Yunye looked at the two people beside him and said.

Then a black shadow attached to his body, and the thunder and lightning wrapped around every part of his body.

From a distance, he looked as sacred as the god of thunder.

"I haven't exercised for a long time."

Gela stretched his body and said lazily.

Hearing the gesture, Lecter instantly became alert, fixed the knife on his waist and made preparations.

Looking around, only three people were left in the originally crowded venue.

The others had already disappeared from sight.

"Are you all ready?"




As Yunye counted, their muscles became tense.

""Let's go!"

In an instant, Yunye rushed forward like a flash of lightning.

Everything around him was moving backwards quickly, as if traveling through time and space.

Wherever he went, he left behind a sizzling electric current.

At the same time, the large army was still moving forward quickly.

"The speed seems to be getting faster and faster.

Kurapika keenly noticed that the examiner's steps were getting bigger and bigger.

Some people behind him gradually couldn't bear it and fell to the ground, which showed that their endurance was not up to standard.

At this time, about half an hour had passed since the start.

"Killua, where are Brother Yunye and the others?"

Xiaojie looked left and right, but he didn't see Yunye and the others.

"Don't worry, my brother will definitely find a way to catch up."


As soon as the words fell, a dazzling lightning flashed past everyone, and everyone was shocked as if they were electrocuted.

Before they could react, the lightning had disappeared from their sight.

It was as if nothing had happened.

"What just happened!"

"My body seemed to be electrocuted. Is there a trap here?"

"It's really a hunter test, it's too scary."

Many people started to talk, they were a little scared by the scene just now.

Only a few people knew what had just happened.

"I've become stronger again, that's great."

Hisso looked at the darkness ahead with a smile on his face.

Just now, Hisoka seemed to have turned his head in sync and happened to meet Yunye's gaze.

But he disappeared the next second.


Just as everyone was accepting the fact, two strong winds appeared beside them.

Gra and Lec competed with each other and rushed forward at a very fast speed.

This scene infected many people, and they rushed forward one after another.

Among them were Hanzo and Killua.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a person among the candidates this year."

The examiner walking in front of us naturally noticed this phenomenon.

But he didn't care and continued to walk forward at his own speed.

After two hours, everyone finally arrived at the door.

Looking closely, they saw Yun Ye who was directing the meeting at the door.

"Yes, that one is good, and this one is also delicious."

Yun Ye pointed to several magical beasts hiding in the dark.

These are precious ingredients that are hard to come by.

Since we are here, we must take some away.

"OK boss!"


Gela and Leke nodded and started a hunt.

Soon, the monsters on the list piled up in front of Yunye.

Looking at this scene, the examiner's mouth twitched, but he did not stop it.

Since these monsters can kill people, people can naturally kill monsters.

The only disadvantage is that it is not very friendly to the subsequent assessment, after all, the monsters have been killed.

"It's too scary."

The examinee stared at the corpses of the monsters in amazement.

"The time is up, and those who follow will be eliminated."

With the announcement of the examiner, the gate was gradually closed.

Those who were about to arrive could only bang on the gate helplessly, begging for a chance.

But I'm sorry, this is the Hunter Trial.

Pity is the most worthless thing.

"Dear candidates, we are going to continue our journey."

Before they rested for a while, the examiner announced the start of the test again.

It was not until this moment that the first hunter trial really began.

The place where they were about to take the test was called the Shimeilu Wetland, which was called the lair of the fraudsters by the outside world.

There were all kinds of cunning monsters gathered there. They would disguise themselves as various traps to trick humans into stepping on them and then killing them. Some monsters would even use the voices of familiar people to mislead you.

Faced with such a dangerous place, the examiner walked into the misty jungle in front of him with his long legs as always.

"Please follow me closely, or you will get lost."

The examiner reminded.

The visibility here is no more than ten meters, and the jungle is full of hidden monsters of all kinds.

Once you get lost, death will be waiting.

This made everyone dare not relax at all, and hurriedly followed.

The chaotic footsteps sounded again.

Another round of running began.

"This is delicious too."

Yun Ye had come to the center of the Shimeilu Wetland without knowing when.

He wandered in the dangerous jungle, leisurely as if he was in an uninhabited place.

Under his instructions, many monsters died and fell to the ground, causing a sensation.

For these situations, Yun Ye naturally stretched out his shadow and accepted them all.


"Strange, where are the monsters?"

On the other side, the examiner looked around with some confusion.

In his perception, there were very few monsters within a radius of three kilometers, only a few scattered ones.

This situation was very rare.

Little did he know that all the monsters within a radius of thirty kilometers were buried under Gra's fist and Lec's blade.

"It looks dangerous here."

Leorio looked at the quiet environment around him, feeling a little scared.

"No problem here"

"There are only some residual traces."

Xiao Jie said firmly.

As he spoke, he sniffed hard with his nose.

"No problem."

Kiya waved his hand without any concern.

For him, the monsters here can be dealt with, and even if they can't, they can call for help from Yunye.

Hearing this, no one around spoke.

Unexpectedly, after three hours of travel, everyone arrived at the location safely.

The examiner looked at the densely packed candidates behind him and fell into silence.

"Where did this guy go?"

Killua looked at Hisoka with blood on his body and began to speculate.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the first test has ended."

"Total number of people who passed the customs..."

"153 people!"

The examiner said the final number with a little hesitation.

A full 153 people!

This result has never appeared in previous hunter trials.

"Is this the end?"

"I didn't expect the Hunter Trial to be so simple. This is a sure win."

"Something is wrong, 150% wrong."

Some people are happy, and some are confused.

Many people feel that this hunter test is too simple, and the whole process is just a simple run.

If it were in the past, at least half of the people would die.

This is the real hunter test.

"Okay, everyone, please follow me to the lounge."

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