the ninja lineage is indeed outstanding, so it's not entirely due to Yunye, but more to his own efforts.

""Mr. Yunye, have you missed me after not seeing you for so long?"

Just as the two were talking happily, Hisoka appeared from nowhere.

In an instant, Hanzo's eyes became sharp, and a powerful aura burst out of his body, rushing straight at Hisoka.

""Who are you?"

Hanzo frowned and asked loudly.

Unfortunately, this did not make Hisoka feel timid at all. Instead, he looked at Hanzo with an interesting look.

"It's okay, I know this guy."

Yunye stopped him.

Fighting here is obviously an unwise choice.

The noise here naturally attracted the attention of others, and they all had the idea of watching the show.

After all, for them, one less competitor is one less.

But they obviously don't understand how good Hisoka is at killing people.

The scene of him sitting on hundreds of corpses and playing poker in the fighting competition is still vivid in his mind.

It really made Yunye exclaim, this guy is really good at pretending


Hanzo snorted coldly and retracted his aura.

This made Hisoka, who was originally ready to fight, extinguish his desire to fight.

They were all giving Yunye a face.

Ignoring the two, Yunye's eyes were on a man with rivets all over his body. Looking closely, this man moved around like a robot that only followed the program.

After seeing Yunye looking at him, his movements were obviously stiff for a moment, but he quickly recovered.

"This old guy is really good at playing tricks."

Yun Ye was speechless.

As expected, this man was Illumi in disguise.

Once the rivets were removed, he would return to his original appearance.

""Hey, do you want some water?"

Suddenly, a voice caught Yunye's attention.

Looking sideways, a fat man was giving someone a special drink he made himself.

"My name is Dongba, let's meet each other."

Dongba's simple smile immediately made the other party let down his guard. He took the hand but did not drink it.

After all, the people present were all experienced people, and they would not easily eat or drink what others handed to them unless it was necessary.

"Newcomer killer Dongba?"

Looking at this man, Yunye suddenly remembered the legend that belonged to him.

Many people had said that this man might be Dong Fulishi, who lived in seclusion in the city and returned to the Six Continents to be a candidate who cheated people. Some people also said that his ability of mind was a transformation system, and he could add 10 times the concentration of laxatives to the unopened beverage in his hand.

Some even said that Dongba was only 16 years old.

Anyway, there are all kinds of outrageous conclusions, and to this day, no correct answer has been revealed.

"What's wrong? Do you want to drink too?"

Dongba noticed Yunye's gaze and handed him a drink with a smile.

Looking at the drink in his hand, Yunye just chuckled and drank it all.

Afterwards, he licked his lips.

"It tastes good. Do you have more?"

This sentence surprised Dongba for a moment, and he took out another bottle and handed it over.

As usual, Yunye drank it down in one gulp again, and then asked for more.

This made Dongba a little unconvinced.

In the end, under the bottle's request, Dongba gradually broke out in layers of cold sweat.

"There is no more."

Looking at Yunye stretching out his hands to ask for it, Dong Baqiang smiled and spread out his hands.

Only then did Yunye give up completely.

"Next time, you can try to increase it by 100 times."

Yunye's voice gradually faded away, but it made Dongba's heart pound wildly, and he stood there in a daze.

"The examiner hasn't come yet?"

"Really, as an examiner, he hasn't come yet. He is just playing tricks on us."

On the other side, Leorio sat on the ground and complained in boredom.

"Leorio, calm down and face the next test.

Kurapika sat cross-legged on the ground quietly, advising Leorio.���

But this made him rub his head even more angrily.

Finally, with a strong resentment throughout the whole process, the examiner walked towards this side with his slender legs.

"Hello, everyone. I am the examiner of this test."

The examiner's half-smiley voice resounded throughout the venue.

He had a mustache, squinty eyes, and a suit.

No one would have thought that this person would be the examiner of this test.

But now that the facts are in front of them, they can't help but believe it.

"Next, the trial will officially begin. Please follow me closely."

The trial was faster than expected, and there was no long speech.

The examiner took an exaggerated step forward and walked forward slowly.

Everyone present was still confused until Gon and Killua rushed forward first. Then they reacted.

For a moment, the whole venue began to sound violent footsteps.

"From now on, it all depends on your own ability."

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